Valor nutritivo de silagens de resíduo de maracujá (Passiflora edulis, Deuger), ou em mistura com casca de café (Coffea arabica L.), bagaço de cana (Saccharum officiarum, L.) e palha de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.)
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Em 1994, realizou-se no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), um ensaio de digestibilidade com o objetivo de determinar o valor nutritivo e a qualidade das silagens de resíduo de maracujá, ou em mistura com casca de café, ou bagaço de cana e ou palha de feijão. Quatro tratamentos (T1 - silagem de resíduo de maracujá; T2 - silagem de resíduo de maracujá (90 % em peso) com casca de café (10 %); T3 - silagem de resíduo de maracujá (90 %) com bagaço de cana (10 %) e T4 - silagem de resíduo de maracujá (90 %) com palha de feijão (10 %)), foram estudados num delineamento de blocos casualizados com 5 repetições, utilizando-se 20 carneiros. Os resultados mostraram coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca satisfatórios para todas as silagens (T1 - 75,O; T2 - 68,6; T3 - 61,5 e T4 - 64,2 %; sendo T1 superior
(P = 0,0435) a T3). Para o consumo voluntário de matéria seca, as silagens apresentaram os valores: T1 - 49,9; T2 - 25,6; T3 - 56,4 e T4 - 68,5 g/UTM/dia; sendo a silagem T4 superior (P = 0,0103) a silagem T2. Os valores de pH, e percentuais de nitrogênio amoniacal e ácidos orgânicos, mostraram-se adequados para silagens de boa fermentação. Os resultados foram diferentes (P = 0,0384) para o balanço de nitrogênio, sendo que a silagem T2 resultou um balanço negativo. Os teores de glicose dos animais que receberam as silagem em estudo, foram normais, enquanto, que a uréia, ficou um pouco acima do normal. As silagens de resíduo de maracujá, ou em mistura com palha de feijão ou bagaço de cana se constituem em uma alternativa viável na alimentação de ruminantes.
In 1994, a digestibility experiment was carried in the Department of Animal Science at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, with the purpose of evaluating the nutritive value and the quality of silages of passion fruit residue, or in mixture with coffee hull, or cane bagasse and or bean straw. Four treatments (T1 - silage of passion fruit residue; T2 - silage of passion fruit residue (90% in weight) with coffee hull (10%); T3 - silage of passion fruit residue (90%) with cane bagasse (10%) and T4 - silage of passion fruit residue (90%) with bean straw (10%)), were studied at a experimental design with randomized complete blocks with five replications, utilizing twenty sheep. By the results, it was observed satisfactory values of apparent digestibility of the matter dry for all silages (T1 - 74.46; T2 - 68.55; T3 - 61.45 and T4 - 68.5 %, been T1 higher (P = 0.0435) than T3). However, for the voluntary intake of the matter dry, the silages showed values: T1 - 43.71; T2 - 25.57; T3 - 56.44 and T4 - 68.52 g/MSU/day, been the silage T4 upper (P = 0.0103) than T2. The values of pH, and percentages ammoniac nitrogen and organic acids proved to be suitable for silages of good quality. The results were different (P = 0.0384) for nitrogen balance, ao that the T2 silage showed a negative balance. The contents of glucose of the animals which were given the silages in study showed normal, while the urea stayed a little above normal. The silages passion fruit residue and in mixture with bean straw and cane bagasse proved to be a viable alternative in feeding ruminants.
In 1994, a digestibility experiment was carried in the Department of Animal Science at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, with the purpose of evaluating the nutritive value and the quality of silages of passion fruit residue, or in mixture with coffee hull, or cane bagasse and or bean straw. Four treatments (T1 - silage of passion fruit residue; T2 - silage of passion fruit residue (90% in weight) with coffee hull (10%); T3 - silage of passion fruit residue (90%) with cane bagasse (10%) and T4 - silage of passion fruit residue (90%) with bean straw (10%)), were studied at a experimental design with randomized complete blocks with five replications, utilizing twenty sheep. By the results, it was observed satisfactory values of apparent digestibility of the matter dry for all silages (T1 - 74.46; T2 - 68.55; T3 - 61.45 and T4 - 68.5 %, been T1 higher (P = 0.0435) than T3). However, for the voluntary intake of the matter dry, the silages showed values: T1 - 43.71; T2 - 25.57; T3 - 56.44 and T4 - 68.52 g/MSU/day, been the silage T4 upper (P = 0.0103) than T2. The values of pH, and percentages ammoniac nitrogen and organic acids proved to be suitable for silages of good quality. The results were different (P = 0.0384) for nitrogen balance, ao that the T2 silage showed a negative balance. The contents of glucose of the animals which were given the silages in study showed normal, while the urea stayed a little above normal. The silages passion fruit residue and in mixture with bean straw and cane bagasse proved to be a viable alternative in feeding ruminants.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Silagem Valor nutritivo Resíduo de maracujá Casca de café Bagaço de cana Palha de feijão na nutrição animal, Silages Nutritive value Passion fruit residue Coffee hull Cane bagasse Bean straw in animal nutrition
Santos, Marco Aurélio Serafim. Valor nutritivo de silagens de resíduo de maracujá (Passiflora edulis, Deuger), ou em mistura com casca de café (Coffea arabica L.), bagaço de cana (Saccharum officiarum, L.) e palha de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.). Lavras : UFLA, 1995. 57p. : il. (Dissertação - mestrado em Zootecnia, área de concentração: Nutrição de Ruminantes) Orientador: Paulo César de Aguiar Paiva