Ações públicas e privadas na implantação e desenvolvimento da indicação geográfica do café em Minas Gerais: evolução e perspectivas das iniciativas na visão de seus gestores
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A indicação geográfica (IG) de produtos agroalimentares é um tema recente na realidade do agronegócio brasileiro, ainda em desenvolvimento pelas instituições do país. A IG apresenta-se como uma alternativa de desenvolvimento social e econômico, importante para valorizar o agronegócio brasileiro. O desenvolvimento das IGs do café se assenta em bases semelhantes às dos vinhos, pois a qualidade da bebida se relaciona intrinsecamente com as condições de clima e solo da região onde são produzidos. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as divergências e as convergências entre as ações e as iniciativas dos setores público e privado na implantação e no desenvolvimento da indicação geográfica do café, em Minas Gerais, sob dois pontos de vista: da ação estatal, que delimita formalmente o território certificado e protege a propriedade intelectual do produto e do engajamento da comunidade local, que se une em torno de um ideal de valorização do território e de suas raízes culturais, sociais e condições edafoclimáticas. A fundamentação teórica trouxe elementos para uma análise multidimensional, abordando conceitos de vertente social, institucional, organizacional e econômica das Indicações Geográficas. Quanto aos aspectos metodológicos, trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratório- descritiva de natureza qualitativa ,realizada por meio do estudo de dois casos, mais exatamente de duas regiões produtoras de café do estado de Minas Gerais formalmente demarcadas. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram a entrevista com o roteiro semiestruturado e a pesquisa documental. A técnica de análise de dados utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados encontrados foram que, desde 1996 até os dias atuais, o governo do estado de Minas Gerais tem implementado as seguintes políticas públicas de incentivo da cadeia produtiva do café: Certicafé, Agrominas e Certifica Minas. O foco do Certicafé foi a implantação da certificação de origem do café a partir de 1996 e a demarcação de quatro grandes áreas produtoras de café. A estrutura de implantação do programa teve uma série de equívocos que prejudicaram o cumprimento de seus objetivos e, a partir de 2000, o programa foi se “esvaziando” e entrou em declínio. Em 2004, veio o Agrominas, com propostas para a melhoria da infra-estrutura da cadeia produtiva do café, mas que não previa uma continuidade do programa anterior ou, mesmo, propunha uma diferente estratégia de certificação ou diferenciação do café de Minas Gerais. A partir de 2008, iniciou-se o programa Certifica Minas, propondo a implementação de um certificado baseado em “boas práticas agrícolas”. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que as políticas públicas não tiveram continuidade ou mesmo complementaridade de ações, prejudicando a implantação programas que visavam obter a diferenciação do café e que demandavam uma estratégia de implementação de longo prazo. Paralelamente às ações do governo de Minas Gerais, associações de cafeicultores empreendiam ações para obter o reconhecimento de IGs em regiões menores que as demarcadas no âmbito do Certicafé. Estas ações privadas foram essenciais no desenvolvimento das IGs do café em Minas Gerais e consolidaram-se, independentemente do apoio dos governos estadual e federal. Estas associações de cafeicultores desempenharam importantes papéis de mobilização dos cafeicultores da região, divulgação da marca da IG e coordenação com o restante da cadeia produtiva. A relação entre público e privado apresentou divergências e convergências de ações e/ou opiniões que influenciaram o desenvolvimento das IGs do café em Minas Gerais.
