Qualidade do café natural e despolpado em diferentes condições de secagem e tempos de armazenamento
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Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”
Considerando que as etapas de processamento, secagem e armazenamento podem interferir na qualidade final do grão, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo, verificar o efeito de diferentes métodos de secagem sobre as alterações sensoriais, físico-químicas, químicas e bioquímicas, ao longo do armazenamento, dos grãos de café natural e despolpado. Dessa forma, frutos de café (Coffea arabica L.) cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC-99, provenientes da fazenda experimental da UFLA/Lavras-MG foram colhidos no estádio cereja, processados por via seca e via úmida. Cafés despolpados e cafés em sua forma natural passaram por um período de pré-secagem em terreiro, após este, divididos em parcelas distintas e submetidos ao processo de secagem até o café atingir o teor de água de 11% (b.u.), sendo então armazenados. Uma parcela de cada tipo de café permaneceu no terreiro para secagem completa ao sol e as demais foram conduzidas à secagem mecânica com ar aquecido a 40°C; 60°C e 60/40°C. Posteriormente, após o produto estar em equilíbrio com a temperatura ambiente, os cafés foram embalados em saco de juta com capacidade para 5 kg e conduzidos à armazenagem convencional. Em todas as etapas houve o monitoramento da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar. Para a caracterização dos efeitos da secagem e do armazenamento, foram retiradas amostras no início e ao longo do armazenamento, nos tempos 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses. Grãos foram submetidos à análise sensorial, determinação de resíduo mineral fixo, resíduo mineral fixo insolúvel em ácido clorídrico 10%, fibras (FB, FDN, FDA, lignina, celulose, hemicelulose), proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, condutividade elétrica, lixiviação de potássio,acidez graxa, carboidratos totais, açúcares totais, açúcares redutores e não redutores , acidez, pH, polifenóis, atividade de enzimas antioxidantes (catalase, superóxido dismutase, peroxidase, polifenoloxidase), eletroforese de proteínas resistentes ao calor (LEA proteína) e de enzimas (catalase, superóxidismutase, peroxidase, polifenoloxidase e catalase) além da caracterização dos ácidos graxos. O café despolpado foi mais tolerante à secagem do que o café natural, independente do método de secagem, apresentando melhor qualidade fisiológica, menor variação na composição físico-química, química, bioquímica e melhor qualidade de bebida. A elevação da temperatura de secagem promoveu danos aos grãos, os quais reduzeram sensivelmente a qualidade da bebida, ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. O tempo para o armazenamento foi afetado pelos diferentes métodos de secagem e processamentos, sendo que, a condutividade elétrica, a lixiviação de potássio, a acidez titulável e a acidez graxa aumentaram com a elevação da temperatura de secagem, independente do tipo de processamento; os carboidratos e a atividade enzimática diminuíram com o aumento da temperatura de secagem, independente do tipo de processamento. O tempo de armazenamento, também interferiu de forma negativa na qualidade do café, tendo condutividade elétrica, a lixiviação de potássio, a acidez titulável e a acidez graxa aumentados e o pH, os carboidratos e a atividade enzimática nos grãos de café diminuídos consideravelmente com o armazenamento. Sensorialmente o café despolpado é menos afetada pela interação secagem, processamento e armazenamento, em relação ao café natural. Em relação ao perfil dos ácidos, destacam-se os ácidos linoleico, palmítico e o oleico. Com o tempo de armazenamento ocorreu uma redução do ácido linoleico com consequente aumento do ácido palmítico. As análises de condutividade elétrica, lixiviação de potássio e ácidos graxos podem ser indicadas para diferenciar a qualidade dos lotes de café. Com relação às enzimas e a LEA proteína, são ferramentas promissoras na diferenciação dos tratamentos aplicados, pois possibilitaram observar as várias transformações bioquímicas nos grãos durante os procedimentos pós-colheita.
