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O conhecimento da variabilidade da fertilidade do solo em áreas cultivadas pode trazer importantes subsídios para a racionalização de uso dos corretivos e fertilizantes do solo. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o grau de dependência espacial do nutriente magnésio através da variabilidade espacial em diferentes locais e sistemas de manejo. A área da pesquisa localizou-se na Fazenda do Glória/ UFU- Uberlândia – MG. Foram demarcadas quatro malhas de 1120 m2 contendo em cada 60 pontos eqüidistantes de 3 x 4,5 georeferendados para amostragem do solo, em sistema de sequeiro e fertirrigado, com controle de plantas infestantes por herbicida e por grade niveladora. Foram retiradas 480 amostras de solo em duas épocas, alternando-se nas regiões: saia do cafeeiro, meio da rua e rodado do pneu (linha de tráfego de máquinas), nas profundidades de 0-20 cm e 20-40 cm para determinação dos teores de magnésio conforme a metodologia da Embrapa (1997). Para estudar a variabilidade espacial usou-se a geoestatística com o programa GS+7 for Windows. No geral, os modelos matemáticos mais adaptados para descrever o comportamento dos semivariogramas de atributos do solo foram o Exponencial - EXP e o Esférico - ESF. O modelo EXP comprova a existência de semelhança entre pontos vizinhos, o que deve ser considerada na realização das estimativas de valores não amostrados. Já o modelo ESF indica haver dependência espacial, ou seja, as amostras para esses atributos estão correlacionadas entre si.
Insights on the variability of soil fertility in cultivated areas can contribute significantly to a rationalized use of fertilizers and soil amendments. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the as determining the degree of spatial dependence of this attribute through the spatial variability in different places and systems of handling, as well. The area of the research was situated in the Farm of the Glória UFU- Uberlândia - MG. It was demarcated four meshes of 1120 m2 contends in each 60 geo-regarded equidistant points of 3 x 4,5 for sampling of the ground, in system of dry land and fertirrigate, with control of infest plants by herbicide and by level grating. 480 ground samples had been removed, alternating itself in the regions: skirt of the coffee plant, half of the street and line of traffic of machines, in the depths: 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm for determination of values of magnesium according to Embrapa methodology (1997). For the spatial variability used geostatistics with program “GS+7 for Windows”. Overall, the mathematical models more adapted to describe the behavior of the semivariograms of attributes of the soil were the Exponential - EXP and the Spherical – ESF ones. The EXP model proves the existence of similarity between neighboring points that must be considered in carrying out estimates of values not showed and the ESF model indicates that there is a spatial dependence, the samples for these attributes are correlated between itself.
Insights on the variability of soil fertility in cultivated areas can contribute significantly to a rationalized use of fertilizers and soil amendments. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the as determining the degree of spatial dependence of this attribute through the spatial variability in different places and systems of handling, as well. The area of the research was situated in the Farm of the Glória UFU- Uberlândia - MG. It was demarcated four meshes of 1120 m2 contends in each 60 geo-regarded equidistant points of 3 x 4,5 for sampling of the ground, in system of dry land and fertirrigate, with control of infest plants by herbicide and by level grating. 480 ground samples had been removed, alternating itself in the regions: skirt of the coffee plant, half of the street and line of traffic of machines, in the depths: 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm for determination of values of magnesium according to Embrapa methodology (1997). For the spatial variability used geostatistics with program “GS+7 for Windows”. Overall, the mathematical models more adapted to describe the behavior of the semivariograms of attributes of the soil were the Exponential - EXP and the Spherical – ESF ones. The EXP model proves the existence of similarity between neighboring points that must be considered in carrying out estimates of values not showed and the ESF model indicates that there is a spatial dependence, the samples for these attributes are correlated between itself.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
cafeicultura, sistemas de manejo, variabilidade., coffee grown, systems of handling, variability.
Silva, Patrícia Costa; Borges, Elias Nascentes; Lana, Regina Maria Quintão; Costa, Reinaldo Adriano; Fagiani, Cílson César. Uso de semivariogramas para determinar a distribuição espacial dos teores de magnésio em três locais de amostragem da lavoura cafeeira. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.