Mercado para o café em grão do estado do Acre
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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o estágio atual e as perspectivas de oferta de café em grãos pelo setor primário do Estado do Acre e confrontar com a demanda por parte das indústrias de torrefação e moagem, considerando as atuais circunstâncias de mercado. Para determinação da oferta, foram feitas projeções da produção de grãos até a safra de 2001/2002, com base no levantamento efetuado em 1999 nas propriedades agrícolas cafeeiras do Estado. A demanda foi estimada por meio de consulta às indústrias de café em pó. Utilizaram-se as técnicas tabular, gráfica e descritiva para análise dos dados. Verificou-se que, entre 2000 e 2001, o Acre já será auto-suficiente em grãos de café da espécie Canephora e, nos anos subseqüentes, irá gerar excedentes dessa matéria-prima. Para café da espécie Arábica, a produção local não será suficiente para abastecer as indústrias locais, no período sob análise, havendo necessidade de importação desses grãos. Existe risco de queda na qualidade do café em pó produzido no Estado, devido à possibilidade de as indústrias procederem a alterações nos blends, pela maior disponibilidade e pelo menor custo do café Canephora.
The objective of this study was to determine the perspectives for supply of coffee in grains for the Primary section state of Acre and to confront with the demand for powder coffee industries, considering the market circumstances. For determination of the supply, projections of the production of grains were made into the harvest of 2001/2002, with base in the survey made in 1999 in the coffee agricultural properties in the State. The demand was esteemed through consultation to industries. It was used the methods tabulate, graphics and descriptive for analysis of the data. It was verified that between 2000 and 2001 Acre will already be self-sufficient in coffee of the species Canephora and in the subsequent years it will generate surpluses of that inputs. For coffee of the Arabic species, the local production won't be enough to supply the local industries, in the period under analysis, having need of import of those grains. There is risk to quality of the powdered coffee produced in the State, due to possibility of the industries they proceed to alterations in the blends, for the readiness and smaller cost of the coffee Canephora.
The objective of this study was to determine the perspectives for supply of coffee in grains for the Primary section state of Acre and to confront with the demand for powder coffee industries, considering the market circumstances. For determination of the supply, projections of the production of grains were made into the harvest of 2001/2002, with base in the survey made in 1999 in the coffee agricultural properties in the State. The demand was esteemed through consultation to industries. It was used the methods tabulate, graphics and descriptive for analysis of the data. It was verified that between 2000 and 2001 Acre will already be self-sufficient in coffee of the species Canephora and in the subsequent years it will generate surpluses of that inputs. For coffee of the Arabic species, the local production won't be enough to supply the local industries, in the period under analysis, having need of import of those grains. There is risk to quality of the powdered coffee produced in the State, due to possibility of the industries they proceed to alterations in the blends, for the readiness and smaller cost of the coffee Canephora.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café em grão Mercado, Supply Demand Canephora coffee Arabic coffee.
Santos, Jair Carvalho dos; Veiga, Sandra Aparecida. Mercado para o café em grão do estado do Acre. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 2261-2267.