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Foi realizada uma análise frequencial do índice de satisfação das necessidades de água (ISNA) do café Conilon (Coffea canephora), determinado pela ocorrência de evapotranspiração relativa (ETr/ETo) >= 0,65 em pelo menos 80% dos anos para as fases fenológicas da floração, granação e crescimento vegetativo. Posteriormente procedeu-se a espacialização de riscos climáticos de atendimento hídrico para o café Conilon considerando simultaneamente as três fases fenológicas. Os resultados indicaram que devido à característica heterogênea do regime pluviométrico, associado às diferentes demandas hídricas, ocorre uma variação espacial do risco climático ao atendimento hídrico no Estado. Na análise simultânea de atendimento hídrico nas diferentes fases fenológicas do café Conilon, identificou-se que 58% da área do Espírito Santo, concentrada principalmente na região norte, apresenta alto risco climático de atendimento hídrico nas fases do florescimento, granação e crescimento vegetativo.
A frequencial analysis of the crop water requirement index (ISNA) of the Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora), determined for the occurrence of relative evapotranspiration (Etr/Eto)≥ 0,65 above 80% of the years, was carried through for the phenological stages of the flowering, bean formation and vegetative growth. The areas with climatic risk of water deficit were zoned by a geographic information system considering simultaneously the three phenological stages. The results showed that due to heterogeneous rain characteristics, associate to the different water requirements, occurs a space variation of the climatic risk to the water required in the State. In analysis of water required in the different phonological stages of the Conilon coffee, it was identified that 58% of the area of the state of Espirito Santo, mainly in the region north, presents high climatic risk of water required in the phases of the flowering, bean formation and vegetative growth.
A frequencial analysis of the crop water requirement index (ISNA) of the Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora), determined for the occurrence of relative evapotranspiration (Etr/Eto)≥ 0,65 above 80% of the years, was carried through for the phenological stages of the flowering, bean formation and vegetative growth. The areas with climatic risk of water deficit were zoned by a geographic information system considering simultaneously the three phenological stages. The results showed that due to heterogeneous rain characteristics, associate to the different water requirements, occurs a space variation of the climatic risk to the water required in the State. In analysis of water required in the different phonological stages of the Conilon coffee, it was identified that 58% of the area of the state of Espirito Santo, mainly in the region north, presents high climatic risk of water required in the phases of the flowering, bean formation and vegetative growth.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
balanço hídrico, granação, florescimento, ISNA, water balance, bean formation, flowering, ISNA
Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo; Castro, Fábio Silveira de; Pezzopane, José Eduardo M.; Saraiva, Gisele Sabadim; Bonomo, Robson. Caracterização do atendimento hídrico para o café conilon no estado do Espirito Santo. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.