Fungos patogênicos a insetos-praga Monalonium annulipes do cacaueiro e Hypothenemus hampei do cafeeiro, no Território da Transamazônica e Xingu, PA, e seu potencial biotecnológico.
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Universidade Federal do Amazonas
O interesse pelo uso de microrganismos entomopatogênicos na agricultura vêm aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos, diante dos problemas inerentes à inadequada utilização de agrotóxicos, pelo acúmulo de resíduos no ambiente e desequilíbrios ecológicos. Atualmente, as instituições de pesquisa estão preocupadas em identificar um maior número de microrganismos com potencial de utilização no controle biológico de pragas que sejam adaptados ao ecossistema local. Por questões econômicas, tem aumentado a procura por tecnologias que contribuam para uma agricultura sustentável e como resposta, o controle microbiano, mais precisamente com fungos entomopatogênicos é uma alternativa promissora. O cacaueiro é a principal cultura do Território da Transamazônica e Xingu, Pará, sendo o município de Medicilândia o maior produtor brasileiro. O cafeeiro é uma cultura que teve grande expressão na região, especialmente Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, e apresenta potencial para se tornar grande cultura devido a disponibilidade de áreas. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo a identificação de fungos entomopatogênicos de ocorrência natural que poderão ser utilizados no biocontrole de insetos-praga de plantas cultivadas, visando o menor desequilíbrio ao meio ambiente. Como objetivos específicos propôs-se a: i) coletar, isolar, identificar e caracterizar fungos entomopatogênicos de ocorrência em insetos- praga das culturas do cafeeiro e cacaueiro; ii) avaliar a eficácia de agentes microbianos identificados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em condições controladas e; iii) testar a produção de enzimas quitinases, pectinases, amilases, celulases e lipases nos isolados obtidos e identificá-los por métodos clássico e molecular. O trabalho teve inicio com várias visitas em áreas de pastagens, capoeiras e lavouras de cacaueiros e cafeeiros nos municípios de Altamira, Brasil Novo e Medicilândia. Os insetos parasitados encontrados foram brocas-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei), no cafeeiro, um inseto da ordem Hemiptera, não identificado, e monalonium (Monalonium annulipes), no cacaueiro, todos colonizados por fungos. Nos locais onde foram encontrados os insetos parasitados, coletou-se solos para possível identificação de isolados entomopatogênicos, exceto onde foi encontrado o monalônio. Foram encontrados 14 isolados de fungos colonizando insetos, sendo as principais espécies Verticillium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Hiphopichia burtonii e Fusarium sp. e no solo Rhinocladiella sp.,Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Verticillium sp. e Pseudallescheria boydii. Na análise da atividade enzimática observou-se que os isolados do solo apresentaram as maiores degradações dos substratos testados. No bioensaio realizado contra broca-do-café, com 7 isolados, os que apresntaram maior índice de mortalidade foram H. burtonii, e Icaf 5, com 96, 94 e 62%, respectivamente, sendo os mais patogênicos. Contra o monalônio, o isolado Icac 3, Fusarium sp, colonizou 96% dos insetos nos dez dias de avaliação. Assim, considera-se que os isolados estudados demonstraram potencial importante para serem introduzidos em programas de biocontrole, com perspectivas de resultados promissores para controle microbiano de insetos-praga e atividade enzimática.
