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Atualmente em diversas regiões do país a broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei) e o bicho-mineiro (Leucoptera coffeella) têm sido considerados as pragas que causam mais danos econômicos à cafeicultura, devido às altas infestações registradas nos agroecossistemas. Acredita-se que o surgimento e/ou ressurgimento dessas pragas possivelmente esteja atrelado à simplificação dos agroecossistemas nas várias regiões produtoras de café do Brasil, substituindo-se a complexidade da diversidade florística em apenas uma espécie plantada ou monocultura. Em função dos prejuízos econômicos causados pelas referidas pragas do cafeeiro e a necessidade premente de alternativas de manejo ambiental para seu controle, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a incidência da broca-do-café e do bicho-mineiro em cafeeiros conduzidos em sistema agroflorestal no município de Machado/MG. Provavelmente a complexidade da biodiversidade existente no agroecossistema agroflorestal e as condições microclimáticas estabelecidas pela diversidade dos extratos vegetais existentes desencadearam uma auto-regulação dessas pragas, pois se observou que ambas não atingiram níveis de danos econômicos mesmo sem a utilização de nenhum tipo de intervenção via controle agroquímico. Infere-se que o sistema agroflorestal pode contribuir positivamente através do sombreamento dos cafeeiros, diminuindo a insolação, altas temperaturas e baixas umidades, interferindo nas condições climáticas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da praga. Salienta-se a importância do agroecossistema biodiversificado como abrigo e fonte de alimentos secundários aos inimigos naturais do bicho-mineiro e da broca-do-café.
Currently in various regions of the coffee borer (Hypothenemus hampei) and coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) have been considered the most pests that cause economic damage to the coffee due to high infestation recorded in agroecosystems. It is believed that the appearance and/or resurgence of these pests are possibly linked to the simplification of agroecosystems in several coffee-producing regions of Brazil, replacing it is the complexity of floristic diversity in one species or monoculture plantation. In light of the economic losses caused by these pests of coffee and the need for environmental management alternatives for its control, this work aimed to evaluate the impact of the coffee borer and coffee leaf miner in coffee agroforestry system conducted in the municipality of Machado/MG. Probably the complexity of biodiversity in the agroecosystem agroforestry and conditions established by microclimatic diversity of plant extracts triggered an existing self-regulation of these pests, it was observed that both did not reach economic levels of damage even without the use of any intervention by control agrochemicals. It appears that agroforestry can contribute positively by shading the coffee plants, reducing the sunshine, high temperatures and low humidity, interfering in climate for the development of pest. It emphasizes the importance of diversity agroecosystem as shelter and food source of the secondary natural enemies of coffee leaf miner and coffee borer.
Currently in various regions of the coffee borer (Hypothenemus hampei) and coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) have been considered the most pests that cause economic damage to the coffee due to high infestation recorded in agroecosystems. It is believed that the appearance and/or resurgence of these pests are possibly linked to the simplification of agroecosystems in several coffee-producing regions of Brazil, replacing it is the complexity of floristic diversity in one species or monoculture plantation. In light of the economic losses caused by these pests of coffee and the need for environmental management alternatives for its control, this work aimed to evaluate the impact of the coffee borer and coffee leaf miner in coffee agroforestry system conducted in the municipality of Machado/MG. Probably the complexity of biodiversity in the agroecosystem agroforestry and conditions established by microclimatic diversity of plant extracts triggered an existing self-regulation of these pests, it was observed that both did not reach economic levels of damage even without the use of any intervention by control agrochemicals. It appears that agroforestry can contribute positively by shading the coffee plants, reducing the sunshine, high temperatures and low humidity, interfering in climate for the development of pest. It emphasizes the importance of diversity agroecosystem as shelter and food source of the secondary natural enemies of coffee leaf miner and coffee borer.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Agrofloresta, equilíbrio ecológico, Hypothenemus hampei, Leucoptera coffeella, sustentabilidade., Agroforestry, ecologic equilibrium, Hypothenemus hampei, Leucoptera coffeella, sustainability.
Lopes, Paulo Rogério; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman; Theodoro, Vanessa Cristina de Almeida; Fernandes, Lêda Cristina; Niconella, Gilberto; Lopes, Iara Maria; Cogo, Francine Diniz. Infestação da broca-do-café e do bicho mineiro em lavoura cafeeira orgânica conduzida em sistema agroflorestal. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.