Geoestatística aplicada à gestão ambiental da fertilidade e de fitonematoides na cafeicultura do cerrado
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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
A geoestatística contribui para uma maior eficiência na aplicação de fertilizantes e defensivos na cafeicultura, conseguindo, com o auxílio desta técnica, trabalhar a necessidade pontual dos atributos do solo na propriedade. Permite também descrever com precisão a distribuição espacial dos atributos químicos e de atributos biológicos do solo, como, por exemplo, os nematoides. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar a dependência espacial e elaborar modelos geoestatísticos que proporcionam o uso eficiente de corretivos, fertilizantes, nematicidas na cafeicultura, com o intuito de ajudar na preservação dos recursos naturais, contribuindo assim para uma cafeicultura sustentável. Buscou-se, também, correlacionar a população de nematoides com os níveis de fertilidade do solo. O experimento foi realizado em uma lavoura cafeeira no município de Araguari-MG, região do triangulo Mineiro, a fazenda possui 65 ha de cafeeiro arábica (Coffea arabica L.), utilizando uma malha de um ponto por hectare, totalizando 65 pontos. Foram analisados pH, macronutrientes, matéria orgânica do solo (MOS), micronutrientes e nematoide. Nos resultados constatou-se que os modelos geoestatísticos foram apropriados para descrever os atributos químicos do solo e os fitonematoides à exceção da MOS e do manganês, os quais foram descritos por estatística clássica. No estudo ficou clara a vantagem da agricultura com o uso da geoestatística em relação à agricultura convencional, tanto para fins econômicos, quanto para o meio ambiente, pois quando se trabalha pontualmente pode-se fazer uma melhor gestão dos recursos naturais, tanto no momento da aplicação na propriedade quanto em uma demanda mais consciente. Não foi possível correlacionar a população de nematoides com a fertilidade do solo.
The geostatistical contributes to greater efficiency in the application of fertilizers and pesticides in coffee growing, achieving, with the aid of this technique, to work the specific need of soil attributes on the property. It also allows accurately describe spatial distribution of chemical properties and biological properties of the soil, as for example, nematodes. The objective of the study was to verify the spatial dependence and elaborate geostatistical models that provide the efficient use of lime, fertilizers, nematicides in coffee growing, in order to aid in the preservation of natural resources, thus contributing to sustainable coffee farming. We attempted to also relate to the population of nematodes in soil fertility levels. The experiment was performed in a coffee plantation in the municipality of Araguari-MG Mineiro Triangle region, the farm has 65 hectares of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.), using a mesh of one point per hectare, totaling 65 points. Were analyzed: pH, macronutrients, soil organic matter (SOM), micronutrients and nematode. In the results it was verified that the geostatistical models were appropriate to describe the chemical soil properties and plant parasitic nematodes except for SOM and manganese, which were described by classical statistics. In the study became clear that advantage for agriculture with the use of geostatistics in relation to conventional farming, both for economic purposes, and for the environment, because when you work on time can make a better management of natural resources, both at the time of application on the property and in a more conscious demand. Was not possible to relate the population of nematodes in soil fertility.
The geostatistical contributes to greater efficiency in the application of fertilizers and pesticides in coffee growing, achieving, with the aid of this technique, to work the specific need of soil attributes on the property. It also allows accurately describe spatial distribution of chemical properties and biological properties of the soil, as for example, nematodes. The objective of the study was to verify the spatial dependence and elaborate geostatistical models that provide the efficient use of lime, fertilizers, nematicides in coffee growing, in order to aid in the preservation of natural resources, thus contributing to sustainable coffee farming. We attempted to also relate to the population of nematodes in soil fertility levels. The experiment was performed in a coffee plantation in the municipality of Araguari-MG Mineiro Triangle region, the farm has 65 hectares of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.), using a mesh of one point per hectare, totaling 65 points. Were analyzed: pH, macronutrients, soil organic matter (SOM), micronutrients and nematode. In the results it was verified that the geostatistical models were appropriate to describe the chemical soil properties and plant parasitic nematodes except for SOM and manganese, which were described by classical statistics. In the study became clear that advantage for agriculture with the use of geostatistics in relation to conventional farming, both for economic purposes, and for the environment, because when you work on time can make a better management of natural resources, both at the time of application on the property and in a more conscious demand. Was not possible to relate the population of nematodes in soil fertility.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida no Instituto de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Ecologia, Sustentabilidade, Nematoides, Agricultura de precisão
ALMEIDA, L. S. Geoestatística aplicada à gestão ambiental da fertilidade e de fitonematoides na cafeicultura do cerrado. 2016. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Qualidade Ambiental) - Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2016.