Planejamento amostral de propriedades químicas do solo em lavoura de café conillon
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Informações a respeito da distribuição espacial dos atributos químicos do solo são de fundamental importância para a cultura do cafeeiro, pois possibilitam a tomada de decisões acertadas, podendo ser fator determinante para a produtividade da cultura. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, estudar a variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos do solo em lavoura de café conilon e propor uma metodologia de amostragem de solo que melhor se ajuste às condições do sistema de manejo. Conduziu-se o experimento em uma lavoura de café conilon no município de São Mateus - ES, plantada no espaçamento 1,8 x 1,0 m (5.555 plantas ha -1 ). Instalou-se uma malha retangular de 61,6 x 20 m (1.232 m 2 ), com 60 pontos distanciados de 5,6 m entrelinhas e 5,0 m na linha de plantio. Em cada ponto amostral foram coletadas amostras de solo, na profundidade de 0,0- 0,20 m. Utilizando parâmetros estatísticos, estabeleceu-se o número adequado de amostras para análise dos atributos estudados que variaram de 1 a 18 pontos. A maior variação foi observada para Ca (CV 41,7%) e o menor para pH (CV 6,1%). Todos os atributos em estudo apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial, com grau de dependência forte e moderada. A maioria dos atributos avaliados foi satisfatoriamente descrita pelo modelo esférico. Para futuras amostragens em condições semelhantes ao presente estudo, sugere-se coletar 18 subamostras, utilizando malha quadrada suficiente para cobrir toda a área de interesse, com intervalo de amostragem, no mínimo, igual ao alcance de dependência espacial dos atributos em estudo.
Information about the spatial distribution of the soil chemical properties are of fundamental importance to the coffee plantation, as they allow making good decisions, being determinant for the crop factor. The aim of the present work was to study the spatial variability of soil chemical properties in a Conilon coffee field and to propose a methodology of soil sampling that best fits the conditions of the management system. The experiment was conducted in a crop Conilon coffee field in São Mateus, state of Espirito Santo, planted in a spacing 1.8 x 1.0 m (5,555 plants ha -1 ). Installed a rectangular grid of 20 x 61.6 m (1,232 m2), with 60 lines spaced with 5.6 m and 5.0 m in the row points. At each sampling point, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.20 m deep. Statistical analysis established the adequate number of samples to analyze the studied attributes ranging from 1 to 18 points. The greatest variation was observed for Ca (CV 41.7%) and the lowest for pH (CV 6.1%). All attributes in the study showed spatial dependence structure, with strong and moderate degree. The majority of attributes evaluated were satisfactorily described by spherical model. For future sampling in similar conditions to the present study, it is suggested to collect 18 subsamples using square mesh enough to cover the entire area of interest, with sampling interval at least equal to the range of spatial dependence of the attributes studied.
Information about the spatial distribution of the soil chemical properties are of fundamental importance to the coffee plantation, as they allow making good decisions, being determinant for the crop factor. The aim of the present work was to study the spatial variability of soil chemical properties in a Conilon coffee field and to propose a methodology of soil sampling that best fits the conditions of the management system. The experiment was conducted in a crop Conilon coffee field in São Mateus, state of Espirito Santo, planted in a spacing 1.8 x 1.0 m (5,555 plants ha -1 ). Installed a rectangular grid of 20 x 61.6 m (1,232 m2), with 60 lines spaced with 5.6 m and 5.0 m in the row points. At each sampling point, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.20 m deep. Statistical analysis established the adequate number of samples to analyze the studied attributes ranging from 1 to 18 points. The greatest variation was observed for Ca (CV 41.7%) and the lowest for pH (CV 6.1%). All attributes in the study showed spatial dependence structure, with strong and moderate degree. The majority of attributes evaluated were satisfactorily described by spherical model. For future sampling in similar conditions to the present study, it is suggested to collect 18 subsamples using square mesh enough to cover the entire area of interest, with sampling interval at least equal to the range of spatial dependence of the attributes studied.
Macronutrientes, Amostragem de solo, Estatística clássica, Geoestatística
SANTOS, E. O. J.; GONTIJO, I.; SILVA, M. B. Planejamento amostral de propriedades químicas do solo em lavoura de café conillon. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 8, n. 4, p. 423-431, out./dez. 2013.