Radiação solar e saldo de radiação em cultivo de café a pleno sol e consorciado com banana ‘Prata Anã’
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
Medições da radiação solar global e do saldo de radiação foram realizadas em cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, cultivados a pleno sol e consorciados com bananeira (Musa AAB) 'Prata Anã', no município de Mococa - SP (21º 28' S, 47º 01' W, altitude 665 m), durante o período de outubro de 2001 a setembro de 2002, com o objetivo de quantificar a atenuação da radiação solar e do saldo de radiação em sistema de produção de café consorciado. Os resultados obtidos mostraram diferenças nos elementos medidos nos dois sistemas de cultivo. Houve atenuação média dos valores de radiação solar global em cultivo de café consorciado com banana 'Prata Anã' da ordem de 21%, com variação mensal de 16% a 27%, tendo sido verificadas diferenças de atenuação da radiação solar nos diferentes pontos amostrais do sistema consorciado. Em relação ao saldo de radiação, verificou-se redução média de 16% nos valores diários no cultivo consorciado em comparação ao cultivo a pleno sol. O saldo de radiação representou 50% da radiação solar global no cultivo a pleno sol, com variação mensal de 34% a 62%, e no cultivo consorciado o saldo de radiação representou 53% da radiação solar global, com variação de 35 a 38%.
Microclimatic measurements (incoming solar radiation and net radiation) were taken from October, 2001 to September, 2002 in a coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, shaded by banana plants (Musa AAB) 'Prata Anã ' and unshaded at Mococa, São Paulo State, Brazil (21º 28' S, 47º 01' W, altitude 665 m), aiming at evaluating the reduction of the solar and net radiation for the different crop conditions. The obtained results showed differences for the different crop conditions. The banana plants reduced the incoming solar radiation to the coffee crop by 21%, with monthly variation from 16% to 27%. Differences were also found concerning the reduction of the incoming solar radiation in different points of the shaded crop. The net radiation was reduced by 16% in the daily values in the shaded plants in comparisom to the unshaded ones. The net radiation represented 50% of the incoming solar radiation in the unshaded crop, with monthly variation from 34% to 62%, and in the plots shadded by banana, the net radiation represented 53% of the incoming solar radiation, with variation from 35 to 38%.
Microclimatic measurements (incoming solar radiation and net radiation) were taken from October, 2001 to September, 2002 in a coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, shaded by banana plants (Musa AAB) 'Prata Anã ' and unshaded at Mococa, São Paulo State, Brazil (21º 28' S, 47º 01' W, altitude 665 m), aiming at evaluating the reduction of the solar and net radiation for the different crop conditions. The obtained results showed differences for the different crop conditions. The banana plants reduced the incoming solar radiation to the coffee crop by 21%, with monthly variation from 16% to 27%. Differences were also found concerning the reduction of the incoming solar radiation in different points of the shaded crop. The net radiation was reduced by 16% in the daily values in the shaded plants in comparisom to the unshaded ones. The net radiation represented 50% of the incoming solar radiation in the unshaded crop, with monthly variation from 34% to 62%, and in the plots shadded by banana, the net radiation represented 53% of the incoming solar radiation, with variation from 35 to 38%.
Radiação solar global, Microclima, Consorciação, Coffea arabica
PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; PEDRO JUNIOR, M. J.; GALLO, P. B. Radiação solar e saldo de radiação em cultivo de café a pleno sol e consorciado com banana ‘Prata Anã’. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 64, n. 3, p. 485-497, Jul./Set. 2005.