Comparativo entre os atributos químicos do solo amostrados de forma convencional e em malha
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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura e a magnitude da distribuição espacial de atributos do solo de uma lavoura cafeeira, realizando o mapeamento destes atributos para visualizar a distribuição espacial. Objetivou-se ainda comparar os teores apresentados pelos atributos do solo na amostragem convencional e amostragem em grade. Este trabalho foi conduzido na fazenda Brejão no município de Três Pontas, Minas Gerais, utilizando-se os atributos do solo: pH, P, Prem, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H + Al, m, T, t, SB, V e MO amostrados de forma convencional e em grade amostral quadrada de 64 pontos georreferenciados acrescida de 36 pontos de grade zoom. A análise destes dados por meio das técnicas geoestatísticas possibilitou caracterizar a variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo em estudo, permitindo o mapeamento destas variáveis. Foi possível identificar as diferenças apresentadas nos teores dos atributos do solo comparativamente para a amostragem convencional e em grade georreferenciada para aplicação na cafeicultura de precisão.
The aim in this article was to characterize the structure and magnitude of the spatial distribution of soil attributes on a coffee field and map these attributes in order to identify the spatial dependence of them. It was aimed to compare the attribute amount when it was sampled conventionally or in grid sampling. This study was carried out on the Brejão farm in Três Pontas, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. As a data base were used pH, P, Prem, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H + Al, m, T, t, SB, V e MO sampled conventionally or sampled in a 64 point squared grid georeferenced with 36 points from grid zoom as well. The analysis of these data by geostatistics tools allowed characterize the spatial variability which allowed creating maps of spatial distribution of the variables. It was possible to identify differences presented in the amount of soil attributes sampled conventionally and in georreferenced grid sampling in precision coffee culture.
The aim in this article was to characterize the structure and magnitude of the spatial distribution of soil attributes on a coffee field and map these attributes in order to identify the spatial dependence of them. It was aimed to compare the attribute amount when it was sampled conventionally or in grid sampling. This study was carried out on the Brejão farm in Três Pontas, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. As a data base were used pH, P, Prem, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H + Al, m, T, t, SB, V e MO sampled conventionally or sampled in a 64 point squared grid georeferenced with 36 points from grid zoom as well. The analysis of these data by geostatistics tools allowed characterize the spatial variability which allowed creating maps of spatial distribution of the variables. It was possible to identify differences presented in the amount of soil attributes sampled conventionally and in georreferenced grid sampling in precision coffee culture.
Agricultura de Precisão, Geoestatística, Gerenciamento
FERRAZ, G. A. S. et al. Comparativo entre os atributos químicos do solo amostrados de forma convencional e em malha. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 12, n. 1, p. 17-29, jan./mar. 2017.