Investigação sobre um método de detecção de adulterantes em café por CLUE-EM-EM
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Instituto de Tecnologia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
O café consiste em uma das bebidas mais apreciadas em todo o mundo, devido a suas características sensoriais e funcionais. Atualmente como principal produtor e exportador no mundo, estima-se que no Brasil haja crescimento no mercado interno para os próximos anos, em que se predomina o café torrado e moído. Este tipo de produto é prejudicado principalmente pela prática de adulteração com outras matérias-primas vegetais. A implementação de métodos de maior sensibilidade e seletividade é necessária para a garantia de produtos de maior qualidade. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver um método de detecção de adulterantes (arroz, cevada, milho e soja) em amostras comerciais de café, através do perfil de oligossacarídeos e das técnicas de Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas Sequencial (CLUE-EM-EM). A partir de soluções padrão de cinco possíveis marcadores químicos (maltose, rafinose, estaquiose, 1-kestose e nistose) em solvente solução aquosa de ácido fórmico a 0,1% e acetonitrila (1:1) e em água grau Milli-Q, foram testados os parâmetros operacionais do espectrômetro de massas e as condições cromatográficas. O método cromatográfico adotado consistiu no uso da cromatografia por interação hidrofílica e eluição em gradiente de acetonitrila e solução aquosa de ácido fórmico, com as condições de temperatura do injetor de 20°C; volume de injeção de 1,0 μL; fluxo de 0,5 mL/min; temperatura da coluna de 35°C; e tempo de corrida de 10 min. Para o método espectrométrico, empregou-se a ionização por eletrospray em modo positivo, com voltagem no capilar, nos cones de amostragem e de extração de, respectivamente, 3,0 kV, 50 V, 2,0 V; temperatura da amostra de 80°C; fluxo do gás do cone de 40 L/h; temperatura e fluxo do gás de dessolvatação de 300°C e 500 L/h; e energias de colisão de, no mínimo, 15,0 V. Os resultados indicaram uma boa repetitividade entre as análises das soluções padrão, com a seletividade sendo garantida pelo monitoramento em tempo real dos espectros de massas sequencial. Extratos das amostras previamente torradas dos adulterantes foram analisados, sendo confirmado o efeito da temperatura como um fator interferente para a detecção dos oligossacarídeos. Apenas a soja apresentou como potenciais marcadores químicos rafinose e estaquiose. Para os grãos de arroz, cevada e milho, foi observado outro íon precursor de mesma relação massa/carga (m/z) da rafinose e da 1-kestose. Este foi identificado como a maltotriose, em que a diferenciação isomérica pode ser garantida pelos diferentes perfis de fragmentação. O estudo dos espectros de massas ainda ratificou estes resultados pela observação de uma maior facilidade da ruptura das ligações α,β (1↔2) e de formação de íons fragmentos de cadeia cíclica saturada. Porém, através do emprego da metodologia, não foram detectados os marcadores químicos nas amostras comerciais de café analisadas, mesmo com as amostras previamente reprovadas pela presença de cevada. A otimização do método de extração ou a inclusão de solventes sodiados podem ser necessários e, por tal razão, novos experimentos ainda devem ser realizados, garantindo a aplicabilidade do método por CLUE-EM-EM.
