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Entre os diversos fungos que ocorrem em cafeeiro, espécies do gênero Colletotrichum têm sido objeto de estudo por diferentes grupos de pesquisa. A identificação das espécies de Colletotrichum tem se baseado em características genéticas, morfológicas e culturais. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar isolados de Colletotrichum spp. obtidos de lavouras cafeeiras das principais regiões produtoras do Estado do Paraná. A caracterização morfológica foi realizada com base no aspecto, mucilagem e coloração da colônia, crescimento micelial, morfologia e germinação de conídios. Os isolados apresentaram, predominantemente, colônias com aspecto cotonoso, coloração esverdeada e mucilagem de cor laranja. O crescimento micelial variou de 0,28 a 0,59 cm/dia, sendo 14% dos isolados entre 0,28 a 0,34 cm/dia e 86% entre 0,40 a 0,59 cm/dia. Com relação à morfologia dos conídios, 86% dos isolados apresentaram conídios cilíndricos com dimensões entre 12,0 a 17,2 μm X 3,3 a 7,2 μm e 14% com formato obcláveo com 9,75 a 16,0 μm X 3,6 a 5,0 μm. Com relação à germinação dos conídios, 24% dos isolados iniciaram o processo de germinação 4 horas após a incubação e 88% germinaram após 48 horas de incubação. O mesmo foi observado para a formação de apressórios, no qual 70% dos isolados formaram apressórios após 48 horas de incubação. Com base nestas características foi possível inferir que isolados obtidos de cafeeiros do Estado do Paraná apresentam as mesmas características que a espécie C. gloeosporioides.
Among several fungi that occur on coffee plants, species of the genus Colletotrichum have been studied by different groups of research. The identification of species of Colletotrichum is based on genetic, morphological and cultural characteristics. Thus, this study aimed to characterize isolates of Colletotrichum spp. obtained from coffee from major producing regions of Paraná State. The morphological characterization was based on appearance, mucilage and color of the colony, mycelium growth, morphology and germination of conidia. The colonies had, predominantly, a cotton appearance, greenish color and orange-colored mucilage. The mycelial growth of the isolates ranged from 0,28 to 0,59 cm/day, with 14% of 0,28 to 0,34 cm/day and 86% of 0,40 to 0,59 cm/day. In regard to the morphology of the conidia, 86% showed cylindrical shape with sizes between 12,0 to 17,2 μm X 3,3 to 7,2 μm and 14% had an obclavate shape with 9,75 to 16,0 μm X 3,6 to 5,0 μm. During the period of germination of conidia, 24% of the isolates start the process of germination within 4 hours after incubation and 88% germinated after 48 hours of incubation. Formation of apressoria was observed for 70% of the isolates after 48 hours of incubation. Based on these characteristics it was possible to conclude that isolates obtained from coffee in the State of Paraná showed the same characteristics as C. gloeosporioides.
Among several fungi that occur on coffee plants, species of the genus Colletotrichum have been studied by different groups of research. The identification of species of Colletotrichum is based on genetic, morphological and cultural characteristics. Thus, this study aimed to characterize isolates of Colletotrichum spp. obtained from coffee from major producing regions of Paraná State. The morphological characterization was based on appearance, mucilage and color of the colony, mycelium growth, morphology and germination of conidia. The colonies had, predominantly, a cotton appearance, greenish color and orange-colored mucilage. The mycelial growth of the isolates ranged from 0,28 to 0,59 cm/day, with 14% of 0,28 to 0,34 cm/day and 86% of 0,40 to 0,59 cm/day. In regard to the morphology of the conidia, 86% showed cylindrical shape with sizes between 12,0 to 17,2 μm X 3,3 to 7,2 μm and 14% had an obclavate shape with 9,75 to 16,0 μm X 3,6 to 5,0 μm. During the period of germination of conidia, 24% of the isolates start the process of germination within 4 hours after incubation and 88% germinated after 48 hours of incubation. Formation of apressoria was observed for 70% of the isolates after 48 hours of incubation. Based on these characteristics it was possible to conclude that isolates obtained from coffee in the State of Paraná showed the same characteristics as C. gloeosporioides.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Colletotrichum spp., café, antracnose., Colletotrichum spp., coffee, anthracnose.
Cordeiro, Andrey Barbosa; Gonçalves, Juliana Soares; Silva, Michele Regina Lopes da; Marçal, Viviane Vieira Marques; Leite Júnior, Rui Pereira. Caracterização morfológica e cultural de isolados de Colletotrichum spp. obtidos de cafeeiros no estado do Paraná. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.