Estratégias para obtenção e avaliação de plantas de Coffea arabica tolerante ao alumínio
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O café é um dos mais importantes produtos agrícolas comercializado no mundo, sendo o segundo item em importância do comércio internacional de commodities. Notoriamente, o Brasil é o maior produtor, segundo maior consumidor e um dos principais exportadores dessa cultura. O grande acúmulo de alumínio (Al), em solos ácidos, é um dos maiores entraves na produção agrícola no Brasil. Predominantemente, este metal é encontrado em sua forma iônica (Al 3+ ), que é altamente tóxico às plantas e está presente em grande parte dos solos aráveis em todo mundo. Diante desse fator limitante, pesquisas resultaram na descoberta de vários genes que conferem tolerância ao Al, dentre os quais, destaca-se o SbMATE. Isolado a partir do sorgo, este gene é diferencialmente expresso em altas concentrações de Al 3+ e tem sua atividade elevada no ápice radicular de genótipos tolerantes, conferindo maior resistência ao Al por liberação de citrato na rizosfera. Neste contexto, este trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos centrais de obter plantas quiméricas de Coffea arábica tolerantes ao Al, possibilitando a análise do comportamento dessas plantas em solução nutritiva acrescida de concentrações tóxicas de Al. A inserção de SbMATE aconteceu, por meio de transformação genética com duas cepas (MSU e A4) de Agrobacterium rhizogenes. O material vegetal utilizado foram sementes da cultivar Catiguá germinadas em meio GER com 30 dias de idade e explantes da cultivar Bourbon Amarelo, obtidos por calos embriogênicos. As plântulas da cultivar Catiguá, transformadas com a cepa MSU, tiveram 32% de eficiência de transformação, enquanto que essa taxa baixou para 16% nos explantes transformados com a cepa A4. A cultivar Bourbon obteve uma eficiência de transformação de 75%. Os ensaios, para detectar a concentração de alumínio a ser utilizada nos futuros experimentos de averiguação da tolerância das plantas transformadas, foram realizados em casa de vegetação. Foi utilizada solução nutritiva Hoagland modificada com 1⁄4 de força. O alumínio foi fornecido na forma AlK(SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O nas concentrações de 0 mmol. L -1 , 0,833 mmol.L -1 , 1,666 mmol.L -1 e 2,499 mmol. L -1 . O pH das soluções foi mantido em 4,0 ± 0,2, mediante ajustes diários com HCl 0,1 mol. L -1 durante o período de 30 dias. Entre as concentrações de AlK(SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O analisadas, a de 0,888 mmol.L -1 foi a mais eficiente, sendo possível visualizar sintomas nítidos da toxicidade do alumínio sem a perda total da planta. O período de 30 dias foi o tempo ideal para a verificação dos principais sintomas da toxicidade ao alumínio nessa concentração. Esse resultado possibilita análises para a visualização de tolerância de plantas geneticamente modificadas de Coffea arabica.
Coffee is one of the most important agricultural products sold worldwide, being the second item on the importance of international trade in commodities. Notoriously, Brazil is the largest producer, second largest consumer and one of the leading exporter of this crop. The large accumulation of aluminum (Al) in acid soils is one of the biggest barriers in agricultural production in Brazil. This metal is predominantly found in its ionic form (Al 3+ ), which is highly toxic to plants and is present in most of the arable land in the world. Given this limiting factor, research resulted in the discovery of several genes that confers tolerance to A1, amongst these, the gene SbMATE stands out. Isolated from sorghum, this gene is differencially expressed in high concentrations of Al 3+ and has its high activity in the root apex of tolerant genotypes, conferring most tolerance to Al by citrate release in the rhizosphere. Thus, the aim of this work was the acquisition of chimeric plants of Coffea arabica tolerant to Al, enabling the analysis of the behavior of plants in nutrient solution plus toxic concentrations of Al. Inserting SbMATE happened through genetic transformation with two strains (MSU and A4) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The utilized plant material were germinated seeds of cultivar Catiguá amidst GER with 30 days of age and explants from the cultivar Bourbon obtained through embryogenic callus. The seedlings of the cultivar Catiguá transformed with the strain MSU had a 32% transformation efficiency, whereas this rate decreased to 16% in explants transformed with strain A4. The cultivar Bourbon Amarelo obtained a conversion efficiency of 75%. Assays to detect the concentration of aluminum to be used in future experiments to investigate the tolerance of transformed plants were conducted in a greenhouse. Hoagland nutrient solution used was modified with 1⁄4strength. Aluminum was supplied as AlK(SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O at concentrations of 0 mmol. L -1 , 0,833 mmol.L -1 , 1,666 mmol.L -1 and 2,499 mmol. L -1 . The pH of the solutions was maintained at 4,0 ± 0,2 by adjusting daily with HCl 0,1 mol. L -1 during the period of 30 days. Between the concentrations of AlK (SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O analyzed, that of 0,888 mmol.L -1 was the most efficient, and being possible to visualize clear symptoms of aluminum toxicity without loss of the plant. The 30 days period was the perfect time to check the main symptoms of aluminum toxicity at this concentration. This result enables analysis to display tolerance of genetically modified plants of Coffea arabica.
Coffee is one of the most important agricultural products sold worldwide, being the second item on the importance of international trade in commodities. Notoriously, Brazil is the largest producer, second largest consumer and one of the leading exporter of this crop. The large accumulation of aluminum (Al) in acid soils is one of the biggest barriers in agricultural production in Brazil. This metal is predominantly found in its ionic form (Al 3+ ), which is highly toxic to plants and is present in most of the arable land in the world. Given this limiting factor, research resulted in the discovery of several genes that confers tolerance to A1, amongst these, the gene SbMATE stands out. Isolated from sorghum, this gene is differencially expressed in high concentrations of Al 3+ and has its high activity in the root apex of tolerant genotypes, conferring most tolerance to Al by citrate release in the rhizosphere. Thus, the aim of this work was the acquisition of chimeric plants of Coffea arabica tolerant to Al, enabling the analysis of the behavior of plants in nutrient solution plus toxic concentrations of Al. Inserting SbMATE happened through genetic transformation with two strains (MSU and A4) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The utilized plant material were germinated seeds of cultivar Catiguá amidst GER with 30 days of age and explants from the cultivar Bourbon obtained through embryogenic callus. The seedlings of the cultivar Catiguá transformed with the strain MSU had a 32% transformation efficiency, whereas this rate decreased to 16% in explants transformed with strain A4. The cultivar Bourbon Amarelo obtained a conversion efficiency of 75%. Assays to detect the concentration of aluminum to be used in future experiments to investigate the tolerance of transformed plants were conducted in a greenhouse. Hoagland nutrient solution used was modified with 1⁄4strength. Aluminum was supplied as AlK(SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O at concentrations of 0 mmol. L -1 , 0,833 mmol.L -1 , 1,666 mmol.L -1 and 2,499 mmol. L -1 . The pH of the solutions was maintained at 4,0 ± 0,2 by adjusting daily with HCl 0,1 mol. L -1 during the period of 30 days. Between the concentrations of AlK (SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2 O analyzed, that of 0,888 mmol.L -1 was the most efficient, and being possible to visualize clear symptoms of aluminum toxicity without loss of the plant. The 30 days period was the perfect time to check the main symptoms of aluminum toxicity at this concentration. This result enables analysis to display tolerance of genetically modified plants of Coffea arabica.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
SbMATE, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Transformação genética, Toxicidade, Solos ácidos, Hidroponia
CARVALHO, M. H. Estratégias para obtenção e avaliação de plantas de Coffea arabica tolerante ao alumínio. 2013. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2013.