Potencial de controle das ferrugens do cafeeiro e asiática da soja com novas moléculas do grupo de fungicidas ditiocarbimatos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A ferrugem-do-cafeeiro (FC) causada por Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br e a ferrugem- asiática-da-soja (FAS) causada por Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & P. Sydow são doenças altamente severas e de difícil controle. Dentre as estratégias de manejo destaca- se o controle químico, considerado um método fundamental em ambos patossistemas. Apesar disso, os últimos grupos de fungicidas foram lançados no mercado nacional há quase 20 anos. Diante desses fatos, é necessário procurar novas moléculas com potencial para o controle da FC e FAZ e que sejam menos tóxicas ao meio ambiente, homem e animais. Nesse sentido, delineou-se este trabalho, para avaliar o comportamento de moléculas do grupo ditiocarbimato no controle da FC e FAS. Para tal, as moléculas 1A, 2A, 1B e 2B (“B” =cátion tetrabutilamônio, “A” =cátion tetrafenilfôsfônio, “1” =4-clorofenila e o “2” =grupo metila) representantes dos ditiocarbimatos foram sintetizadas e submetidas a testes de sensibilidade para obtenção da concentração inibitória de 90% da germinação dos uredosporos (IC 90 ). Os valores de IC 90 similares obtidos através da análise de regressão logística entre os ditiocarbimatos e o controle positivo mancozebe, possibilitaram o desdobramento para ensaios em casa- de-vegetação. Sob condições controladas, o potencial de controle foi estudado através da obtenção dos componentes epidemiológicos de cada patossistema e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott (p ≤ 0,05). Para a FC não houve diferença significativa para as variáveis repostas número de lesão/cm2, AACPD e produção de esporos entre os compostos 1A, 2A, 1B e o controle padrão mancozebe. Para FAS, as plantas apresentaram sintomas de fitotoxidez quando tratadas com compostos do grupo “B”. Este grupo possui o contra-íon tetrabutilamônio e expressão de fitotoxidez pode estar ligada a liberação do íon amônio em ambiente aquoso. A molécula 2A e mancozebe apresentaram desempenho similar na dose estudada e não houve diferença significativa para as variáveis número de pústulas/cm2, AACPD (área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença) e eficiência de controle. Apesar do desempenho inferior, a viimolécula 1A também foi capaz de controlar a doença, porém diferiu significativamente do mancozebe e 2A. Em síntese, pode-se destacar o desempenho similar ao controle padrão mancozebe das moléculas 1A, 2A, 1B para controle da FC e da molécula 2A para controlar FAS. Este trabalho mostrou resultados muito promissores para estudos das moléculas do grupo ditiobicarbimato, em condições de campo. Concluí-se que, as moléculas do grupo ditiocarbimato foram eficientes na redução da intensidade da FC e FAS, em condições controladas.
Coffee leaf rust (CLR) caused by Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br and Asian soybean rust (ASR) caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & P. Sydow are severe diseases difficult to control. Management strategies include chemical control, considered a fundamental method in both pathosystems. However, the latest groups of fungicides were released to the Brazilian market almost 20 years ago. In view of these facts, it is necessary to seek for new molecules that may represent potential alternatives to control these diseases with lower risk of toxicity to the environment, humans and animals. Considering the lack of new molecules, this work aimed to evaluate the performance of molecules of the dithiocarbimate group in the control of CLR and ASR. For this, four molecules (1A, 2A, 1B and 2B), representative of the dithiocarbimates, were synthesized and subjected to sensitivity tests to estimate the CI 90 (concentration of the active ingredient necessary to inhibit 90% uredospores germination). A logistic regression analysis indicated similar CI 90 values for the dithiocarbimates and the positive control mancozeb, which facilitated to conduct trials in the greenhouse. Under controlled conditions, disease control was studied by obtaining epidemiological components for each pathosystem and comparing the means by the Scott-Knott test (p ≤ 0.05). For CLR, no significant difaferences were observed in the response variables lesion/cm2, AUDPC (area under the disease progress curve) and spore production between compounds 1A, 2A, 1B and the positive control mancozeb.. For ASR, plants exhibited phytotoxicity symptoms when treated with compounds of the group “B”. This group has the cation tetrabutylammonium and expression of phytotoxicity may be related to the release of the ammonium ion in an aqueous environment. The molecule 2A and mancozeb presented similar performance at the dose studied and there was no significant difference between them for the variables pustules/cm2, AUPCD and control efficiency. Despite the inferior performance, the molecule 1A was also able to control the disease, but differed ixsignificantly from mancozeb and 2A. In summary, can highlight the performances similar to the positive control mancozeb of 1A, 2A, 1B for the control of CLR and 2A for the control of ASR. These results set precedents for studies of dithiobicarbimate for controlling CLR and ASR under cropping conditions. We conclude in this work that the dithiobicarbimate group was efficient to reduce the CLR and ASR intensity under controlled conditions
Coffee leaf rust (CLR) caused by Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br and Asian soybean rust (ASR) caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & P. Sydow are severe diseases difficult to control. Management strategies include chemical control, considered a fundamental method in both pathosystems. However, the latest groups of fungicides were released to the Brazilian market almost 20 years ago. In view of these facts, it is necessary to seek for new molecules that may represent potential alternatives to control these diseases with lower risk of toxicity to the environment, humans and animals. Considering the lack of new molecules, this work aimed to evaluate the performance of molecules of the dithiocarbimate group in the control of CLR and ASR. For this, four molecules (1A, 2A, 1B and 2B), representative of the dithiocarbimates, were synthesized and subjected to sensitivity tests to estimate the CI 90 (concentration of the active ingredient necessary to inhibit 90% uredospores germination). A logistic regression analysis indicated similar CI 90 values for the dithiocarbimates and the positive control mancozeb, which facilitated to conduct trials in the greenhouse. Under controlled conditions, disease control was studied by obtaining epidemiological components for each pathosystem and comparing the means by the Scott-Knott test (p ≤ 0.05). For CLR, no significant difaferences were observed in the response variables lesion/cm2, AUDPC (area under the disease progress curve) and spore production between compounds 1A, 2A, 1B and the positive control mancozeb.. For ASR, plants exhibited phytotoxicity symptoms when treated with compounds of the group “B”. This group has the cation tetrabutylammonium and expression of phytotoxicity may be related to the release of the ammonium ion in an aqueous environment. The molecule 2A and mancozeb presented similar performance at the dose studied and there was no significant difference between them for the variables pustules/cm2, AUPCD and control efficiency. Despite the inferior performance, the molecule 1A was also able to control the disease, but differed ixsignificantly from mancozeb and 2A. In summary, can highlight the performances similar to the positive control mancozeb of 1A, 2A, 1B for the control of CLR and 2A for the control of ASR. These results set precedents for studies of dithiobicarbimate for controlling CLR and ASR under cropping conditions. We conclude in this work that the dithiobicarbimate group was efficient to reduce the CLR and ASR intensity under controlled conditions
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Ditiocarbinato, Ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, Ferrugem asiática, Doenças e pragas, Soja
SILVA, L. F. Potencial de controle das ferrugens do cafeeiro e asiática da soja com novas moléculas do grupo de fungicidas ditiocarbimatos. 2018. 41 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitopatologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2018.