A família no processo de construção social de mercados: uma análise da constituição moral do trabalho livre na economia cafeeira de São Carlos
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Universidade Federal de São Carlos
As relações familiares adquiriram fundamental importância no processo de trabalho da economia cafeeira do “novo” oeste paulista, mas ainda não é conhecido um estudo sistemático sobre como elas atuaram na inserção ocupacional de italianos e brasileiros negros. Através da consulta a um recenseamento municipal e a inquéritos policiais, o presente trabalho possui como propósito a análise da configuração familiar e das percepções acerca da família entre italianos e brasileiros negros situados nos latifúndios cafeeiros de São Carlos durante a virada do século XIX para o século XX. Baseando-se na ideia segundo a qual os mercados são construções sociais, procurou-se auxiliar na compreensão da formação histórica do mercado de trabalho livre em questão. Em um primeiro momento, percebeu-se, por meio do exame de dados referentes à configuração familiar de negros e italianos, o exercício de maior controle, por parte dos italianos, para a permanência de filhos casados no núcleo familiar. Tal fato pode demonstrar que eles possuíam um projeto familiar mais consolidado em torno do colonato. Conseguiu-se também delimitar pressupostos morais semelhantes nos discursos de ambas as categorias estudadas. Ficou evidente, entretanto, o fato de a experiência em torno desses pressupostos ser bem distinta entre eles. O processo de racialização do período abordado relegou aos negros uma representação contrária a da moralidade familiar tida como condizente ao mercado de trabalho livre. Acredita-se que, juntamente com a maior consolidação do colonato enquanto “projeto familiar” entre os italianos, este pré-conceito para com a moralidade familiar dos afro-descendentes é fundamental para se explicar o posicionamento desta categoria social no mercado de trabalho livre da economia cafeeira de São Carlos.
Family relationships acquired fundamental importance in the labor process of the coffee economy of the "new" west of São Paulo, but it is not yet known systematic study on how they acted in the occupational structure of Italian and Brazilian blacks. Through consultation with a municipal census and police investigations, this study has as its purpose the analysis of family configuration and perceptions about the family between Italian and Brazilian blacks coffee plantation located in the San Carlos during the turn of the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. Based on the idea that markets are social constructs, we tried to help understand the historical formation of the free labor market in question. At first, it was perceived through the examination of data on family configuration of blacks and Italians, the exercise of greater control by the Italians, to the residence of married children with families. This may demonstrate that they possessed a family project more consolidated around the colonato. We were able to delineate the moral assumptions also similar in the speeches of both categories studied. It was evident, however, the fact of experience around these assumptions to be quite different between them. The process of racialization of the period covered relegated to black representation contrary to morality family seen as conducive to the free labor market. It is believed that, together with the further consolidation of the colonato as a “family project” among Italians, this pre-concept with the family morality of african descent is crucial to explain the positioning of this social category in the labor market free of coffee economy of São Carlos.
Family relationships acquired fundamental importance in the labor process of the coffee economy of the "new" west of São Paulo, but it is not yet known systematic study on how they acted in the occupational structure of Italian and Brazilian blacks. Through consultation with a municipal census and police investigations, this study has as its purpose the analysis of family configuration and perceptions about the family between Italian and Brazilian blacks coffee plantation located in the San Carlos during the turn of the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. Based on the idea that markets are social constructs, we tried to help understand the historical formation of the free labor market in question. At first, it was perceived through the examination of data on family configuration of blacks and Italians, the exercise of greater control by the Italians, to the residence of married children with families. This may demonstrate that they possessed a family project more consolidated around the colonato. We were able to delineate the moral assumptions also similar in the speeches of both categories studied. It was evident, however, the fact of experience around these assumptions to be quite different between them. The process of racialization of the period covered relegated to black representation contrary to morality family seen as conducive to the free labor market. It is believed that, together with the further consolidation of the colonato as a “family project” among Italians, this pre-concept with the family morality of african descent is crucial to explain the positioning of this social category in the labor market free of coffee economy of São Carlos.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
Sociologia econômica, Família, Negros, Italianos, Oeste paulista, Mercado de trabalho
PALMA, R. A família no processo de construção social de mercados: uma análise da constituição moral do trabalho livre na economia cafeeira de São Carlos. 2010. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos. 2010.