Whereas the stages of processing, drying and storage can affect the final quality of the grain, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of different drying methods on the sensory profile, chemical-physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics, during the storage of natural and pulped coffee. Thus the coffee fruits (Coffee arabica L.) IAC-99, from the experimental farm of UFLA/Lavras, Minas Gerais were harvested cherries, processed by dry and wet. The coffees underwent a pre-drying on yard, after this, divided into distinct portions and carried to the drying process until the coffee reaches the water content of 11% (wb), and then stored. A portion of each type of coffee remained on the yard for complete drying in the sun and the others were taken to mechanical drying with heated air 40°C, 60°C and 60/40°C. After the product is in equilibrium with the ambient temperature, the parcels were packed in jute bags capacity 5 kg and led to conventional storage. The temperature and relative humidity were monitored all stages long. To characterize the effects of drying and storage, samples were taken at the beginning and throughout the storage period (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months). Grains were subjected to sensory analysis, determination of ash, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid 10%, fibers (CF, NDF, ADF, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose), crude protein, ether extract, electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, fat acidity, carbohydrates totals, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing, acidity, pH, polyphenols, activity antioxidant enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase), protein electrophoresis, heat resistant (LEA protein) and enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and catalase), and characterization of fatty acids. The pulped coffee is more tolerant to drying than natural coffee, regardless of drying method, with smaller variation in physical-chemical composition, chemistry, biochemistry and better seed and drink quality. The increase in drying temperature promotes damage to the grains, which reduce significantly the quality of the drink, along the storage time. The time for storage is affected by the different methods of drying and processing, and the electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, acidity and fat acidity increase with increasing drying temperature, regardless of the type of processing; carbohydrates and enzymatic activity decreases with increasing drying temperature regardless of the type of processing. Storage time also interferes negatively in the quality of coffee, and the electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, acidity and fat acidity increased and pH, carbohydrates and enzymatic activity in coffee beans dropped considerably with storage, the sensory pulped coffee is less affected by the interaction drying, processing and storage, compared to the natural coffee. Among those identified fatty acids stand out linoleic, palmitic and oleic. With storage time a reduction of linoleic acid with a consequent increasing of palmitic acid. The analysis of electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium and fatty acids may be excellent indicators to differentiate the quality of batches of coffee. With regard to enzymes and LEA protein, are promising tools in the differentiation of treatments and ability to observe the various biochemical transformations in the grains during post- harvest procedures.
Whereas the stages of processing, drying and storage can affect the final quality of the grain, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of different drying methods on the sensory profile, chemical-physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics, during the storage of natural and pulped coffee. Thus the coffee fruits (Coffee arabica L.) IAC-99, from the experimental farm of UFLA/Lavras, Minas Gerais were harvested cherries, processed by dry and wet. The coffees underwent a pre-drying on yard, after this, divided into distinct portions and carried to the drying process until the coffee reaches the water content of 11% (wb), and then stored. A portion of each type of coffee remained on the yard for complete drying in the sun and the others were taken to mechanical drying with heated air 40°C, 60°C and 60/40°C. After the product is in equilibrium with the ambient temperature, the parcels were packed in jute bags capacity 5 kg and led to conventional storage. The temperature and relative humidity were monitored all stages long. To characterize the effects of drying and storage, samples were taken at the beginning and throughout the storage period (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months). Grains were subjected to sensory analysis, determination of ash, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid 10%, fibers (CF, NDF, ADF, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose), crude protein, ether extract, electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, fat acidity, carbohydrates totals, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing, acidity, pH, polyphenols, activity antioxidant enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase), protein electrophoresis, heat resistant (LEA protein) and enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and catalase), and characterization of fatty acids. The pulped coffee is more tolerant to drying than natural coffee, regardless of drying method, with smaller variation in physical-chemical composition, chemistry, biochemistry and better seed and drink quality. The increase in drying temperature promotes damage to the grains, which reduce significantly the quality of the drink, along the storage time. The time for storage is affected by the different methods of drying and processing, and the electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, acidity and fat acidity increase with increasing drying temperature, regardless of the type of processing; carbohydrates and enzymatic activity decreases with increasing drying temperature regardless of the type of processing. Storage time also interferes negatively in the quality of coffee, and the electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium, acidity and fat acidity increased and pH, carbohydrates and enzymatic activity in coffee beans dropped considerably with storage, the sensory pulped coffee is less affected by the interaction drying, processing and storage, compared to the natural coffee. Among those identified fatty acids stand out linoleic, palmitic and oleic. With storage time a reduction of linoleic acid with a consequent increasing of palmitic acid. The analysis of electrical conductivity, leaching of potassium and fatty acids may be excellent indicators to differentiate the quality of batches of coffee. With regard to enzymes and LEA protein, are promising tools in the differentiation of treatments and ability to observe the various biochemical transformations in the grains during post- harvest procedures.
Tese de doutorado defendida na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”.
Coffea arabica, Composição química, Qualidade fisiológica e sensorial, Perfis protéicos e de ácidos graxos
SAATH, R. Qualidade do café natural e despolpado em diferentes condições de secagem e tempos de armazenamento. 2010. 229 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Botucatu. 2010.