Sombreamento de clones de Coffea canephora em condições de campo: crescimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
O crescimento, a produção e a qualidade do cafeeiro Conilon (Coffea canephora) estão, dentre outros fatores, relacionados com a quantidade de radiação disponível sobre o seu dossel. Objetivou-se neste trabalho - avaliar o efeito do sombreamento de três clones de Coffea canephora em condições de campo sobre o crescimento, a produção e a qualidade do café. O trabalho foi realizado em uma lavoura de cafeeiro Conilon, no período de agosto de 2013 a julho de 2014, na área experimental do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES), em Alegre – ES. Foram avaliados três clones da variedade clonal Vitória Incaper 8142 (Conilon Vitória), sendo que, cada um dos clones constituiu um experimento, não sendo estes comparados entre si. O sombreamento no cultivo foi implementado de maneira a compor quatro níveis de sombreamento, denominados: pleno sol (PS), sombreamento baixo (SB), sombreamento moderado (SM) e sombreamento intenso (SI), para tanto, foram empregadas telas de poliolefinas (sombrite) com as seguintes capacidades de retenção de luz: 30, 50 e 70%, caracterizando os sombreamentos baixo, moderado e intenso, respectivamente. Para as avaliações destrutivas, foi montado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro níveis de sombreamento (supracitado) e cinco repetições, sendo cada planta uma repetição. Para as avaliações não destrutivas, adotou-se um esquema em parcelas subdivididas 4 x 3, sendo nas parcelas o sombreamento em quatro níveis (supracitado) e, as subparcelas constituídas pelas fases fenológicas em três níveis (início da frutificação, granação e maturação) em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições, sendo cada planta uma repetição. O efeito do sombreamento foi avaliado através das taxas de crescimento, morfologia, teor de clorofilas, produção do cafeeiro e qualidade do café. Nos clones 6V e 12V a menor área foliar unitária foi obtida no cultivo a pleno sol, enquanto que no clone 3V o cultivo a pleno sol foi igual aos cultivos com sombreamentos baixo e moderado. Os sombreamentos baixo, moderado e intenso afetaram negativamente a produção dos clones 3V e 12V. Os sombreamentos baixo e intenso, para o clone 6V, mostraram-se tão eficientes para a produção de frutos quanto o cultivo a pleno sol.Frutos de café produzidos a pleno sol apresentaram um menor rendimento seco:beneficiado, independente do clone estudado. Entre os materiais estudados, o clone 6V foi o mais responsivo ao sombreamento, evidenciando variabilidade genética entre os clones.
The growth, production and quality of Conilon coffee-tree (Coffea canephora), is related to the amount of available radiation on your canopy, among other factors. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of shading of Coffea canephora clones under field conditions on the growth, production and quality coffee. The work was carried out in a Conilon coffee cultivation area, from August 2013 to July 2014, in an experimental area of Agricultural Sciences Center - Federal University of Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES) in Alegre – ES. Three clonal species of variety Incaper 8142 (Conilon Vitória) were studied and each clone constituted an experiment. The shading was implemented to perform four levels of shading: full sun (FS), low shading (SL), moderate shading (SM) and intense shading (SI). Polyolefins screens (shadow protection) with the following light filtering capabilities were utilized: 30, 50 and 70%, featuring the low, moderate and intense shading, respectively. In the destructive evaluations, a completely randomized design was performed with four shading levels (aforementioned) and five replications, being each plant a repeat. In the destructive evaluations, a scheme in split plot 4 x 3 was adopted, being plots the shading into four levels (aforementioned) and the subplots consisted phenological phases in three levels (beginning of fruiting, graining and maturation) in a completely randomized design with five replications, being each plant a repeat. The effect of shading was evaluated by the growth rates, morphology, chlorophylls content, coffee tree production and quality of coffee. The 6V and 12V clones had the lowest unit leaf area in the full sun cultivation, whereas the clone 3V full sun cultivation was equal the cultivation with low and moderate shading. Low, moderate and intense levels of shading negatively affected the production of 3V and 12V clones. Low and intense levels of shading presented to be effective in the production of fruits for the 6V clone as well as in the full sun cultivation. Coffee fruits produced in full sun had smaller dry yield benefit, regardless of the clone studied. Among the genotypes studied, the 6V clone was responsive to shading, evidencing that there is genetic variability among the clones.
The growth, production and quality of Conilon coffee-tree (Coffea canephora), is related to the amount of available radiation on your canopy, among other factors. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of shading of Coffea canephora clones under field conditions on the growth, production and quality coffee. The work was carried out in a Conilon coffee cultivation area, from August 2013 to July 2014, in an experimental area of Agricultural Sciences Center - Federal University of Espírito Santo (CCA-UFES) in Alegre – ES. Three clonal species of variety Incaper 8142 (Conilon Vitória) were studied and each clone constituted an experiment. The shading was implemented to perform four levels of shading: full sun (FS), low shading (SL), moderate shading (SM) and intense shading (SI). Polyolefins screens (shadow protection) with the following light filtering capabilities were utilized: 30, 50 and 70%, featuring the low, moderate and intense shading, respectively. In the destructive evaluations, a completely randomized design was performed with four shading levels (aforementioned) and five replications, being each plant a repeat. In the destructive evaluations, a scheme in split plot 4 x 3 was adopted, being plots the shading into four levels (aforementioned) and the subplots consisted phenological phases in three levels (beginning of fruiting, graining and maturation) in a completely randomized design with five replications, being each plant a repeat. The effect of shading was evaluated by the growth rates, morphology, chlorophylls content, coffee tree production and quality of coffee. The 6V and 12V clones had the lowest unit leaf area in the full sun cultivation, whereas the clone 3V full sun cultivation was equal the cultivation with low and moderate shading. Low, moderate and intense levels of shading negatively affected the production of 3V and 12V clones. Low and intense levels of shading presented to be effective in the production of fruits for the 6V clone as well as in the full sun cultivation. Coffee fruits produced in full sun had smaller dry yield benefit, regardless of the clone studied. Among the genotypes studied, the 6V clone was responsive to shading, evidencing that there is genetic variability among the clones.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Café Conilon, Qualidade, Sombreamento
VENANCIO, L. P. Sombreamento de clones de Coffea canephora em condições de campo: crescimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade. 2015. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre. 2015.