Estratégias da produção e comercialização do café orgânico no Departamento do Cauca na Colômbia
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Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária - Universidade de Brasília
Com o potencial mercado de cafés certificados, surge a necessidade de analisar o comportamento da produção e comercialização da cadeia do café orgânico no Departamento do Cauca, na Colômbia. Neste estudo se pretendeu identificar como os atores da cadeia produtiva do café orgânico no Departamento do Cauca na Colômbia se prepararam, através da certificação, para agregar valor e serem fornecedores de café orgânico. Sob a ótica das estratégias de diferenciação, a pesquisa teve como objetivo geral caracterizar as estratégias de agregação de valor para produção e comercialização do café orgânico no referido Departamento. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método de pesquisa para coleta e análise de dados baseada na técnica Delphi, utilizando roteiro de entrevistas durante o período compreendido entre outubro e novembro de 2013. Os resultados foram interpretados com base nas Estratégias de Diferenciação e na Teoria das Trocas Sociais. Com isso, percebeu-se que os dados secundários e principalmente os quinze depoimentos de cafeicultores, associações, cooperativas, representantes de entidades públicas e privadas, e técnicos de assistência que atuam no setor do café orgânico daquele Departamento, tiveram como resultado que a maioria dos produtores deu destaque às rendas econômicas provenientes do preço do café orgânico e dos benefícios ao meio ambiente. Outro fator a ser ressaltado, seriam as relações estabelecidas entre os atores deste estudo, cujas estratégias desenvolvidas apontam para o aumento e fortalecimento da produção, assim como o cooperativismo entre eles, e o fortalecimento da confiança entre os elos da cadeia produtiva, proporcionando novos mercados e mantendo os já existentes. Notou-se, ainda, que a constituição de organizações localizadas no espaço rural para a produção de forma individual e coletiva busca criar um espaço na luta constante para o desenvolvimento regional por meio de produtos tradicionais, agregando valor, renovando seu conhecimento na busca por padrões de concorrência vigentes nos mercados que participam. Assim mesmo, a diferenciação é uma estratégia de vantagem, que pode vir com a distinção do produto, associando-o à qualidade, responsabilidade socioambiental, visando à liderança na indústria por meio da incorporação dos atributos de qualidade. No que tange às conclusões, a produção em pequena escala das regiões produtoras de café orgânico no Departamento do Cauca, especialistas em ocupar nichos de mercado com sua própria mão-de-obra, adotaram estratégias de diferenciação e agregação de valor, alcançando os objetivos das organizações que são utilizadas para produzir e comercializar no exterior, aderindo às legislações internacionais do mercado de produtos orgânicos, além de utilizar estratégias de comercialização com base na teoria das trocas sociais.
With the potential market for certified coffee, it arises the need to analyze the behavior of production and trading of organic coffee chain in the Department of Cauca in Colombia. This study sought to identify how the actors of organic coffee productive chain in the Department of Cauca prepared themselves, through certifications, to add value and become suppliers of organic coffee. From the perspective of differentiation strategies, the research aimed to characterize the strategies of adding value for the production and trading of organic coffee in the referred Department. Therefore, it was employed a research method for data collection and analysis based on the Delphi technique, using interview script during the period between October and November of 2013.The results were interpreted based on the Differentiation Strategy and Social Exchanges Theory. Thus, it was perceived that secondary data and especially fifteen statements from coffee growers, associations, cooperatives, representatives of public and private entities, and assistant technicians who work in organic coffee sector in that Department had as results: the majority of the producers gave emphasis to the income from the price of organic coffee and after environmental benefits. Another factor to be highlighted is the relation established among the actors of this study, whose developed strategies point out for the increasing and strengthening of the production as well as cooperative work among them, and confidence strengthening among the links of the productive chain, providing new markets and maintaining the existing ones. It was also noticed that the constitution of organizations located in rural areas for individual and collective production seeks to create an area in constant struggle for regional development through traditional products adding value, renewing knowledge in search of current competition standards in participating markets. Nevertheless, the differentiation is a strategy of advantage, which can arise with the product distinction associating it to quality, social-environmental responsibility, aiming the leadership in the industry through the incorporation of quality criteria. Regarding the conclusions, organic coffee small-scale production of the producing regions in the Department of Cauca, specialized in occupying market niches with its own workforce, adopted strategies of differentiation and adding value, reaching the objectives of the organizations that are used to produce and trade abroad, following the international law for organic product market, besides using strategies of trading based on the theory of social exchanges.
With the potential market for certified coffee, it arises the need to analyze the behavior of production and trading of organic coffee chain in the Department of Cauca in Colombia. This study sought to identify how the actors of organic coffee productive chain in the Department of Cauca prepared themselves, through certifications, to add value and become suppliers of organic coffee. From the perspective of differentiation strategies, the research aimed to characterize the strategies of adding value for the production and trading of organic coffee in the referred Department. Therefore, it was employed a research method for data collection and analysis based on the Delphi technique, using interview script during the period between October and November of 2013.The results were interpreted based on the Differentiation Strategy and Social Exchanges Theory. Thus, it was perceived that secondary data and especially fifteen statements from coffee growers, associations, cooperatives, representatives of public and private entities, and assistant technicians who work in organic coffee sector in that Department had as results: the majority of the producers gave emphasis to the income from the price of organic coffee and after environmental benefits. Another factor to be highlighted is the relation established among the actors of this study, whose developed strategies point out for the increasing and strengthening of the production as well as cooperative work among them, and confidence strengthening among the links of the productive chain, providing new markets and maintaining the existing ones. It was also noticed that the constitution of organizations located in rural areas for individual and collective production seeks to create an area in constant struggle for regional development through traditional products adding value, renewing knowledge in search of current competition standards in participating markets. Nevertheless, the differentiation is a strategy of advantage, which can arise with the product distinction associating it to quality, social-environmental responsibility, aiming the leadership in the industry through the incorporation of quality criteria. Regarding the conclusions, organic coffee small-scale production of the producing regions in the Department of Cauca, specialized in occupying market niches with its own workforce, adopted strategies of differentiation and adding value, reaching the objectives of the organizations that are used to produce and trade abroad, following the international law for organic product market, besides using strategies of trading based on the theory of social exchanges.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária - Universidade de Brasília.
Colômbia, Cultivo, Comunidade
MONTOYA, M. R. S. Estratégias da produção e comercialização do café orgânico no Departamento do Cauca na Colômbia. 2014. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócios) - Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária , Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. 2014.