Relações de troca com efeito tecnológico no mercado doméstico de arroz, milho, café e soja
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da relação de troca, o comportamento da rentabilidade de duas culturas voltadas para o mercado interno e de duas culturas de exportação. Outro objetivo foi identificar a compensação do acréscimo de produtividade na queda de preços. Foram estimadas as taxas geométricas de crescimento da produção, da área e da produtividade. Os termos de troca foram estimados pela relação entre os índices de preço dos insumos e os índices de preços obtidos pelo agricultor na comercialização de seu produto. Os resultados mostraram forte tendência de deterioração dos termos de troca para todos os produtos analisados. Constatou-se que esses efeitos foram mais acentuados para arroz e milho. Tal comportamento associa- se ao fato de as culturas de arroz e de milho serem destinadas ao mercado interno, e suas demandas têm sido mais inelásticas em relação às culturas de soja e de café.
The objective of this work was to evaluate, by means of the exchange rate, the profitability of two products directed toward the domestic market and two export products. Other objective was to identify productivity growth compensated the decrease of prices. The geometric rates of the production, area and productivity growth were estimated. The exchange rate was estimated by the relation between the index of the inputs prices and the index of the product prices. The results show a great trend of deterioration of the exchange terms for all the analyzed products. Evidenced that these effects more was been accented for rice and maize. Such behavior associates it the fact of the rice cultures and of maize to be destined to the domestic market, its demands have been not elastic in relation to the coffee and soy cultures.
The objective of this work was to evaluate, by means of the exchange rate, the profitability of two products directed toward the domestic market and two export products. Other objective was to identify productivity growth compensated the decrease of prices. The geometric rates of the production, area and productivity growth were estimated. The exchange rate was estimated by the relation between the index of the inputs prices and the index of the product prices. The results show a great trend of deterioration of the exchange terms for all the analyzed products. Evidenced that these effects more was been accented for rice and maize. Such behavior associates it the fact of the rice cultures and of maize to be destined to the domestic market, its demands have been not elastic in relation to the coffee and soy cultures.
Termos de troca, Grãos, Insumos, Preços, Produtividade, Renda
PONCIANO, N. J. et al. Relações de troca com efeito tecnológico no mercado doméstico de arroz, milho, café e soja. Revista de Economia e Agronegócio, Viçosa, v. 5, n. 2, p. 227-252, abr./jun. 2007.