Produção e purificação de frutosiltransferase por Aspergillus flavus utilizando borra de café (Coffea sp.) através da fermentação em estado sólido
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Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Frutosiltransferase (FTase) é uma enzima que catalisa a quebra de ligações glicosídicas da molécula de sacarose transferência do grupo frutosil para uma outra molécula, podendo ser sacarose ou frutooligossacarídeos (FOS), ocorrendo a liberação de 6 glicose. O FOS é um prebiótico convencional que apresenta um baixo valor calorimétrico e promove a estimulação seletiva do crescimento microbiano intestinal, especialmente de bifidobactérias e lactobacilos, reduzindo os riscos de doenças cardiovasculares, câncer de cólon e obesidade. No entanto para obtenção a utilização de processos enzimáticos é mais caro devido ao alto custo de produção e baixa estabilidade das enzimas. Contudo esses fatores podem ser contornados com a utilização de microrganismos e resíduos agroindustriais como um meio de cultivo para uma fermentação solida, tornando o procedimento mais econômico e viável. O objetivo desse trabalho foi à produção da enzima frutosiltransferase em fermentação solida utilizando borra de café a partir de Aspergillus flavus, onde foi possível ainda verificar que 72h de crescimento apresentou maior produção da enzima com atividade especifica de 31,5 U/mg nas seguintes condições, 60% de umidade, concentração de esporos 10 6 esporos/mL a 30°C durante 120 horas. O extrato bruto contendo a enzima foi submetido a uma seleção de precipitação entre a cetona, sulfato de amônia e etanol, onde a maior atividade enzimática se deu utilizando a precipitação com acetona 161,85 U/mL e fator de purificação relativamente alto de 10,70. Posteriormente a amostra foi purificada através de sistema de cromatografia de troca iônica DEAE SEPHADEX A50 e SUPERDEX AKTA nas colunas DEAE-sephadex sistema haithap e superdex 75 sendo realizadas em sequência. A enzima purificada apresentou peso molecular de 57 kDa em Superdex G-75. Quanto a caracterização, apresentou temperatura ótima de 60oC respectivamente, obtendo termo estabilidade a 50oC. Os resultados da purificação mostraram uma fração com atividade enzimática para frutosiltransferase pura na qual obtive um fator de purificação de 86,16. Quando observado sua síntese enzimática foi constatado que a enzima consegue produzir frutooligossacarideos, sendo eles kestose e nistose. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo mostram o potencial promissor da frutosiltransferase produzida por Aspergillus flavus e na sua utilização para produção de frutooligossacarideos.
Frutosiltransferase (FTase) is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of the glycosidic bonds of the sucrose molecule by transferring the fructosyl group to another molecule, which can be sucrose or fructooligosaccharides (FOS), resulting in the release of glucose. FOS is a conventional prebiotic that has a low calorimetric value and promotes the selective stimulation of the intestinal microbial growth, especially of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and obesity. However to obtain the use of enzymatic processes is more expensive due to the high cost of production. However, these factors can be overcome with the use of microorganisms and agroindustrial residues as a culture medium for a solid fermentation, making the procedure more economical and feasible. The objective of this work was the production of the enzyme fructosyltransferase in solid fermentation using coffee grounds from Aspergillus flavus, where it was possible to verify that 72h of growth presented higher production of the enzyme with specific activity of 31.5 U / mg in the following conditions, 60% moisture, spore concentration 106 spores / mL at 30 ° C for 120 hours. The crude extract containing the enzyme was subjected to a precipitation selection between ketone, ammonium sulfate and ethanol, where the highest enzymatic activity was given using the precipitation with acetone 161.85 U / mL and relatively high purification factor of 10.70. Subsequently the sample was purified by DEAE SEPHADEX A50 and SUPERDEX AKTA ion exchange chromatography systems on the DEAE-sephadex system haithap and superdex 75 columns being carried out in sequence. The purified enzyme had 57 kDa molecular weight in Superdex G-75. Regarding the characterization, it presented optimum temperature of 60oC respectively, obtaining thermo stability at 50oC. The purification results showed a fraction with enzymatic activity for pure fructosyltransferase in which it obtained a purification factor of 86.16. When observed its enzymatic synthesis it was verified that the enzyme can produce fructooligosaccharides, being kestose and nystose. The results obtained in the present study show the promising potential of the fructosyltransferase produced by Aspergillus flavus and its use for the production of fructooligosaccharides.
Frutosiltransferase (FTase) is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of the glycosidic bonds of the sucrose molecule by transferring the fructosyl group to another molecule, which can be sucrose or fructooligosaccharides (FOS), resulting in the release of glucose. FOS is a conventional prebiotic that has a low calorimetric value and promotes the selective stimulation of the intestinal microbial growth, especially of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and obesity. However to obtain the use of enzymatic processes is more expensive due to the high cost of production. However, these factors can be overcome with the use of microorganisms and agroindustrial residues as a culture medium for a solid fermentation, making the procedure more economical and feasible. The objective of this work was the production of the enzyme fructosyltransferase in solid fermentation using coffee grounds from Aspergillus flavus, where it was possible to verify that 72h of growth presented higher production of the enzyme with specific activity of 31.5 U / mg in the following conditions, 60% moisture, spore concentration 106 spores / mL at 30 ° C for 120 hours. The crude extract containing the enzyme was subjected to a precipitation selection between ketone, ammonium sulfate and ethanol, where the highest enzymatic activity was given using the precipitation with acetone 161.85 U / mL and relatively high purification factor of 10.70. Subsequently the sample was purified by DEAE SEPHADEX A50 and SUPERDEX AKTA ion exchange chromatography systems on the DEAE-sephadex system haithap and superdex 75 columns being carried out in sequence. The purified enzyme had 57 kDa molecular weight in Superdex G-75. Regarding the characterization, it presented optimum temperature of 60oC respectively, obtaining thermo stability at 50oC. The purification results showed a fraction with enzymatic activity for pure fructosyltransferase in which it obtained a purification factor of 86.16. When observed its enzymatic synthesis it was verified that the enzyme can produce fructooligosaccharides, being kestose and nystose. The results obtained in the present study show the promising potential of the fructosyltransferase produced by Aspergillus flavus and its use for the production of fructooligosaccharides.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.
Frutosiltransferase, Fermentação em estado sólido
SANTOS, S. L. Produção e purificação de frutosiltransferase por Aspergillus flavus utilizando borra de café (Coffea sp.) através da fermentação em estado sólido. 2018. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biociência Animal) - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife. 2018.