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A qualidade de sementes de cafeeiro é de fundamental importância para a obtenção de mudas vigorosas e sadias. As condições de produção das sementes tem um efeito marcante na qualidade das mesmas e a disponibilidade hídrica e o espaçamento adequados garantem a formação e o bom desempenho dessas sementes para obtenção de mudas. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a qualidade das sementes de cafeeiro (Coffea arábica, L.) cultivar Rubi MG-1192, produzidas em diferentes densidades de plantio e regimes hídricos. Foram utilizados duas densidades de plantio (3.333 plantas ha-1 e 10.000 plantas ha-1) e cinco regimes de irrigação por gotejamento (irrigações o ano todo quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a (i) 20 kPa, (ii) 60 kPa, irrigações quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a (iii) 20 kPa e (iv) 60 kPa com repouso nos meses de julho e agosto e (v) balanço hídrico climatológico (BHC) - software Irriplus. As sementes foram produzidas na safra de 2010. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Além da produção total foi avaliada a qualidade das sementes produzidas pelos dos testes de primeira contagem de germinação, germinação, tetrazólio, índice de velocidade de emergência, estande inicial, emergência de plântulas. O regime hídrico e densidade de plantio não afetaram a germinação de sementes de café, mas afetaram seu vigor. Em densidades de 3.333 o estande inicial e a velocidade de emergência das plântulas foram favorecidos pela irrigação quando realizada com base no balanço hídrico climatológico (BHC) em turnos fixos de três vezes por semana.
The quality of coffee seeds is of fundamental importance to the obtaining of vigorous and healthy seedlings. The seed-producing conditions have a marked effect on the quality of the m e the water availability and the adequate spacing warrant the establishment and the good performance of these seed for the obtaining of seedlings. It was aimed through the present work to evaluate the quality of the coffee seeds (Coffea arabica, L.) cultivar Rubi MG- 1192, produced at different planting densities and water regimes. Two planting densities (3.333 plants/ha and 10.000 plants/ha) and five dripping irrigation regimes (irrigation throughout the year when soil water tension reached values close to (i) 20 kPa, (ii) 60 kPa, irrigations when soil water tension reached values close to (iii) 20 kPa and (iv) 60 kPa with rest in the months of July and August and (v) climatologic water balance (BHC) - software Irriplus, were utilized. The seeds were produced in the 2010 crop. The experimental design utilized was in randomized blocks in split plot with four replicates. Ina addition to the total production, also the quality of the seeds produced by the tests of first germination count, germination, tetrazolium, emergency velocity index, initial stand, seedling emergence were evaluated. The water regime and planting density did not affect the germination of coffee seeds, but they affected their vigor. At densities of 3.333, the initial stand and seedling emergency velocity were supported buy irrigation when performed based on the climatologic water balance (BHC) in fixed shifts of three times a week.
The quality of coffee seeds is of fundamental importance to the obtaining of vigorous and healthy seedlings. The seed-producing conditions have a marked effect on the quality of the m e the water availability and the adequate spacing warrant the establishment and the good performance of these seed for the obtaining of seedlings. It was aimed through the present work to evaluate the quality of the coffee seeds (Coffea arabica, L.) cultivar Rubi MG- 1192, produced at different planting densities and water regimes. Two planting densities (3.333 plants/ha and 10.000 plants/ha) and five dripping irrigation regimes (irrigation throughout the year when soil water tension reached values close to (i) 20 kPa, (ii) 60 kPa, irrigations when soil water tension reached values close to (iii) 20 kPa and (iv) 60 kPa with rest in the months of July and August and (v) climatologic water balance (BHC) - software Irriplus, were utilized. The seeds were produced in the 2010 crop. The experimental design utilized was in randomized blocks in split plot with four replicates. Ina addition to the total production, also the quality of the seeds produced by the tests of first germination count, germination, tetrazolium, emergency velocity index, initial stand, seedling emergence were evaluated. The water regime and planting density did not affect the germination of coffee seeds, but they affected their vigor. At densities of 3.333, the initial stand and seedling emergency velocity were supported buy irrigation when performed based on the climatologic water balance (BHC) in fixed shifts of three times a week.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café irrigado, espaçamento, germinação., irrigated coffee, spacing, germination.
Coelho, Stefânia Vilas Bôas; Carvalho, Maria Laene Moreira de; Scalco, Myriane Stella; Pena, Daniel Toledo; Freire, Ana Izabella. Qualidade de sementes de cafeeiro produzidas em lavouras sob diferentes densidades de plantio e regimes hídricos. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.