Compostos bioativos, atividade antioxidante e antiproliferativa de duas cultivares de café arábica (Coffea arabica L.)
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
O café é a segunda bebida mais consumida no mundo e tem o Brasil como o principal produtor e exportador em nível mundial. O Espírito Santo é o segundo maior produtor de café do país e grande parte de sua economia é voltada para o comércio deste fruto. O café arábica (Coffea arabica L.) é o que possui maior valor comercial e por isso, é a espécie mais exportada atualmente. Além de seu valor comercial, o café também é conhecido por possuir propriedades farmacológicas, que são reforçados pelos relatos da presença de constituintes químicos com atividade antioxidante. Com base nisto, o presente estudo avaliou os extratos etanólicos de duas cultivares de café arábica, “Catuaí vermelho IAC 99” e “Catucaí amarelo 2SL”, em diferentes níveis de processamento pós-colheita de forma a quantificar os marcadores trigonelina e ácido clorogênico, por CLAE; verificar os teores totais de taninos e flavonoides; analisar a atividade antiproliferativa pelo método do MTT, com células saudáveis (linfócitos humanos) e tumorais (Sarcoma 180), e, também, avaliar a atividade antioxidante dos extratos por meio de quatro diferentes métodos: ABTS· + , DPPH, FRAP e Atividade quelante do ferro (Fe 2+ ), de maneira a identificar o extrato com melhor desempenho, a fim de orientar a melhor condição para consumo e demonstrar as possíveis influências do seu processamento sobre suas características químicas. Os resultados sugerem que a amostra do café Catucaí amarelo seco e pilado (CASP) possui a melhor atividade antioxidante entre todas as amostras avaliadas, mas de modo geral, as amostras secas e piladas apresentaram o melhor desempenho, sugerindo ser a melhor forma de comsumo, no que se refere ao aproveitamento máximo de seus compostos bioativos. A classe de compostos mais correlacionada com a atividade antioxidante foi a dos taninos, entretanto, não se pode descartar a ação dos flavonoides e ácidos clorogênicos. Os processos de torra se mostraram prejudiciais para a qualidade da bebida, no que tange à disponibilidade de compostos bioativos, os dois níveis de torra determinaram perdas sucessivas de compostos bioativos e, consequentemente, da atividade antioxidante. Os testes do MTT em células saudáveis indicaram que as amostras atuaram como mitógenos, entretanto a amostra Catuaí vermelho cereja imaturo (CVCI) obteve o maior percentual de atividade proliferativa, não sendo possível atestar o responsável por este efeito. Em células tumorais, foi observada morte celular em todas as condições avaliadas, onde foi encontrada correlação com a presença de ácido clorogênico e trigonelina, inferindo que a presença destes compostos dificulta a morte celular.
Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world and has Brazil as the main producer and exporter worldwide. Espírito Santo is the second largest producer of coffee in the country and much of its economy is focused on the trade of this fruit. The Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the most valuable commercially and therefore is the most exported specie nowadays. In addition to its commercial value, coffee is also known to have pharmacological properties, which are reinforced by the presence of phytochemical constituents with antioxidant activity. Based on this, the present study evaluated the ethanolic extracts of two arabica coffee cultivars, "Catuaí vermelho IAC 99" and "Catucaí amarelo 2SL", in different post-harvest levels processing in order to quantify trigonelinne and chlorogenic acid by HPLC; verify the content of total tannins and flavonoids by colorimetric test; analyze the antiproliferative activity by the MTT method with healthy cells (human lymphocytes) and tumor cells (Sarcoma 180), and evaluate the antioxidant activity of the extracts through of four different colorimetric methods: ABTS ·+ , DPPH, FRAP and Activity (Fe 2+ ), in way to identify the extract with better performance, in order to guide the best condition for consumption and to demonstrate the possible influences of its processing on its phytochemical characteristics. The results suggest that the sample of “Catucaí amarelo seco e pilado” (CASP) had the best antioxidant activity among all the samples evaluated, but in general, the dry and pounded samples presented the best performance, implying that it is the best form of consumption, regarding the maximum use of its bioactive compounds. The class of compounds most correlated with the antioxidant activity was tannins, however, it is not possible to discard the action of the other compounds evaluated here. The roasting processes were detrimental to the quality of the drink, regarding the availability of bioactive compounds, the tworoasting levels determined successive losses of bioactive compounds and, consequently, of the antioxidant activity. The MTT tests on healthy cells indicated that the samples served as mitogens, however, the sample “Catuaí vermelho cereja imaturo” (CVCI) obtained the highest percentage of proliferative activity, not being able to attest the accountable for this effect. In tumor cells, was noticed cell death in all conditions evaluated, where was found a correlation with the presence of chlorogenic acid and trigonelline, inferring that the presence of these compounds hinders cell death.
Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world and has Brazil as the main producer and exporter worldwide. Espírito Santo is the second largest producer of coffee in the country and much of its economy is focused on the trade of this fruit. The Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the most valuable commercially and therefore is the most exported specie nowadays. In addition to its commercial value, coffee is also known to have pharmacological properties, which are reinforced by the presence of phytochemical constituents with antioxidant activity. Based on this, the present study evaluated the ethanolic extracts of two arabica coffee cultivars, "Catuaí vermelho IAC 99" and "Catucaí amarelo 2SL", in different post-harvest levels processing in order to quantify trigonelinne and chlorogenic acid by HPLC; verify the content of total tannins and flavonoids by colorimetric test; analyze the antiproliferative activity by the MTT method with healthy cells (human lymphocytes) and tumor cells (Sarcoma 180), and evaluate the antioxidant activity of the extracts through of four different colorimetric methods: ABTS ·+ , DPPH, FRAP and Activity (Fe 2+ ), in way to identify the extract with better performance, in order to guide the best condition for consumption and to demonstrate the possible influences of its processing on its phytochemical characteristics. The results suggest that the sample of “Catucaí amarelo seco e pilado” (CASP) had the best antioxidant activity among all the samples evaluated, but in general, the dry and pounded samples presented the best performance, implying that it is the best form of consumption, regarding the maximum use of its bioactive compounds. The class of compounds most correlated with the antioxidant activity was tannins, however, it is not possible to discard the action of the other compounds evaluated here. The roasting processes were detrimental to the quality of the drink, regarding the availability of bioactive compounds, the tworoasting levels determined successive losses of bioactive compounds and, consequently, of the antioxidant activity. The MTT tests on healthy cells indicated that the samples served as mitogens, however, the sample “Catuaí vermelho cereja imaturo” (CVCI) obtained the highest percentage of proliferative activity, not being able to attest the accountable for this effect. In tumor cells, was noticed cell death in all conditions evaluated, where was found a correlation with the presence of chlorogenic acid and trigonelline, inferring that the presence of these compounds hinders cell death.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Efeito fisiológico, Torrefação, Cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência, Linfócitos, Sarcoma
XAVIER, M. B. Compostos bioativos, atividade antioxidante e antiproliferativa de duas cultivares de café arábica (Coffea arabica L.). 2017. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória. 2017.