The Geographical Indication (GI) of agro-food products is a recent theme in the reality of the Brazilian agribusiness, still under development by the institutions of the country. GI presents itself as a social and economical development alternative, being an important alternative, giving value Brazilian agribusines. The development of coffee GIs is based on that similar to wine, because the drink quality is intrinsically linked with the climate and soil conditions of the area where they are produced. In this sense, the general objective of this research was to analyze the divergences and convergences between the actions and initiatives of the public and private sectors, in the implantation and development of the Geographical Indication of coffee in Minas Gerais under two points of view: the state action, that formally delimits the certified territory and protects the intellectual property of the product; and the engagement of the local community, which unites around an ideal of valorization of territory and its cultural and social roots and edafoclimatic conditions. The theoretical foundation brought elements for an multidimensional analysis, approaching concepts in the social, institutional, organizational and economical realm of the Geographical Indications. As for the methodological aspects, it deals with an exploratory-descriptive research of qualitative nature carried out through the study of two cases, more precisely, of two coffee producing areas in the state of Minas Gerais formally demarcated. The data collection techniques were the interview, with a semi-structured script and documental research. The data analysis technique used was that of content analysis. The principal results found were that since 1996 until the present day, the government of Minas Gerais has been implementing the following public policies of incentives for the coffee production chain: CERTICAFÉ, AGROMINAS and CERTIFICA MINAS. The focus of CERTICAFÉ was the implantation of coffee origin certification beginning in 1996 and the demarcation of four large coffee producing areas. The implantation structure of the program had a series of misunderstandings which compromised the execution of its objectives and starting from 2000 the program began “drying-up” and entered in decline. In 2004 AGROMINAS came in with improvement proposals for the coffee productive chain infrastructure, but that did not foresee a continuity of the previous program or even propose a different certification strategy or differentiation of the Minas Gerais coffee. From 2008 the program CERTIFICA MINAS began proposing the implementation of a certificate based on “good agricultural practices.” In this sense, it is concluded that the public policies did not have a continuity or even complementarity of their actions, harming the implantation programs that sought the differentiation of the coffee and which demanded a long term implementation strategy. Parallel to government action from Minas Gerais, coffee grower associations undertook action to obtain the recognition of GIs in smaller areas than those delineated under the scope of CERTICAFÉ. These private actions were essential to the development of Minas Gerais coffee GIs and consolidated themselves independently of state and federal government support. These coffee grower associations played important roles in the mobilization of the area coffee growers, the popularization of the GI mark, and coordination with the rest of the productive chain. In this sense, the relationship between public and private presented divergence and convergence of action and/or opinion which influenced in the development of GIs of coffee in Minas Gerais.
The Geographical Indication (GI) of agro-food products is a recent theme in the reality of the Brazilian agribusiness, still under development by the institutions of the country. GI presents itself as a social and economical development alternative, being an important alternative, giving value Brazilian agribusines. The development of coffee GIs is based on that similar to wine, because the drink quality is intrinsically linked with the climate and soil conditions of the area where they are produced. In this sense, the general objective of this research was to analyze the divergences and convergences between the actions and initiatives of the public and private sectors, in the implantation and development of the Geographical Indication of coffee in Minas Gerais under two points of view: the state action, that formally delimits the certified territory and protects the intellectual property of the product; and the engagement of the local community, which unites around an ideal of valorization of territory and its cultural and social roots and edafoclimatic conditions. The theoretical foundation brought elements for an multidimensional analysis, approaching concepts in the social, institutional, organizational and economical realm of the Geographical Indications. As for the methodological aspects, it deals with an exploratory-descriptive research of qualitative nature carried out through the study of two cases, more precisely, of two coffee producing areas in the state of Minas Gerais formally demarcated. The data collection techniques were the interview, with a semi-structured script and documental research. The data analysis technique used was that of content analysis. The principal results found were that since 1996 until the present day, the government of Minas Gerais has been implementing the following public policies of incentives for the coffee production chain: CERTICAFÉ, AGROMINAS and CERTIFICA MINAS. The focus of CERTICAFÉ was the implantation of coffee origin certification beginning in 1996 and the demarcation of four large coffee producing areas. The implantation structure of the program had a series of misunderstandings which compromised the execution of its objectives and starting from 2000 the program began “drying-up” and entered in decline. In 2004 AGROMINAS came in with improvement proposals for the coffee productive chain infrastructure, but that did not foresee a continuity of the previous program or even propose a different certification strategy or differentiation of the Minas Gerais coffee. From 2008 the program CERTIFICA MINAS began proposing the implementation of a certificate based on “good agricultural practices.” In this sense, it is concluded that the public policies did not have a continuity or even complementarity of their actions, harming the implantation programs that sought the differentiation of the coffee and which demanded a long term implementation strategy. Parallel to government action from Minas Gerais, coffee grower associations undertook action to obtain the recognition of GIs in smaller areas than those delineated under the scope of CERTICAFÉ. These private actions were essential to the development of Minas Gerais coffee GIs and consolidated themselves independently of state and federal government support. These coffee grower associations played important roles in the mobilization of the area coffee growers, the popularization of the GI mark, and coordination with the rest of the productive chain. In this sense, the relationship between public and private presented divergence and convergence of action and/or opinion which influenced in the development of GIs of coffee in Minas Gerais.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Indicação geográfica, Certificação, Políticas públicas em Minas Gerais
DUTRA, D. M .R. Ações públicas e privadas na implantação e desenvolvimento da indicação geográfica do café em Minas Gerais: evolução e perspectivas das iniciativas na visão de seus gestores. 2009. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2009.