Efeitos de tempos e temperaturas de condicionamento sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica, L.) sob condições ideais e de estresse térmico
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Objetivou-se com a presente pesquisa estudar tempos e temperaturas mais adequadas para o condicionamento fisiológico e avaliar os efeitos desses tratamentos na germinação sob condições de estresse térmico, de sementes de cafeeiro armazenadas. O estudo foi conduzido nos Laboratórios de Análise de Sementes e Técnicas Moleculares do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, utilizando-se sementes de café da cultivar Acaiá do cerrado. As sementes foram colhidas nos campos de produção da UFLA e armazenadas em condições de ambiente de agosto/2000 a janeiro/2001, quando foram submeti- das ao condicionamento em água nas temperaturas de 15, 25 e 35 o C por 4, 8 12 dias de embebição. O condicionamento foi realizado em câmara tipo BOD, na presença de luz, e a aeração foi feita com compressores e bombas de aquário. Após cada tratamento, as sementes foram imediatamente submetidas à determinação do teor de água e avaliadas pelos testes de germinação e índice de velocidade de germinação sob estresse térmico (20 e 35 o C) e eletroforese de enzimas. Para comparação, foram utilizadas sementes sem tratamento de embebição. Pelos resultados, conclui-se que as sementes condicionadas em água a 15 e 25 o C apre- sentaram melhor desempenho da germinação em condições de estresse térmico; o condicionamento a 35 o C não foi apropriado; o condicionamento por 4 dias foi o menos eficiente em melhorar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes, e o condicionamento fisio- lógico em água mostrou-se eficaz ao revigoramento, principalmente a 25 o C por 12 dias.
The goal of this work was the evaluation of the adequate times and temperatures for the physiological contitioning and effects of this techinique in the germination on stress conditions, of stored coffee seeds. The experiment was performed in the Seed and Molecular Techniques Laboratories of the UFLA s Agriculture Departament. The seeds used were from the cultivar Acaiá Cerrado. The seeds were harvested in the coffee seed production fields at UFLA and stored at room temperature from August/2000 to January/2001, when they were submitted to physiological conditioning under temperatures of 15, 25 and 35 C for 4, 8 and 12 days of imbibitions in water. The conditioning was dosse in BOD chambers in presence of light and the air was pumped using small aquarium pumps and compressors. After each treatment the seeds were imediately submitted to the determination of the water content and evaluated through the germination and germination speed tests under thermal stress (20 and 35 C) and enzymes eletrophoresis. Seeds without the imbibing treatment were used as control. It was conclued that the water conditioning at 15 and 25 C was efficient in increasing the germination and vigor of coffee seeds under thermal stress conditions, the conditioning at 35 C was not apropriated, the conditioning for four days was the least efficient treatment in improving the physiological quality of seeds, and the physiological conditioning in water was efficient in recovering the vigor, specially at 25 C for 12 days.
The goal of this work was the evaluation of the adequate times and temperatures for the physiological contitioning and effects of this techinique in the germination on stress conditions, of stored coffee seeds. The experiment was performed in the Seed and Molecular Techniques Laboratories of the UFLA s Agriculture Departament. The seeds used were from the cultivar Acaiá Cerrado. The seeds were harvested in the coffee seed production fields at UFLA and stored at room temperature from August/2000 to January/2001, when they were submitted to physiological conditioning under temperatures of 15, 25 and 35 C for 4, 8 and 12 days of imbibitions in water. The conditioning was dosse in BOD chambers in presence of light and the air was pumped using small aquarium pumps and compressors. After each treatment the seeds were imediately submitted to the determination of the water content and evaluated through the germination and germination speed tests under thermal stress (20 and 35 C) and enzymes eletrophoresis. Seeds without the imbibing treatment were used as control. It was conclued that the water conditioning at 15 and 25 C was efficient in increasing the germination and vigor of coffee seeds under thermal stress conditions, the conditioning at 35 C was not apropriated, the conditioning for four days was the least efficient treatment in improving the physiological quality of seeds, and the physiological conditioning in water was efficient in recovering the vigor, specially at 25 C for 12 days.
Condicionamento fisiológico, Sementes, Germinação
LIMA, S. M. P. et al. Efeitos de tempos e temperaturas de condicionamento sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica, L.) sob condições ideais e de estresse térmico. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 28, n. 3, p. 505-514, mai./jun. 2004.