Estudo de métodos de infestação para avaliação precoce da resistência do cafeeiro a Meloidogyne exigua
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
Procurou-se desenvolver um método para avaliar a resistência de mudas novas de cafeeiros ao nematóide Meloidogyne exígua. Dois experimentos foram realizados, a fim de testar a eficiência de quatro métodos de infestação, em mudas do cultivar mundo novo de Coffea arábica, utilizando-se areia como substrato, em caixas de plástico. A avaliação do ataque pelo nematóide foi realizada subjetivamente, dando-se um ponto na ausência de galhas e cinco pontos na presença de elevado número de galhas nas raízes do cafeeiro. Com base nos parâmetros estudados, verificou-se que 60 dias após a germinação das sementes, o sistema de infestação mais eficiente consistiu na colocação de pequenos pedaços de raízes de cafeeiro com galhas, misturados com o substrato das caixas de ger- minação, juntamente com uma suspensão em água, de ovos e larvas do nematóide. Em leitura efetuada 150 dias após a germinação, não se verificou diferença sig- nificativa entre a infestação provocada através do uso de pequenos pedaços de raízes e com a suspensão contendo ovos e larvas ou a associação de ambos os métodos de infes- tação. Em todos estes tratamentos notou-se que as raízes dos cafeeiros possuíam elevado número de galhas. Os dados obtidos indicam a possibilidade de realizar testes precoces de resistência ao nematóide M. exígua, o que é de particular interesse no plano geral de melhoramento visando resistência a esse parasita.
Four methods of infestation namely: a) sand infestation with small pieces of root-knots; b) irrigation of- sand with nematode eggs and larvae; c) the combination of a and b, and d) soil infested plus sand, were compared to develop a screening me thod for the evaluation of resistance of coffee seedlings to Meloidogyne exigua. Seedlings of Mundo Novo cultivar belonging to the Coffea arábica species were obtained by sowing seeds in plastic trays containing sand. A five point scale was used to determine t h e intensity of t h e n e m a t ode atack with grades 1 and 5 indicating absence of the parasite and abundant gall formation, respectively. The infestation of sand with small pieces of diseased roots plus the irrigation of the trays with a suspension of nematode eggs and larvae during the development of the seedlings resulted in abundant gall formation 60 days after the first sand infestation. The evaluation made 150 days after the seed germination showed that methods a, b and c were effective in inducing a severe attack of the seedlings. The data obtained indicate clearly the possibility of screening coffee seedlings for resistance to M. exigua, by using sand infested through small pieces of root-Knots and irrigation with nematode eggs and larvae.
Four methods of infestation namely: a) sand infestation with small pieces of root-knots; b) irrigation of- sand with nematode eggs and larvae; c) the combination of a and b, and d) soil infested plus sand, were compared to develop a screening me thod for the evaluation of resistance of coffee seedlings to Meloidogyne exigua. Seedlings of Mundo Novo cultivar belonging to the Coffea arábica species were obtained by sowing seeds in plastic trays containing sand. A five point scale was used to determine t h e intensity of t h e n e m a t ode atack with grades 1 and 5 indicating absence of the parasite and abundant gall formation, respectively. The infestation of sand with small pieces of diseased roots plus the irrigation of the trays with a suspension of nematode eggs and larvae during the development of the seedlings resulted in abundant gall formation 60 days after the first sand infestation. The evaluation made 150 days after the seed germination showed that methods a, b and c were effective in inducing a severe attack of the seedlings. The data obtained indicate clearly the possibility of screening coffee seedlings for resistance to M. exigua, by using sand infested through small pieces of root-Knots and irrigation with nematode eggs and larvae.
FAZUOLI, L. C.; LORDELLO, R. R. A. Estudo de métodos de infestação para avaliação precoce da resistência do cafeeiro a Meloidogyne exigua. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 36, n. 23, p. 231-238, 1977.