Mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arábica L.) desenvolvidas sob fontes de material orgânico no substrato comercial
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Instituto de Ciências Agrárias- Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) sob cinco proporções (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60% com base em volume) de três fontes de material orgânico (esterco bovino, cama de frango e húmus de mata) adicionadas ao substrato comercial Bioplant® Café. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial. O experimento foi conduzido em viveiro com sombrite de 50% da luminosidade natural, no município de Orizona, Goiás, no período de setembro de 2008 a março de 2009. Foram utilizadas sementes da cultivar Catuaí IAC-144, semeadas a 1,0 cm de profundidade, utilizando 2 sementes por recipientes (saquinhos) de 11 x 20 cm. As avaliações de altura de plantas, diâmetro de caule e pares de folhas foram realizadas aos 120, 160 e 210 dias após a semeadura. Já as avaliações de comprimento da raiz principal, massa seca da parte aérea e de raiz, massa seca total, relação massa seca de raízes/parte aérea foram realizadas somente aos 210 dias. Os resultados indicaram interação significativa das proporções e fontes de matéria orgânica. Então, aplicou-se o teste de Tukey para comparar as fontes e a análise de regressão para estimar as proporções ótimas e pontos de máximo das equações. Em média, o esterco bovino proporcionou melhores resultados para todas as características avaliadas, enquanto no tratamento testemunha (uso de apenas substrato comercial), obteve-se os piores resultados. As maiores alturas de plantas foram estimadas em 19,43, 16,43 e 13,84 cm, com as proporções de 33,5%, 36,0% e 52,8%, de cama de frango, esterco bovino e húmus de mata, respectivamente, aos 210 dias. Os maiores diâmetros de caule foram estimados em 4,32 e 4,42 mm, com as proporções de 32,7% e 36,1% de cama de frango e esterco bovino, respectivamente, aos 210 dias. Os maiores números médios de pares folhas foram de 7,7, 8,0 e 7,2, estimados com as proporções de 33,8%, 37,1% e 48,1%, de cama de frango, esterco bovino e húmus de mata, respectivamente, aos 210 dias. O máximo comprimento de raiz foi estimado em 22,68, 21,77 e 22,18 cm, com as proporções de 15,5%, 13,3% e 34,2% de cama de frango, esterco bovino e húmus de mata, respectivamente. Maiores massas de matéria seca da parte aérea foram estimados em 3,26 e 2,50 g planta-1, com as proporções de 32,7% e 36,1% de cama de frango e esterco bovino, respectivamente. Maiores quantidades de matéria seca de raízes foram estimadas em 1,60 e 1,40 g planta-1, com as proporções de 32,7%, 36,1% de cama de frango e esterco bovino, respectivamente. Com relação à mistura de húmus de mata ao substrato, houve resposta linear crescente sobre o diâmetro de caule e massa de matéria seca de raízes e da parte aérea.
This study evaluated the development of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) under five proportions (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% v/v) of three sources of organic material (cattle manure, poultry manure and forest humus) added to the commercial substrate Bioplant® coffee. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four repetitions, in factorial scheme. The experiment was conducted in nursery with shade 50% of natural light in Orizona county, Goiás, Brazil, from September 2008 to March 2009. Seeds the cultivar ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC-144’ were sown at 1.0 cm of deep, using two seeds per 11 x 20-cm container (bag). The evaluations of plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves were done at 120, 160 and 210 days after sowing. The evaluations of main root length, dry matter of aerial part and roots, total dry matter, ratio root dry matter/aerial part were done only at 210 days. Tukey’s test was applied for compare the sources and the regression analysis to estimate the best proportion and points of maximum’s equations. The results indicated significant interaction of organic matter proportion and sources. On average, cattle manure provided better results for all characteristics evaluated, while the zero dose (commercial substrate alone) yielded the worst results. The greatest plant heights were estimate in 19.4, 16.4 and 13.8 cm, with the proportion of 33.5%, 36.0% and 52.8%, of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The greatest stem diameters were calculate as 4.3 and 4.4 mm, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The greatest average leaf numbers were 7.7, 8.0 and 7.2, computed with the proportion of 33.8%, 37.1% and 48.1%, of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The maximum root length was estimated as 22.7, 21.8 and 22.2 cm, with the proportion of 15.5%, 13.3% and 34.2% of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively. The greatest aerial part dry matter was estimate as 3.3 and 2.5 g plant-1, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure and cattle manure, respectively. The greatest root dry matter amounts were calculate as 1.6 and 1.4 g plant-1, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure and cattle manure, respectively. The mixture of forest humus to the substrate provided a linear growth response for stem diameter and dry matter of roots and aerial part.
This study evaluated the development of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) under five proportions (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% v/v) of three sources of organic material (cattle manure, poultry manure and forest humus) added to the commercial substrate Bioplant® coffee. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four repetitions, in factorial scheme. The experiment was conducted in nursery with shade 50% of natural light in Orizona county, Goiás, Brazil, from September 2008 to March 2009. Seeds the cultivar ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC-144’ were sown at 1.0 cm of deep, using two seeds per 11 x 20-cm container (bag). The evaluations of plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves were done at 120, 160 and 210 days after sowing. The evaluations of main root length, dry matter of aerial part and roots, total dry matter, ratio root dry matter/aerial part were done only at 210 days. Tukey’s test was applied for compare the sources and the regression analysis to estimate the best proportion and points of maximum’s equations. The results indicated significant interaction of organic matter proportion and sources. On average, cattle manure provided better results for all characteristics evaluated, while the zero dose (commercial substrate alone) yielded the worst results. The greatest plant heights were estimate in 19.4, 16.4 and 13.8 cm, with the proportion of 33.5%, 36.0% and 52.8%, of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The greatest stem diameters were calculate as 4.3 and 4.4 mm, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The greatest average leaf numbers were 7.7, 8.0 and 7.2, computed with the proportion of 33.8%, 37.1% and 48.1%, of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively, at 210 days. The maximum root length was estimated as 22.7, 21.8 and 22.2 cm, with the proportion of 15.5%, 13.3% and 34.2% of poultry manure, cattle manure and forest humus, respectively. The greatest aerial part dry matter was estimate as 3.3 and 2.5 g plant-1, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure and cattle manure, respectively. The greatest root dry matter amounts were calculate as 1.6 and 1.4 g plant-1, with the proportion of 32.7% and 36.1% of poultry manure and cattle manure, respectively. The mixture of forest humus to the substrate provided a linear growth response for stem diameter and dry matter of roots and aerial part.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Instituto de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Esterco bovino, Húmus de mata, Cama de frango, Proporções, Viveiro
SILVA, C. J. Mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arábica L.) desenvolvidas sob fontes de material orgânico no substrato comercial. 48 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2010.