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Várias cultivares resistentes à ferrugem lançadas, pelas diversas instituições componentes do Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café – CBP&D/Café, necessitam de informações sobre estabilidade e adaptabilidade para as diferentes regiões produtoras de café do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade, adaptabilidade e produtividade das principais cultivares resistentes à ferrugem, na região do Planalto Central do Brasil. O experimento está instalado na Embrapa Hortaliças, nas seguintes coordenadas: latitude Sul: 15o 56' 00", longitude Oeste: 48o 08' 00", altitude 997,62m e precipitação pluviométrica anual de 1600mm. O delineamento experimental estabelecido em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e parcelas compostas de 10 plantas no espaçamento de 3,50 x 0,75 metros, considerando oito plantas centrais úteis para as avaliações fenológicas: altura de plantas; diâmetro de caule; diâmetro da copa; vigor vegetativo e produtividade. O desenvolvimento fenológico do cafeeiro no período de 2009/2010 foi bom em conformidade com as características de cada cultivar e progênies experimentais indicando um bom potencial produtivo para o próximo ano. A altura das plantas variou em 2009 de 0,83 a 1,28 m e 1,30 a 1,61 m em 2010, sendo que a cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 teve a menor altura nos dois anos, entretanto, foi a que apresentou maior incremento em altura (0,47 m). O diâmetro do caule variou em 2009 de 2,64 mm na cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 a 4,07 mm na cultivar Catucai Amarelo 2SL que teve o menor crescimento diametral (0,27 mm), e, em 2010 a cultivar Sacramento MG 1 mostrou o maior crescimento (1,72 mm). O diâmetro da copa, em 2010, foi maior nas cultivares Catucai Amarelo 2SL (97,50 cm) e Obatã Vermelho IAC 1669-20 e menor na cultivar Oeiras MG 6851 e na progênie experimental H 419-10-6-2-12-1, com as demais apresentando comportando uniforme. Houve diferença significativa no comportamento em relação a produção, que necessita ser avaliada em um período de tempo mais longo.
Several rust resistant cultivars developed in institutions of Brazilian consortium institutions for Coffee Research and Development requires information on stability and adaptability to different regions of Brazil. The objective of this plan is to evaluate the stability, adaptability and productivity of rust resistant cultivars, in Central Plateau of Brazil region. The experiment was installed at Embrapa Hortaliças located at South latitude: 15o 56 '00, West Longitude: 48o 08' 00", altitude of 997.62 m and mean annual rainfall of 1600 mm. The experimental was implanted in complete randomized blocks with four replications with plots of 10 plants, 3.50 x 0.75 meters spaced. The eight central plants were considered for phenological evaluations: plant height, stem diameter, crown diameter; plant vigor and yield. The phenological development of coffee in the 2009/2010 period was considered good accordingly to the characteristics of each cultivar and progeny. Coffee trees are presenting a high yiel potential for the next year. Plant height in 2009 ranged from 0.83 to 1.28 m and 1.30 to 1.61 m in 2010. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 cultivars presented the lowest height in the two years, showing an increment in height of 0.47 m. Stem diameter in 2009 ranged from 2.64 mm to 4.07 mm for cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 and Catucai Amarelo 2 SL, respectively. Catucaí Amarelo 2SL cultivar had the lower stem diameter growth (0.27 mm). In 2010, Sacramento MG-1 cultivar showed higher stem diameter growth (1.72 mm). The crown diameter in 2010 were higher for Catucaí Amarelo 2SL (0. 975 m) followed by Obatã Vermelho IAC 1669-20 cultivar. The lowest crown growth resulted from Oeiras MG 6851 cultivar and experimental progeny 419-10-6-2 H - 12-1. There were significant differences in relation to Yield which must be analyzed for a longer period of time.
Several rust resistant cultivars developed in institutions of Brazilian consortium institutions for Coffee Research and Development requires information on stability and adaptability to different regions of Brazil. The objective of this plan is to evaluate the stability, adaptability and productivity of rust resistant cultivars, in Central Plateau of Brazil region. The experiment was installed at Embrapa Hortaliças located at South latitude: 15o 56 '00, West Longitude: 48o 08' 00", altitude of 997.62 m and mean annual rainfall of 1600 mm. The experimental was implanted in complete randomized blocks with four replications with plots of 10 plants, 3.50 x 0.75 meters spaced. The eight central plants were considered for phenological evaluations: plant height, stem diameter, crown diameter; plant vigor and yield. The phenological development of coffee in the 2009/2010 period was considered good accordingly to the characteristics of each cultivar and progeny. Coffee trees are presenting a high yiel potential for the next year. Plant height in 2009 ranged from 0.83 to 1.28 m and 1.30 to 1.61 m in 2010. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 cultivars presented the lowest height in the two years, showing an increment in height of 0.47 m. Stem diameter in 2009 ranged from 2.64 mm to 4.07 mm for cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 and Catucai Amarelo 2 SL, respectively. Catucaí Amarelo 2SL cultivar had the lower stem diameter growth (0.27 mm). In 2010, Sacramento MG-1 cultivar showed higher stem diameter growth (1.72 mm). The crown diameter in 2010 were higher for Catucaí Amarelo 2SL (0. 975 m) followed by Obatã Vermelho IAC 1669-20 cultivar. The lowest crown growth resulted from Oeiras MG 6851 cultivar and experimental progeny 419-10-6-2 H - 12-1. There were significant differences in relation to Yield which must be analyzed for a longer period of time.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Coffea arabica, adaptabilidade, resistência à ferrugem, Planalto Central do Brasil, cultivares, café., Coffea arabica, adaptability, rust resistance, Plateau Central of Brazil, cultivars, coffee.
Guerra, Antonio Fernando; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Rocha, Omar Cruz; Cordeiro, Anderson; Silva, Jaqueline Oliveira; Jesus, Lucio Adriano Magalhães de. Avaliação de cultivares de café de porte baixo resistentes à ferrugem no planalto central do Brasil. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.