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Estudos sobre a distribuição espacial de populações de pragas em culturas comerciais são de grande importância. No entanto esse tipo de estudo é ainda pouco praticado devido principalmente a grande mão-de-obra exigida. Coleópteros desfolhadores, em especial Naupactus curtus Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), cerambicídeos e crisomelídeos são responsáveis por consideráveis prejuízos no cultivo do café. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a distribuição espacial de N. curtus, cerambicídeos e chrysomelídeos em Coffea arabica. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Ponte Nova-MG numa lavoura de café da variedade catuaí vermelho. Foram confeccionadas armadilhas de garrafa pet vermelha contendo frasco difusor com cairomônio a base dos álcoois metanol, etanol (3:1) e a concentração de 1% de benzaldeído (substância volátil). Na base da armadilha era adicionado água e sabão na concentração de 1%. As armadilhas foram georeferenciadas na lavoura e espaçadas em grupos de 10 armadilhas distanciadas a 0,76 x 1,50 m; 1,52 x 3,00 m; 3,04 x 6,00 m; 7,60 x 7,50 m; 9,12 x 9,00 m; 12,16 x 12,00 m; 13,68 x 13,50 m; 15,20 x 15,00 m; 16,72 x 16,50 m e 21,28 x 21,00 m, fixadas na planta de café a 1,5 m de altura. Semanalmente, as armadilhas eram coletadas com auxílio de um saco plástico. Em laboratório foi realizado a contagem das morfoespécies. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de Moran. As principais espécies encontradas foram N. curtus, Cerambicidae sp1, Chrysomelidae sp1. e Chrysomelidae sp2 que são coleópteros desfolhadores. Verificou-se que as densidades de todos os coleópteros apresentaram dependência espacial. Para os coleópteros estudados observou-se que os insetos iniciaram o ataque pelas bordas da lavoura com diminuição da população dessas pragas em direção ao centro da lavoura. Os dados de distribuição espacial para os quatro insetos estudadas mostram que as bordas são os locais onde se deve realizar o controle, pois é onde se tem o ataque no inicio do aparecimento dos mesmos. Pode-se concluir com o trabalho que o conhecimento da distribuição espacial dessas pragas é importante para se evitar a distribuição das mesmas em toda área, auxílio que proporciona no desenvolvimento de planos de amostragem e no planejamento de experimentos no campo e menor gasto com inseticidas.
Studies on the spatial distribution of populations of pests on commercial crops are of great importance. However this type of study is not practical due to high labor required. Coleopterous defoliators, especially Naupactus curtus Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Cerambycidae and chrysomelids are responsible for considerable losses in the coffee cultivation. So, the objective of this work was to study the spatial distribution of Naupactus curtus, Cerambycidae and chryzomelídeos in Coffea Arabica. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Ponte Nova-MG in a crop of the variety of coffee Catuaí vermelho. Traps were made of red pet bottle containing diffuser with kairomones the basis of methanol, ethanol (3:1) and the concentration of the benzaldehyde (volatile substance) was 1%. Traps were georeferenced and spaced in a crop in groups of 10 traps spacing 0.76 x 1.50 m; 1,52 x 3,00 m; 3,04 x 6,00 m; 7,60 x 7,50 m; 9,12 x 9,00 m; 12,16 x 12,00 m; 13,68 x 13,50 m; 15,20 x15,00 m; 16,72 x 16,50 m e 21,28 x21,00 m, fixed in the coffee plant to 1.5 m height. Weekly, the traps were collected using a plastic bag. In laboratory was performed counting the morphospecies. The data were submitted to the test of Moran. The principal the species found were N. curtus, Cerambicidae sp1, Chrysomelidae sp1. and Chrysomelidae sp2 which are defoliators coleopterous. It was found that the densities of all Coleopterous showed spatial dependence. For all Coleopterous studied was observed that the insects began to attack the edges of the crop, decreasing population of these pests to the center of the crop. The data from spatial distribution to the four insects studied show that the edges are the places where you should make the control, because it is where the attack early in the emergence of these. It can be concluded with the work that the knowledge of the spatial distribution of these pests is important to prevent the distribution of the same in all culture, providing support in developing sampling plans and the planning of experiments in the field and less spent on insecticides.
Studies on the spatial distribution of populations of pests on commercial crops are of great importance. However this type of study is not practical due to high labor required. Coleopterous defoliators, especially Naupactus curtus Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Cerambycidae and chrysomelids are responsible for considerable losses in the coffee cultivation. So, the objective of this work was to study the spatial distribution of Naupactus curtus, Cerambycidae and chryzomelídeos in Coffea Arabica. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Ponte Nova-MG in a crop of the variety of coffee Catuaí vermelho. Traps were made of red pet bottle containing diffuser with kairomones the basis of methanol, ethanol (3:1) and the concentration of the benzaldehyde (volatile substance) was 1%. Traps were georeferenced and spaced in a crop in groups of 10 traps spacing 0.76 x 1.50 m; 1,52 x 3,00 m; 3,04 x 6,00 m; 7,60 x 7,50 m; 9,12 x 9,00 m; 12,16 x 12,00 m; 13,68 x 13,50 m; 15,20 x15,00 m; 16,72 x 16,50 m e 21,28 x21,00 m, fixed in the coffee plant to 1.5 m height. Weekly, the traps were collected using a plastic bag. In laboratory was performed counting the morphospecies. The data were submitted to the test of Moran. The principal the species found were N. curtus, Cerambicidae sp1, Chrysomelidae sp1. and Chrysomelidae sp2 which are defoliators coleopterous. It was found that the densities of all Coleopterous showed spatial dependence. For all Coleopterous studied was observed that the insects began to attack the edges of the crop, decreasing population of these pests to the center of the crop. The data from spatial distribution to the four insects studied show that the edges are the places where you should make the control, because it is where the attack early in the emergence of these. It can be concluded with the work that the knowledge of the spatial distribution of these pests is important to prevent the distribution of the same in all culture, providing support in developing sampling plans and the planning of experiments in the field and less spent on insecticides.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
cafeicultura, Coffea arabica, Coleoptera, dinâmica espacial, crop of coffee, Coffea arabica, Coleoptera, spatial dinamic
Fernandes, Flávio Lemes; Galdino, Tarcísio Visitin da Silva; Campos, Mateus Ribeiro; Queiroz, Renan Batista de; Picanço, Marcelo Coutinho; Dângelo, Rômulo Augusto Cotta. Distribuição espacial de coleópteros em Coffea arabica. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.