Classificação por peneira de grãos de Coffea arabica L. avaliada por meio de análise multivariada
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a classificação por peneiras dos grãos de 16 cultivares de Coffea arabica L., e aplicar métodos de análise multivariadas, com o intuito de separar as mesmas. Desta forma, frutos provenientes do ensaio de melhoramento genético do MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localizado na Fazenda Experimental de Varginha em MG foram colhidos na safra 2002 e transportados imediatamente para o Pólo de Tecnologia em Pós-Colheita do Café da UFLA, onde foram lavados, descascados e secados em terreiro de concreto. Após o beneficiamento, os grãos foram acondicionados em latas de alumínio e armazenados à 15 o C. Para as avaliações foram usados 500g das amostras que foram submetidas à passagem em peneiras de grão chato e moca. Para avaliação dos dados usou-se a análise multivariada por componentes principais (PCA) e mediu-se a similaridade por meio da Distância de Mahalanobis, representada por um dendrograma. Os métodos estatísticos usados foram eficientes em separar as cultivares em função da classificação por peneiras.
This work had as an objective to accomplish the classification for sieves of the grains of 16 cultivars of. Coffea arabica L., and to apply methods of analysis multivariate, with the intention of separating the same ones. Thus, fruits originated from breeding experiments from MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localized in the Eexperimental Farm of Varginha - MG, were harvested in 2002 and taken to the Post-harvest Technology Center of UFLA, were the fruits were washed, peeled and dried in a concrete ground. After cleaning, the grains were packed in aluminun cans and stored at 15 o C. For the evaluations they were used 500g of the samples that were submitted to the passage in sieves of annoying grain and girl. For evaluation of the data was used the analysis multivariate by principal components (PCA) and the similarity was measured through the Distance of Mahalanobis, represented by a dendrograma. The used statistical methods were efficient in separating the cultivars in function of the classification for sieves.
This work had as an objective to accomplish the classification for sieves of the grains of 16 cultivars of. Coffea arabica L., and to apply methods of analysis multivariate, with the intention of separating the same ones. Thus, fruits originated from breeding experiments from MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localized in the Eexperimental Farm of Varginha - MG, were harvested in 2002 and taken to the Post-harvest Technology Center of UFLA, were the fruits were washed, peeled and dried in a concrete ground. After cleaning, the grains were packed in aluminun cans and stored at 15 o C. For the evaluations they were used 500g of the samples that were submitted to the passage in sieves of annoying grain and girl. For evaluation of the data was used the analysis multivariate by principal components (PCA) and the similarity was measured through the Distance of Mahalanobis, represented by a dendrograma. The used statistical methods were efficient in separating the cultivars in function of the classification for sieves.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Classificação por peneiras Cultivares Qualidade Análise multivariada, Coffee Classification for sieves Cultivars Quality Multivariate analysis
Mendonça, Luciana M. V. Lopes; Pereira, Rosemary G. F. A; Borém, Flávio M.; Almeida, Saulo R.; Garcia, Antonio W. R.; Mendonça, José Marcos A. de. Classificação por peneira de grãos de Coffea arabica L. avaliada por meio de análise multivariada. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 4p.