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O ciclo fenológico do cafeeiro é composto pelas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva. A fase reprodutiva se caracteriza por apresentar várias floradas e esse comportamento favorece a desuniformidade da maturação, o que ocorre também dentro de uma mesma florada. Uma das etapas pós-colheita de grande importância é a secagem, sendo este processo influenciado por vários fatores, como método de secagem, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar de secagem e velocidade de secagem. O controle desses fatores é fundamental para a obtenção de um produto final com alta qualidade. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de café arábica em diferentes estádios fenológicos e condições de secagem. As sementes foram avaliadas nos estádios de desenvolvimento verde, verde cana, cereja, passa e seco, após três tratamentos de secagem: sem secagem, sementes avaliadas imediatamente após a colheita e antes que os frutos perdessem água; secagem convencional, em que os frutos foram colocados em camada única dentro de bandejas plásticas e deixados em ambiente de laboratório, até que atingissem a umidade desejada; secagem em ambiente controlado, realizada em estufa com circulação forçada de ar, regulada à temperatura constante de 35oC. Após cada tratamento de secagem os frutos foram descascados manualmente e as sementes avaliadas pelo teste de germinação. Conclui-se que sementes de café colhidas no estádio fenológico cereja apresentam melhor qualidade fisiológica; a secagem proporciona redução da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de café sendo esta redução maior quanto maior a velocidade de secagem; secagem convencional, lenta, favorece a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de café colhidas no estádio verde cana.
The phenological cycle of the coffee tree is composed of the vegetative and reproductive phases. The reproductive phase is characterized by having several blossoms and this behavior leads to uneven ripening, which also occurs within a single blossom. One of the most important stage process of post-harvest is the drying, which is influenced by several factors, such as drying method, temperature and relative humidity of drying air, and drying rate. Control of these factors is essential to obtain high quality seeds. The objective in this work was to evaluate the physiological quality of arabica coffee seeds at different growth stages and drying conditions. The seeds were evaluated in the development stages green, green-cane, cherry, overripe and dried fruit cherry and dry after three drying treatments: without drying, seeds evaluated immediately after harvest and before the fruits lose water; conventional drying, in which the fruits were placed in single layer in plastic trays and left at room temperature until it reached the desired moisture; and, in an incubator with forced air, under constant temperature of 35 o C. After each drying treatment the fruits were manually peeled and the seeds tested by germination. It is concluded that seeds of coffee cherries harvested at phenological stage have better physiological quality; drying provides a reduction of the physiological quality of coffee seeds and this reduction increases the higher the speed of drying; and conventional drying, slow drying, contributes to physiological quality of coffee seeds harvested at greenish-yellow stage.
The phenological cycle of the coffee tree is composed of the vegetative and reproductive phases. The reproductive phase is characterized by having several blossoms and this behavior leads to uneven ripening, which also occurs within a single blossom. One of the most important stage process of post-harvest is the drying, which is influenced by several factors, such as drying method, temperature and relative humidity of drying air, and drying rate. Control of these factors is essential to obtain high quality seeds. The objective in this work was to evaluate the physiological quality of arabica coffee seeds at different growth stages and drying conditions. The seeds were evaluated in the development stages green, green-cane, cherry, overripe and dried fruit cherry and dry after three drying treatments: without drying, seeds evaluated immediately after harvest and before the fruits lose water; conventional drying, in which the fruits were placed in single layer in plastic trays and left at room temperature until it reached the desired moisture; and, in an incubator with forced air, under constant temperature of 35 o C. After each drying treatment the fruits were manually peeled and the seeds tested by germination. It is concluded that seeds of coffee cherries harvested at phenological stage have better physiological quality; drying provides a reduction of the physiological quality of coffee seeds and this reduction increases the higher the speed of drying; and conventional drying, slow drying, contributes to physiological quality of coffee seeds harvested at greenish-yellow stage.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
secagem, qualidade fisiológica, maturação, drying, physiological quality, maturation
Santos, Flávia Carvalho; Rosa, Stella Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Pereira, Débora de Matos; Freire, Ana Izabella; Chaves, Ana Rosália Calixto da Silva; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Lima, Fernanda França de. Sensibilidade à dessecação de sementes de café em diferentes estádios fenológicos. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.