Qualidade de pulverizações pneumáticas de defensivos agrícolas em cafeeiro conilon
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
A ocorrência de pragas, doenças e plantas infestantes no agroecossistema nas importantes culturas (soja, milho, trigo, arroz, algodão, café) vêm causando perdas de produtividade maiores que 30% do potencial produtivo, na média mundial, mesmo com práticas de controle. Um grande fator que afeta a produtividade da cafeicultura é a presença de pragas e doenças. Com a expansão das lavouras cafeeiras e a adoção ao sistema de plantio adensado, estabelece-se condições ambientais favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de pragas e doenças de maior expressão econômica, destacando- se entre elas, a broca-do-cafeeiro (Hypothenemus hampei F.) e a ferrugem do cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Br.). Nas infestações da cultura por esses agentes, a adoção de medidas de controle, necessárias para evitar o dano econômico, ocorre principalmente pelo emprego de produtos fitossanitários, aplicados em sua maioria, via pulverização. A eficácia do controle fitossanitário com a pulverização está condicionada não apenas ao uso de produtos de ação comprovada, mas também ao momento certo de sua aplicação com a utilização do equipamento adequado, que garanta alta eficiência de aplicação, reduzindo as perdas e a contaminação do ambiente. É crescente a utilização de pulverizadores pneumáticos tratorizados nas lavouras cafeeiras do norte capixaba, devido ao adensamento dos plantios, a queda dos ramos ortotrópicos pelo peso da produção dos frutos e à necessidade de intervenções emergenciais. Há alguns questionamentos sobre a eficiência de aplicação do pulverizador do tipo canhão em lavouras cafeeiras, muitos sem qualquer embasamento científico. Objetivou- se neste trabalho, avaliar a deposição de calda em cafeeiro Conilon aplicada por pulverização pneumática. O experimento foi instalado em uma propriedade do município de Nova Venécia-ES, foram demarcadas as plantas alinhadas à direção do jato pulverizado, perpendicularmente às linhas de cultivo. A lavoura possui espaçamento de 3,60 m entre linhas por 1,00 m entre plantas na linha, que apresentavam na ocasião da aplicação, A área experimental consistiu de 16 plantas consecutivas selecionadas por linha de cafeeiros, sendo as 4 centrais úteis, em 8 linhas de cafeeiros consecutivas e paralelas ao caminhamento do conjunto trator pulverizador. Os dados foram coleta- dos 15 de dezembro de 2015. A parcela experimental foi constituída por uma planta. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro re- petições, em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas 8 x 2 x 3, combinando as oito linhas de cafeeiros, os dois lados do cafeeiro em relação à linha e, os três terços da planta (inferior, médio e superior). A área foliar foi obtida por meio de um medidor de área foliar marca LI-COR, modelo LI-3100C, por leitura individual. Conclui-se que, ocorreu maior deposição até a distância de 10,80 metros e que o lado frontal ao pulverizador houve maior deposição no terço médio e superior e o lado posterior a deposição foi semelhante nos 3 terços.
The occurrence of pests, diseases and weeds in agro-ecosystem in important crops (soybeans, corn, wheat, rice, cotton, coffee) are causing major productivity losses of 30% of the productive potential in the world average, even with control practices. A major factor affecting the coffee productivity is the presence of pests and diseases. With the expansion of coffee plantations and adopting the high density planting system is established environmental conditions favorable to the development of pests and di- seases of major economic importance, foremost among them, the borer-coffee (Hypothenemus hampei F.) and the rust of coffee (Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Br.). In infestations of culture by these agents, the use of control measures necessary to pre- vent economic damage occurs mainly by the use of plant protection products, applied mostly via spraying. The effectiveness of the phytosanitary control, spraying is subject not only to the use of proven action products, but also the right time of your application using the appropriate equipment, ensuring high application efficiency, reducing losses and environmental contamination. There is a growing use of tractor-implement pneu- matic sprays the coffee plantations of Espirito Santo north due to densification of the plantations, the fall of orthotropic branches by weight of fruit production and the need for emergency interventions. There are some questions about the gun type spray ap- plication efficiency in coffee plantations, many without any scientific basis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spray deposition in Conilon coffee applied by pneumatic spraying. The experiment was installed in a property in the city of Nova Venécia-ES were demarcated plants aligned to the direction of the spray jet, perpendicular to the crop rows. The crop has spacing of 3.60 m between rows and 1.00 m between plants, which presented the application of the occasion, The experimental area consisted of 16 consecutive plants selected by line of coffee, and the 4 business, centers, 8 lines consecutive coffee and parallel to the traversal of the tractor-sprayer set data were collected December 15, 2015. The experimental plot consisted of a plant. a completely randomized experimental design was used with four replications in a plot scheme split 8 x 2 x 3, combining the eight rows of coffee plants, the two sides of the coffee from the line and the two-thirds of the plant (lower, secondary and higher). The leaf area was obtained by means of a leaf area meter mark LI-COR Model LI-3100C for indivi- dual reading. In conclusion, there was greater deposition to a distance of 10.80 meters and the front side of the spray was higher deposition in the middle and upper third and the back side deposition was similar in the three thirds
The occurrence of pests, diseases and weeds in agro-ecosystem in important crops (soybeans, corn, wheat, rice, cotton, coffee) are causing major productivity losses of 30% of the productive potential in the world average, even with control practices. A major factor affecting the coffee productivity is the presence of pests and diseases. With the expansion of coffee plantations and adopting the high density planting system is established environmental conditions favorable to the development of pests and di- seases of major economic importance, foremost among them, the borer-coffee (Hypothenemus hampei F.) and the rust of coffee (Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Br.). In infestations of culture by these agents, the use of control measures necessary to pre- vent economic damage occurs mainly by the use of plant protection products, applied mostly via spraying. The effectiveness of the phytosanitary control, spraying is subject not only to the use of proven action products, but also the right time of your application using the appropriate equipment, ensuring high application efficiency, reducing losses and environmental contamination. There is a growing use of tractor-implement pneu- matic sprays the coffee plantations of Espirito Santo north due to densification of the plantations, the fall of orthotropic branches by weight of fruit production and the need for emergency interventions. There are some questions about the gun type spray ap- plication efficiency in coffee plantations, many without any scientific basis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spray deposition in Conilon coffee applied by pneumatic spraying. The experiment was installed in a property in the city of Nova Venécia-ES were demarcated plants aligned to the direction of the spray jet, perpendicular to the crop rows. The crop has spacing of 3.60 m between rows and 1.00 m between plants, which presented the application of the occasion, The experimental area consisted of 16 consecutive plants selected by line of coffee, and the 4 business, centers, 8 lines consecutive coffee and parallel to the traversal of the tractor-sprayer set data were collected December 15, 2015. The experimental plot consisted of a plant. a completely randomized experimental design was used with four replications in a plot scheme split 8 x 2 x 3, combining the eight rows of coffee plants, the two sides of the coffee from the line and the two-thirds of the plant (lower, secondary and higher). The leaf area was obtained by means of a leaf area meter mark LI-COR Model LI-3100C for indivi- dual reading. In conclusion, there was greater deposition to a distance of 10.80 meters and the front side of the spray was higher deposition in the middle and upper third and the back side deposition was similar in the three thirds
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Tecnologia de aplicação, Coffea canephora, Canhão pneumático
OLIVEIRA, P. S. Qualidade de pulverizações pneumáticas de defensivos agrícolas em cafeeiro conilon. 2016. 23 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agricultura Tropical) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus. 2016.