Influência do manejo sobre a variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos em solo de cerrado sob cafeicultura. I. pH, cálcio, magnésio e alumínio
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Os atributos químicos do solo são suscetíveis a alterações em função do manejo adotado no sistema de produção, tornando-se necessário uma adequada caracterização, visando recomendações de práticas que melhorem ou mantenham as condições de sustentabilidade do solo. Assim, este trabalho objetivou estudar a variabilidade de atributos químicos do solo (pH, Ca, Mg e Al), dentro e entre sistemas de manejo, a fim de identificar possíveis áreas-problema e, assim, adotar novas práticas de manejo. Para a implantação do experimento, demarcaram-se, na Fazenda da EPAMIG, Patrocínio/MG, duas malhas amostrais de 45 x 55 m, contendo cada uma 45 pontos eqüidistantes de 5 x 10 m, os quais foram georreferendados com o uso do GPS (sistema de posicionamento global). Nestas malhas foram implantados os tratamentos de manejo das plantas daninhas: controle de plantas daninhas com gradagens e controle de plantas daninhas com herbicida de contato. Os pontos de amostragem corresponderam às regiões do meio da rua, saia do café e rodada do trator, nas profundidades de 0-20 e 20-40 cm. Nestes
pontos foram coletadas amostras para análises químicas de: pH em água, cálcio, magnésio e alumínio. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise geoestatística, obtendo-se os semivariogramas, e posteriormente procedeu-se ao mapeamento de cada atributo químico. Verificou-se que: o solo em estudo não apresentou dependência espacial para os atributos em questão; o sistema de manejo não exerceu influência sobre a variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos estudados; e os teores de Ca e Mg no solo encontram-se em níveis satisfatórios, independentemente do manejo e da região amostrada.
The soil chemical attributes are susceptible to alterations in function of the adopted management in the production system, making necessary an adequate characterization sighting recommendations of practices that improves in the conditions of soil maintenance. This work porpose was to study the variability of soil chemical attributes (pH, Ca, Mg and Al), inside and between management systems, to identificate possible a problem areas and then adapt new management practices. To introduce the experiment, two meshes of 45 x 55 m were selected on EPAMIG’s farm in Patrocínio/MG, contemning 45 points equidistants of 5 x 10 m lach, wich were georeferended with GPS. In this meshes were implanted the management treatment of damaging herb: rail control and control with contact herbicide. The sampler points corresponds to the regions of: street’s middle, canopy projection and tractor wheel marking, in the profundity of 0-20 and 20-40 cm. In this points were collected samples for chemical analysis of: pH in water, calcium, magnesium and aluminum. The results were submitted to geostatistics analysis, obteining semivariograms and latterly the listing of lach chemical attribute were proceeded. Was verified that: the studied soil didn’t shown spatial dependence to the attributes; the management system didn’t exercise influence over the spatial variability of the studied chemical attributes, and the purports of calcium and magnesium in soil are satisfactory, independent of the management and sampled region.
The soil chemical attributes are susceptible to alterations in function of the adopted management in the production system, making necessary an adequate characterization sighting recommendations of practices that improves in the conditions of soil maintenance. This work porpose was to study the variability of soil chemical attributes (pH, Ca, Mg and Al), inside and between management systems, to identificate possible a problem areas and then adapt new management practices. To introduce the experiment, two meshes of 45 x 55 m were selected on EPAMIG’s farm in Patrocínio/MG, contemning 45 points equidistants of 5 x 10 m lach, wich were georeferended with GPS. In this meshes were implanted the management treatment of damaging herb: rail control and control with contact herbicide. The sampler points corresponds to the regions of: street’s middle, canopy projection and tractor wheel marking, in the profundity of 0-20 and 20-40 cm. In this points were collected samples for chemical analysis of: pH in water, calcium, magnesium and aluminum. The results were submitted to geostatistics analysis, obteining semivariograms and latterly the listing of lach chemical attribute were proceeded. Was verified that: the studied soil didn’t shown spatial dependence to the attributes; the management system didn’t exercise influence over the spatial variability of the studied chemical attributes, and the purports of calcium and magnesium in soil are satisfactory, independent of the management and sampled region.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Manejo Solo de cerrado Propriedades químicas pH Cálcio Magnésio Alumínio, Coffee plantation Variability of soil Management and soil fertility.
Gontijo, Ivoney; Borges, Elias Nascentes; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Guimarães, Ednaldo Carvalho; Silva, Carlos Alberto da; Carvalho, Grace Meire B. Influência do manejo sobre a variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos em solo de cerrado sob cafeicultura. I. pH, Cálcio, Magnésio e Alumínio. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 2539-2545.