Radiação solar global, saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo em cultivo consorciado café/coqueiro-anão verde
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Durante novembro de 1999 a outubro de 2000, foram registradas medidas microclimáticas de radiação solar global, saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo em cultivo de café consorciado com coqueiro-anão verde e a pleno sol, localizados no município de Garça-SP. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as plantas de coqueiro-anão verde utilizadas no sistema de cultivo consorciado promoveram atenuação da incidência da radiação solar global sobre as plantas de café, com média de 42% ao longo do ano, variando conforme a estação do ano, sendo maior na primavera e verão (45%) e menor no outono e inverno (38%). A redução média no saldo de radiação diário foi de 43%, e no fluxo de calor no solo, de 20%. Os dados obtidos ainda mostraram que a razão entre o saldo de radiação e a radiação solar global foi de 0,61 para os dois sistemas de cultivo.
Microclimatic data such as solar radiation, net radiation and soil heat flux were taken inside a coffee crop shaded with green dwarf coconut trees and an unshaded coffee crop, from November, 1999 to october, 2000 at the county of Garça, São Paulo, Brazil. The obtained results showed that the green dwarf coconut trees promoted an attenuation of the incident radiation on the coffee plants, as an average of 42% throughout the year. Some variations of this value showed up according to the season, being higher during summer and spring (45%) and lower during autumn and winter (43%). The mean daily reduction of the net radiation was 43% and for the soil heat flux was 20%. The data showed also that the ratio net radiation/solar radiation was 0.61 for both crop systems.
Microclimatic data such as solar radiation, net radiation and soil heat flux were taken inside a coffee crop shaded with green dwarf coconut trees and an unshaded coffee crop, from November, 1999 to october, 2000 at the county of Garça, São Paulo, Brazil. The obtained results showed that the green dwarf coconut trees promoted an attenuation of the incident radiation on the coffee plants, as an average of 42% throughout the year. Some variations of this value showed up according to the season, being higher during summer and spring (45%) and lower during autumn and winter (43%). The mean daily reduction of the net radiation was 43% and for the soil heat flux was 20%. The data showed also that the ratio net radiation/solar radiation was 0.61 for both crop systems.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Cultivo consorciado Coqueiro-anão Radiação solar global Fluxo de calor Arborização Saldo de radiação, Coffee Intercropping shade Green dwarf coconut trees Solar radiation Soil heat flow Net radiation
Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo; Gallo, Paulo Boller; Pedro Júnior, Mário José. Radiação solar global, saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo em cultivo consorciado café/coqueiro-anão verde. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 206-213.