Tolerância de populações de café ao alumínio em condições de campo
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Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento de variedades de cafeeiro em solos com alto nível de alumínio trocável, foi montado um experimento num delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro doses de calcário, que correspondem a 0,0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 vezes a necessidade de calagem, quatro variedades UFV 2147 (IAC H 2077-2-5-99, catuaí vermelho), UFV 2237 (IAC 2077-2-5-15, catuaí vermelho), UFV 3880 (232T15-PN, catimor) e IC 4045 (IAC 4045, Icatu vermelho) em quatro repetições. As sementes foram selecionadas, tratadas com o fungicida Captan, colocadas para germinar em germinador a 26oC. Aos 36 dias, quando atingiram o ponto de palito de fósforo foram transferidas para saquinhos de polietileno, levadas para um viveiro, cobertas com um sombrite 50%, irrigadas diariamente e monitoradas quanto ao ataque de pragas e doenças. Antes de serem levadas ao campo foram aclimatadas. O experimento foi montado em março/98 com quatro plantas por parcela, espaçadas de 2,5 m entre linhas e 1 m entre plantas sendo as duas centrais úteis. Até as idades de 13 e 17 meses respectivamente, as doses de calcário empregadas tiveram pequeno efeito sobre o crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular das variedades de café em estudo, indicando certa tolerância da cultura ao Al. A condução do experimento por maior intervalo de tempo e sem irrigação suplementar permitirá obter resultados mais conclusivos.
With the aim of studying the behavior of coffee varieties in soils with high level of exchangeable aluminium, experiment was seek in randonmized blocks design with four levels of limestone which corresponded to 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; and 1.5 times the calculated necessity of limestone, four coffee varieties UFV 2147 ( IAC H 2077-2-5 99, catuaí vermelho), UFV 2237 (iac 2077-2-5-15, catuaí vermelho), UFV 3380 (232T15-PN, catimor) and four repetitions. The seeds were selected, treated with fungycide Captan, and germinated at 26°C. On the 36th day when the plants reached the match point stage they were transplanted to little bags of polyethylene, taken to a nursery covered with a 50% sun-shade, daily irrigated and monitored against the attack of insets and diseases. They were acclimotized before being taken to the field. The experiment was established in March, 1998 with four plants per plot, spaced 2.5m. between lines and 1.0m between plants. Only the two central plants were used for data collection. Until 13 and 17 months of cultivation, the limestone doses had litle on shoot and root growth of all coffee varieties studied, showing a certain Al tolerance. A longer experiment, without supplemental irrigation would provide more conclusive results.
With the aim of studying the behavior of coffee varieties in soils with high level of exchangeable aluminium, experiment was seek in randonmized blocks design with four levels of limestone which corresponded to 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; and 1.5 times the calculated necessity of limestone, four coffee varieties UFV 2147 ( IAC H 2077-2-5 99, catuaí vermelho), UFV 2237 (iac 2077-2-5-15, catuaí vermelho), UFV 3380 (232T15-PN, catimor) and four repetitions. The seeds were selected, treated with fungycide Captan, and germinated at 26°C. On the 36th day when the plants reached the match point stage they were transplanted to little bags of polyethylene, taken to a nursery covered with a 50% sun-shade, daily irrigated and monitored against the attack of insets and diseases. They were acclimotized before being taken to the field. The experiment was established in March, 1998 with four plants per plot, spaced 2.5m. between lines and 1.0m between plants. Only the two central plants were used for data collection. Until 13 and 17 months of cultivation, the limestone doses had litle on shoot and root growth of all coffee varieties studied, showing a certain Al tolerance. A longer experiment, without supplemental irrigation would provide more conclusive results.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.) : il.
Café Alumínio Tolerância, Coffee Aluminium Tolerance
Mendonça, Sebastião Marcos de; Martinez, Hermínia Emília Prieto; Guimarães, Paulo Tácito Gontijo; Cereda, Gilmar José. Tolerância de populações de café ao alumínio em condições de campo. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.), p. 1423-1426.