Análise química do aroma e da bebida de cafés de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo em diferentes graus de torra
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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
O café é uma das bebidas mais consumidas e apreciadas no mundo. O Brasil tem uma posição destacada na produção mundial desses grãos e tem investido na melhoria de sua qualidade. A composição do café é influenciada por diversos fatores, que envolvem desde a seleção da cultivar até as condições de torra. O aroma e sabor do café são formados principalmente na etapa de torrefação, assim o grau de torra contribui sobremaneira para a composição e qualidade final da bebida. Neste estudo, quatro cultivares de Coffea arabica (catuaí amarelo, mundo novo, topázio do Sul de Minas, acaiá e catuaí amarelo do Cerrado Mineiro) e um cultivar de Coffea canephora (conilon do Espírito Santo), nas torras clara, média e escura, foram analisados por métodos cromatográficos (CG-EM, CLAE, CLAE-EM), espectrofotométricos (fenóis totais, proantocianidinas e atividade antioxidante) e químicos. As análises por CG-EM indicaram uma composição da fração volátil similar entre as amostras, com diferenças nas concentrações dos compostos, destacando a importância da beta- damascenona na definição do aroma, principalmente no café conilon. As análises por CLAE confirmaram dados relatados na literatura sobre a decomposição dos compostos bioativos em função do rigor da torra e o alto conteúdo de cafeína e de ácidos feruloilquínicos no café conilon e mostrou que os flavorantes presentes nas duas espécies são praticamente os mesmos. Entretanto, esses flavorantes têm concentração similar nos cultivares arábicos e bastante diferente no café conilon.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed and appreciated beverages in the world. Brazil has a prominent position in world production and has made great efforts to improve the quality of the grains. The composition of the coffee beverage depends on several factors ranging from the selected cultivar untill the roasting condictions. The aroma and taste of coffee are mainly formed during roasting step, so the degree of roasting contributes greatly to the composition and beverage quality. In the present study, four cultivars of Coffea arabica (Yellow Catuaí, New World and Topaz from Southern of Minas Gerais, Acaiá and Yellow Catuaí from Cerrado Mineiro) and one cultivar of Coffea canephora (Conilon from Espírito Santo State), in light, medium and dark roasting, were analyzed by chromatographic (GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS) spectrophotometric (total phenols, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant activity) and chemical methods. Analysis by GC-MS indicated a similar composition of the volatile fraction in the samples with different concentrations of the compounds, highlighting the importance of beta-damascenone for aroma definition. The HPLC analysis confirmed the data reported in the literature on the decomposition of bioactive compounds depending on the severity of the roasting and the high content of caffeine and feruloylquinic acids in Conilon coffee and showed that the flavorants present in both species are practically the same. However, these flavorants have similar concentration among the Arabica cultivars and different concentration in the Conilon coffee.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed and appreciated beverages in the world. Brazil has a prominent position in world production and has made great efforts to improve the quality of the grains. The composition of the coffee beverage depends on several factors ranging from the selected cultivar untill the roasting condictions. The aroma and taste of coffee are mainly formed during roasting step, so the degree of roasting contributes greatly to the composition and beverage quality. In the present study, four cultivars of Coffea arabica (Yellow Catuaí, New World and Topaz from Southern of Minas Gerais, Acaiá and Yellow Catuaí from Cerrado Mineiro) and one cultivar of Coffea canephora (Conilon from Espírito Santo State), in light, medium and dark roasting, were analyzed by chromatographic (GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS) spectrophotometric (total phenols, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant activity) and chemical methods. Analysis by GC-MS indicated a similar composition of the volatile fraction in the samples with different concentrations of the compounds, highlighting the importance of beta-damascenone for aroma definition. The HPLC analysis confirmed the data reported in the literature on the decomposition of bioactive compounds depending on the severity of the roasting and the high content of caffeine and feruloylquinic acids in Conilon coffee and showed that the flavorants present in both species are practically the same. However, these flavorants have similar concentration among the Arabica cultivars and different concentration in the Conilon coffee.
Tese de doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
ALVES, B. H. P. Análise química do aroma e da bebida de cafés de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo em diferentes graus de torra. 2012. 162 f. Tese (Doutorado em Química), Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2012.