Épocas de aplicação do Espiromesifeno no controle de Brevipalpus Phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: tenuipalpidae) em cafeeiro
Costa, Thaís Ribeiro da
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Instituto de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Dos fatores que afetam a produção do cafeeiro, os danos causados pelo ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis (GEIJSKES) são de significativa expressividade econômica, cuja importância nessa cultura se dá por esse ácaro ser o vetor do vírus da mancha anular, responsável pela queda de folhas e redução na qualidade do café. A época recomendada para o controle químico deste ácaro é após a colheita, quando o dano à produção já ocorreu, pois o pico populacional desta praga se dá antes deste período. O inseticida-acaricida espiromesifeno atua inibindo a síntese de lipídeos e tem efeito ovicida sobre B. phoenicis, demonstrando eficácia no controle deste ácaro em curto prazo após a aplicação, porém mostra ser promissor no controle por longo período, isso devido ao seu efeito residual na fecundidade do ácaro. Desta forma, visando manter o ácaro B. phoenicis em baixas populações, por meio da antecipação da época de aplicação dos produtos químicos, foram realizados dois experimentos na estação experimental da Bayer CropScience, fazenda São Jorge, em Araguari-MG, no período de outubro de 2011 a outubro de 2012. O primeiro teve como objetivo avaliar o produto espiromesifeno, em três doses, no controle do ácaro após a colheita, tendo como padrão os produtos espirodiclofeno e abamectina. No segundo, foi testada a eficácia de três doses de espiromesifeno para aplicação em três épocas antes da colheita, visando impedir o pico populacional do ácaro na cultura bem como avaliar a antecipação da aplicação do controle químico. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em talhões diferentes, dos quais, para as avaliações dos testes, se fez a contagem do número de ácaros em ramos e frutos de café retirados do terço médio e inferior da planta. Em ambos os experimentos foi observada a eficácia dos produtos a curto e longo prazo. Até 30 dias após a aplicação, o espiromesifeno desempenhou bom controle do ácaro B. phoenicis em todas as doses testadas, com melhor desempenho tanto nas de 120 g ia ha -1 quanto na de 144 g ia ha -1 em relação à abamectina e espirodiclofeno, quando avaliada a população do ácaro 232 dias após a aplicação. A antecipação da aplicação do espiromesifeno para o controle químico do ácaro B. phoenicis foi eficiente para todas as épocas testadas e doses utilizadas (96, 120 e 144 g ia ha -1 ) e impediu a formação de picos populacionais do ácaro, demonstrando, assim, que não é necessário aguardar o período de colheita para se realizar as pulverizações.
From the factors that affect the coffee production, the damages caused by the mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (GEIJSKES) have a significant economical expressiveness and, its importance on this plant culture happens due to the vector of the ringspot virus, responsible for the leaf fall and for the reduction of the coffee quality. The recommended season for the chemical control of this mite is after the harvest, when the production damage had already occurred, because the peak of this mite blight occurs before the coffee harvest. The mite insecticide espiromesifeno acts inhibiting the lipid synthesis and it has ovicidal effect over B.phoenicis, showing effectiveness on this mite control for a short-term period after the application and being promising on the mite control for a long-term period, due to its residual effect on the mite fecundity. This way, aiming to keep the mite B.phoenicis in low population, through the early start of the chemical products application, two scientific experiments were conducted at the experimental station of Bayer CropScience, Fazenda São Jorge in Araguari- MG from October 2011 to October 2012. The first one had as an objective the evaluation of three doses of espiromesifeno for the mite control after the harvest, having as a parameter the products espirodiclofeno and abamectina. On the second experiment, it was tested the effectiveness of three doses of espiromesifeno, applying them three seasons before the harvest, aiming to hinder the mite population on the crops and to test the anticipation of the chemical control application. The experiments were carmed out in different gashes where for the tests evaluation it was done the headcount of the number of mites in branches and in coffee fruits taken from the medium and lower level of the plant were counted. In both experiments it was analyzed the long and short term effectiveness of the product. Up to thirty days after the application, espiromesifeno was effective in all tested doses. Espiromesifeno, as on doses of 120 g ia ha -1 as on 144 g ia ha -1 , performed the best control of B.phoenicis in relation to abamectina and espirodiclofeno when evaluated 232 days after the application. The early application of espiromesifeno for the chemical control of the mite B. phoenicis was efficient in all tested seasons and used doses (96, 120 e 144 g ia ha -1 ) and prevent mite outbreak, showing that it isn’t necessary to wait the harvest period to do the pulverization.
From the factors that affect the coffee production, the damages caused by the mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (GEIJSKES) have a significant economical expressiveness and, its importance on this plant culture happens due to the vector of the ringspot virus, responsible for the leaf fall and for the reduction of the coffee quality. The recommended season for the chemical control of this mite is after the harvest, when the production damage had already occurred, because the peak of this mite blight occurs before the coffee harvest. The mite insecticide espiromesifeno acts inhibiting the lipid synthesis and it has ovicidal effect over B.phoenicis, showing effectiveness on this mite control for a short-term period after the application and being promising on the mite control for a long-term period, due to its residual effect on the mite fecundity. This way, aiming to keep the mite B.phoenicis in low population, through the early start of the chemical products application, two scientific experiments were conducted at the experimental station of Bayer CropScience, Fazenda São Jorge in Araguari- MG from October 2011 to October 2012. The first one had as an objective the evaluation of three doses of espiromesifeno for the mite control after the harvest, having as a parameter the products espirodiclofeno and abamectina. On the second experiment, it was tested the effectiveness of three doses of espiromesifeno, applying them three seasons before the harvest, aiming to hinder the mite population on the crops and to test the anticipation of the chemical control application. The experiments were carmed out in different gashes where for the tests evaluation it was done the headcount of the number of mites in branches and in coffee fruits taken from the medium and lower level of the plant were counted. In both experiments it was analyzed the long and short term effectiveness of the product. Up to thirty days after the application, espiromesifeno was effective in all tested doses. Espiromesifeno, as on doses of 120 g ia ha -1 as on 144 g ia ha -1 , performed the best control of B.phoenicis in relation to abamectina and espirodiclofeno when evaluated 232 days after the application. The early application of espiromesifeno for the chemical control of the mite B. phoenicis was efficient in all tested seasons and used doses (96, 120 e 144 g ia ha -1 ) and prevent mite outbreak, showing that it isn’t necessary to wait the harvest period to do the pulverization.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida no Instituto de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Ácaro da mancha-anular, Controle químico, Coffea arabica
COSTA, T. R. Épocas de aplicação do Espiromesifeno no controle de Brevipalpus Phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: tenuipalpidae) em cafeeiro. 2013. 26 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2013.