Características produtivas do cafeeiro arábica irrigado por pivô central na região de Lavras/MG
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O manejo da irrigação na cultura do café (Coffea sp.) tem sido objeto de estudo de vários pesquisadores, com o objetivo de definir o valor do coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) a ser usado para estimar a evapotranspiração da lavoura cafeeira. A adoção de um único valor para diferentes épocas do ano pode resultar em déficit hídrico ou desperdício de água e insumos. Com este trabalho, objetivou- se avaliar características produtivas do cafeeiro cultivar “Rubi” (Coffea arabica L.) irrigado por pivô central, submetido a diferentes lâminas de água. O experimento foi desenvolvido na área experimental da Universidade Federal de Lavras. Os tratamentos corresponderam a lâminas de água aplicadas em função de porcentagens de valores do coeficiente de cultura (Kc) pré-definidos, ou seja: 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% e 140% dos valores de Kc iguais a 1,10 (jan-mar), 0,90 (abr-jul), 1,30 (ago-out), 1,15 (nov-dez), além de um tratamento sem irrigação (testemunha). A irrigação da lavoura cafeeira proporcionou para as safras 2007 e 2008 produtividade anual superior às parcelas não irrigadas. O tratamento com lâmina de 100% do Kc foi o que apresentou a maior produtividade em ambas as safras. Recomendam-se, para região sul de Minas Gerais, os valores de Kc iguais a 1,10 (jan-mar), 0,90 (abr-jul), 1,30 (ago-out), 1,15 (nov- dez). A qualidade dos grãos do café foi influenciada pela irrigação.
Irrigation management in coffee (Coffea sp.) has been studied by several researchers in order to set the crop coefficient value (Kc) to be used to estimate evapotranspiration of coffee plantations. The adoption of a single value for different times of the year can result in water deficit or wastage of water and inputs. This work aimed to evaluate the productive characteristics of the coffee cultivar “Rubi” (Coffea arabica L.) irrigated with a central pivot, subjected to different water levels. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area at the Universidade Federal de Lavras. The treatments consisted of levels of water applied according to the percentages of pre-defined crop coefficient values (Kc) as follows: 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% and 140% of the Kc values equal to 1, 10 (Jan-Mar), 0.90 (Apr-July), 1,30 (Aug-out), 1,15 (Nov-Dec), and a non-irrigated treatment (control). Irrigation of the coffee plantation provided an annual productivity superior to non-irrigated plots for the 2007 and 2008 harvests. Treatment with water levels of 100% of Kc presented the highest productivity in both harvests. These results led to the recommendations for the southern region of Minas Gerais, Kc values equal to 1.10 (Jan-Mar), 0.90 (Apr-July), 1.30 (Aug-out), 1.15 (Nov- ten). The quality of coffee beans was influenced by irrigation.
Irrigation management in coffee (Coffea sp.) has been studied by several researchers in order to set the crop coefficient value (Kc) to be used to estimate evapotranspiration of coffee plantations. The adoption of a single value for different times of the year can result in water deficit or wastage of water and inputs. This work aimed to evaluate the productive characteristics of the coffee cultivar “Rubi” (Coffea arabica L.) irrigated with a central pivot, subjected to different water levels. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area at the Universidade Federal de Lavras. The treatments consisted of levels of water applied according to the percentages of pre-defined crop coefficient values (Kc) as follows: 60%, 80%, 100%, 120% and 140% of the Kc values equal to 1, 10 (Jan-Mar), 0.90 (Apr-July), 1,30 (Aug-out), 1,15 (Nov-Dec), and a non-irrigated treatment (control). Irrigation of the coffee plantation provided an annual productivity superior to non-irrigated plots for the 2007 and 2008 harvests. Treatment with water levels of 100% of Kc presented the highest productivity in both harvests. These results led to the recommendations for the southern region of Minas Gerais, Kc values equal to 1.10 (Jan-Mar), 0.90 (Apr-July), 1.30 (Aug-out), 1.15 (Nov- ten). The quality of coffee beans was influenced by irrigation.
Produtividade do café, Qualidade do café, Irrigação, Pivô central
SILVA, A. C. et al. Características produtivas do cafeeiro arábica irrigado por pivô central na região de Lavras/MG. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 6, n. 2, p. 128-136, maio/ago. 2011.