Interest in the use of entomopathogenic microorganisms in agriculture have increased significantly in recent years, faced with problems of inadequate use of pesticides, the accumulation of waste on the environment and ecological imbalances. Currently, the research institutions are concerned to identify a greater number of microorganisms with potential use in biological control of pests that are adapted to the local ecosystem. On economic issues, has increased the demand for technologies that contribute to sustainable agriculture and in response, microbial control, more precisely with entomopathogenic fungi is a promising alternative. Cacao is the main crop of the Trans Territory and Xingu, Pará, and the municipality of Medicilândia the largest Brazilian producer. The coffee is a crop that had great expression in the region, especially Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, and has the potential to become important culture due to availability of culturable areas. In this context, the study aimed to identify naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi that could be used in biocontrol of insect pests of cultivated plants, seeking the lowest imbalance to the environment. The specific objectives aimed to: i) collect, isolate, identify and characterize the occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in insect pest of coffee and cocoa, ii) evaluate the effectiveness of microbial agents identified as the pathogenicity and virulence under controlled conditions and iii) testing the production of chitinase enzymes, pectinases, amylases, cellulases and lipases in the isolates obtained and identify them by molecular and classical methods. The work began with several hits on pastures, barns and crops of cocoa and coffee in the municipalities of Altamira, Brazil and New Medicilândia. The parasitized insects were coffee borers (H. hampei) one insect of the order Hemiptera, unidentified, and M. annulipes (monalônio) in cocoa, all colonized by fungi. Where were found parasitized insects, soil was collected for possible identification of entomopathogenic isolates, except where it was found monalônio. We found 14 isolates of fungi colonizing insects, being the main species Verticillium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Hiphopichia burtonii and Fusarium sp. and soil Rhinocladiella sp., Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Verticillium sp. and Pseudallescheria boydii. The analysis of enzymatic activity observed that soil isolates showed the largest degradation of substrates. Inbioassay performed against coffee berry borer, with 7 isolates, which have shown highest mortality two H. burtonii, and Icaf 5 were the most pathogenic. Monalônio against the isolated Fusarium sp, colonized 96% of the insects in the ten-day trial. Thus, it is considered that the strains showed significant potential to be introduced in biocontrol programs, with prospects promising results for microbial control of insect pests and enzyme activity.
Interest in the use of entomopathogenic microorganisms in agriculture have increased significantly in recent years, faced with problems of inadequate use of pesticides, the accumulation of waste on the environment and ecological imbalances. Currently, the research institutions are concerned to identify a greater number of microorganisms with potential use in biological control of pests that are adapted to the local ecosystem. On economic issues, has increased the demand for technologies that contribute to sustainable agriculture and in response, microbial control, more precisely with entomopathogenic fungi is a promising alternative. Cacao is the main crop of the Trans Territory and Xingu, Pará, and the municipality of Medicilândia the largest Brazilian producer. The coffee is a crop that had great expression in the region, especially Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, and has the potential to become important culture due to availability of culturable areas. In this context, the study aimed to identify naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi that could be used in biocontrol of insect pests of cultivated plants, seeking the lowest imbalance to the environment. The specific objectives aimed to: i) collect, isolate, identify and characterize the occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in insect pest of coffee and cocoa, ii) evaluate the effectiveness of microbial agents identified as the pathogenicity and virulence under controlled conditions and iii) testing the production of chitinase enzymes, pectinases, amylases, cellulases and lipases in the isolates obtained and identify them by molecular and classical methods. The work began with several hits on pastures, barns and crops of cocoa and coffee in the municipalities of Altamira, Brazil and New Medicilândia. The parasitized insects were coffee borers (H. hampei) one insect of the order Hemiptera, unidentified, and M. annulipes (monalônio) in cocoa, all colonized by fungi. Where were found parasitized insects, soil was collected for possible identification of entomopathogenic isolates, except where it was found monalônio. We found 14 isolates of fungi colonizing insects, being the main species Verticillium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Hiphopichia burtonii and Fusarium sp. and soil Rhinocladiella sp., Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Verticillium sp. and Pseudallescheria boydii. The analysis of enzymatic activity observed that soil isolates showed the largest degradation of substrates. Inbioassay performed against coffee berry borer, with 7 isolates, which have shown highest mortality two H. burtonii, and Icaf 5 were the most pathogenic. Monalônio against the isolated Fusarium sp, colonized 96% of the insects in the ten-day trial. Thus, it is considered that the strains showed significant potential to be introduced in biocontrol programs, with prospects promising results for microbial control of insect pests and enzyme activity.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal do Amazonas.
Controle microbiano, Atividade enzimática, Microrganismos, Monalônio, Broca-do-café, Biotecnologia
MOREIRA, S. M. C. O. Fungos patogênicos a insetos-praga Monalonium annulipes do cacaueiro e Hypothenemus hampei do cafeeiro, no Território da Transamazônica e Xingu, PA, e seu potencial biotecnológico. 2012. 96 f. Tese (Doutorado em Biotecnologia) - Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus. 2012.