Coffee is one of the most appreciated beverages in the world, due to its sensorial and functional characteristics. Currently, as the main producer and exporter in the world, it is estimated that in Brazil there will be growth in the domestic market in the coming years, in which roasted and ground coffee predominates. This type of product is impaired mainly by adulteration with other plant materials. The implementation of more sensitive and selective methods is necessary to ensure higher quality products. The objective of this dissertation was to develop a method to detect adulterants (rice, barley, corn and soybeans) in commercial samples of coffee, through the oligosaccharides profile and the techniques of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS- MS). From standard solutions of five possible chemical markers (maltose, raffinose, stachyose, 1-kestose and nystose) in aqueous solution of 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile (1: 1) and in Milli-Q grade water, the operational parameters of the mass spectrometer and the chromatographic conditions were tested. The adopted chromatographic method consisted of chromatography by hydrophilic interaction and gradient elution of acetonitrile and aqueous solution of formic acid 0.1%, with injector temperature 20°C; injection volume 1.0 μL; flow rate 0.5 mL/min; column temperature 35°C; and run time 10 min. For the spectrometric method, electrospray ionization was used in positive mode, with capillary, sampling and extraction cones voltages of, respectively, 3.0 kV, 50 V, 2.0 V; sample temperature 80°C; cone gas flow 40 L/h; temperature and flow of desolvation gas 300°C and 500 L/h; and collision energies of at least 15.0 V. The results indicated a good repeatability among analysis of standard solution, with selectivity by the real-time monitoring of the sequential mass spectra. Extracts from the previously roasted samples of adulterants were analyzed. It was confirmed the effect of temperature as an interfering factor for the detection of oligosaccharides. Only soybean presented as potential chemical markers raffinose and stachyose. For the grains of rice, barley and corn, another precursor ion of the same mass/charge ratio (m/z) of raffinose and 1-kestose was observed. It has been identified as maltotriose, in which isomeric differentiation can be ensured by different fragmentation profiles. The study of the mass spectra still ratified these results by the observation of a greater susceptibility of the rupture of α, β (1↔2) bonds and the formation of ions fragments with saturated cyclic chain. However, through the use of the methodology, the chemical markers were not detected in the commercial samples of coffee, even with the samples previously disapproved for the presence of barley. The optimization of the extraction method or the inclusion of sodiated solvents may be necessary and, therefore, new experiments should still be performed, ensuring the applicability of the method by UPLC-MS-MS.
Coffee is one of the most appreciated beverages in the world, due to its sensorial and functional characteristics. Currently, as the main producer and exporter in the world, it is estimated that in Brazil there will be growth in the domestic market in the coming years, in which roasted and ground coffee predominates. This type of product is impaired mainly by adulteration with other plant materials. The implementation of more sensitive and selective methods is necessary to ensure higher quality products. The objective of this dissertation was to develop a method to detect adulterants (rice, barley, corn and soybeans) in commercial samples of coffee, through the oligosaccharides profile and the techniques of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS- MS). From standard solutions of five possible chemical markers (maltose, raffinose, stachyose, 1-kestose and nystose) in aqueous solution of 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile (1: 1) and in Milli-Q grade water, the operational parameters of the mass spectrometer and the chromatographic conditions were tested. The adopted chromatographic method consisted of chromatography by hydrophilic interaction and gradient elution of acetonitrile and aqueous solution of formic acid 0.1%, with injector temperature 20°C; injection volume 1.0 μL; flow rate 0.5 mL/min; column temperature 35°C; and run time 10 min. For the spectrometric method, electrospray ionization was used in positive mode, with capillary, sampling and extraction cones voltages of, respectively, 3.0 kV, 50 V, 2.0 V; sample temperature 80°C; cone gas flow 40 L/h; temperature and flow of desolvation gas 300°C and 500 L/h; and collision energies of at least 15.0 V. The results indicated a good repeatability among analysis of standard solution, with selectivity by the real-time monitoring of the sequential mass spectra. Extracts from the previously roasted samples of adulterants were analyzed. It was confirmed the effect of temperature as an interfering factor for the detection of oligosaccharides. Only soybean presented as potential chemical markers raffinose and stachyose. For the grains of rice, barley and corn, another precursor ion of the same mass/charge ratio (m/z) of raffinose and 1-kestose was observed. It has been identified as maltotriose, in which isomeric differentiation can be ensured by different fragmentation profiles. The study of the mass spectra still ratified these results by the observation of a greater susceptibility of the rupture of α, β (1↔2) bonds and the formation of ions fragments with saturated cyclic chain. However, through the use of the methodology, the chemical markers were not detected in the commercial samples of coffee, even with the samples previously disapproved for the presence of barley. The optimization of the extraction method or the inclusion of sodiated solvents may be necessary and, therefore, new experiments should still be performed, ensuring the applicability of the method by UPLC-MS-MS.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida no Instituto de Tecnologia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.
Ciência de Alimentos, Métodos analíticos, Fraudes em alimentos
GODOY, R. L. O. Investigação sobre um método de detecção de adulterantes em café por CLUE-EM-EM. 2017. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos ) - Instituto de Tecnologia , Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica. 2017.