Cultura de embriões e germinação de sementes de diferentes níveis de qualidade para a produção de mudas de café
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A qualidade de sementes de café é influenciada por vários fatores, tais como as operações pós-colheita de secagem, beneficiamento e armazenamento que podem ocasionar danos ao tecido vegetal. Em pesquisas recentes, tem sido confirmado que o endosperma é mais sensível ao processo de deterioração do que o embrião, sendo que este pode germinar e formar uma plântula normal quando isolado da semente. O uso de antioxidantes pode melhorar o desempenho de sementes submetidas a estresses pela remoção de radicais livres presentes nas células do tecido vegetal de sementes deterioradas. Neste contexto, dois estudos foram realizados objetivando-se investigar a formação de mudas de café a partir de sementes com baixos níveis de qualidade. Foram utilizados lotes de diferentes níveis de qualidade de sementes de Coffea arabica L., cultivar Catuaí amarelo IAC 62 obtidos de sementes recém colhidas e de sementes submetidas ao envelhecimento acelerado por quatro dias. No primeiro estudo, sementes inteiras e fracionadas foram imersas em água catódica, ácido ascórbico, água destilada e uma parte foi avaliada sem embebição. Foi realizado o teste de germinação, onde foram avaliadas a porcentagem de protrusão radicular, de plântulas normais e folhas cotiledonares expandidas, o teste de emergência e avaliações de crescimento das mudas, por meio do diâmetro médio do caule, comprimento do hipocótilo e massa seca das plântulas. Sementes de café fracionadas tem pior desempenho fisiológico do que sementes inteiras, principalmente as de qualidade mais baixa. O efeito do tratamento antioxidante no desempenho fisiológico das sementes foi variável com o fracionamento e o nível de qualidade. No segundo estudo, foi realizado o cultivo in vitro de embriões de café a partir de sementes com diferentes níveis de qualidade. Para embebição das sementes foram utilizados o ácido bórico e os embriões extraídos foram tratados com água catódica, ácido ascórbico e água destilada. Foi realizada a contagem de presença de folha e de raiz aos 15 dias, de germinação aos 30 dias e a medição do tamanho do hipocótilo e da raiz aos 120 dias. A adição de ácido bórico na água de embebição de sementes proporciona plântulas mais vigorosas após a cultura dos embriões e dispensa o uso de tratamento antioxidante. Na ausência de ácido bórico na água de embebição de sementes, o uso de água catódica melhora o desempenho fisiológico dos embriões. O uso do ácido ascórbico pode beneficiar o desempenho fisiológico de sementes, mas é prejudicial à cultura dos embriões. É possível formar plântulas de café a partir do cultivo de embriões extraídos de sementes de baixa qualidade.
The quality of coffee seeds is influenced by several factors, such as post-harvesting operations of drying, processing and storage that can cause damages to the plant tissue. In recent research, it has been confirmed that the endosperm is more sensitive to the deterioration process than the embryo, which can germinate and produce a normal seedling, when isolated from the seed. The use of antioxidants can improve the performance of seeds subjected to stresses by removing free radicals present in the damaged seeds. In this context, the studies were carried out with the aim of investigating the formation of coffee seedlings from seeds with low levels of quality. It was used seeds of different quality levels of Coffea arabica L., Catuaí amarelo IAC 62, obtained from freshly harvested seeds and submitted to aging for four days. In the first study, the whole and fractionated seeds were immersed in cathodic water, ascorbic acid, distilled water and one part was evaluated without imbibition. The germination test was carried out, in which was evaluated the percentage of root protrusion, normal seedlings and expanded cotyledon leaves. Simultaneously the emergence test and growth evaluations of the seedlings, by means of the stem diameter, hypocotyl length and dry weight were evaluated. Fractionated coffee seeds have worse physiological performance than whole seeds, mainly the lower quality seeds. The effect of the antioxidant treatment on the physiological performance of the seeds was variable with the fractionation and quality level. In the second study, coffee embryos were cultured in vitro using different quality levels obtained by the same way. For the imbibition of the seeds it was used boric acid and distilled water and the embryos extracted were treated with cathodic water, ascorbic acid and distilled water. It was counted leaf and root presence at 15 days, germination at 30 days and hypocotyl and root size were measured at 120 days. The addition of boric acid in seed imbibition water provides more vigorous seedlings after embryo culture and does not require the use of antioxidant treatment. In the absence of boric acid in seed imbibition water, the use of cathodic water improves the physiological performance of the embryos. The use of ascorbic acid may benefit the physiological performance of seeds, but is harmful to the culture of embryos. It is possible to form coffee seedlings from the cultivation of embryos extracted from low quality seeds.
The quality of coffee seeds is influenced by several factors, such as post-harvesting operations of drying, processing and storage that can cause damages to the plant tissue. In recent research, it has been confirmed that the endosperm is more sensitive to the deterioration process than the embryo, which can germinate and produce a normal seedling, when isolated from the seed. The use of antioxidants can improve the performance of seeds subjected to stresses by removing free radicals present in the damaged seeds. In this context, the studies were carried out with the aim of investigating the formation of coffee seedlings from seeds with low levels of quality. It was used seeds of different quality levels of Coffea arabica L., Catuaí amarelo IAC 62, obtained from freshly harvested seeds and submitted to aging for four days. In the first study, the whole and fractionated seeds were immersed in cathodic water, ascorbic acid, distilled water and one part was evaluated without imbibition. The germination test was carried out, in which was evaluated the percentage of root protrusion, normal seedlings and expanded cotyledon leaves. Simultaneously the emergence test and growth evaluations of the seedlings, by means of the stem diameter, hypocotyl length and dry weight were evaluated. Fractionated coffee seeds have worse physiological performance than whole seeds, mainly the lower quality seeds. The effect of the antioxidant treatment on the physiological performance of the seeds was variable with the fractionation and quality level. In the second study, coffee embryos were cultured in vitro using different quality levels obtained by the same way. For the imbibition of the seeds it was used boric acid and distilled water and the embryos extracted were treated with cathodic water, ascorbic acid and distilled water. It was counted leaf and root presence at 15 days, germination at 30 days and hypocotyl and root size were measured at 120 days. The addition of boric acid in seed imbibition water provides more vigorous seedlings after embryo culture and does not require the use of antioxidant treatment. In the absence of boric acid in seed imbibition water, the use of cathodic water improves the physiological performance of the embryos. The use of ascorbic acid may benefit the physiological performance of seeds, but is harmful to the culture of embryos. It is possible to form coffee seedlings from the cultivation of embryos extracted from low quality seeds.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Deterioração, Coffea arabica, Água catódica, Ácido bórico
PEREIRA, C. C. Cultura de embriões e germinação de sementes de diferentes níveis de qualidade para a produção de mudas de café. 2017. 44 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia - Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2017.