Formação de preços no mercado de café
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Partindo-se da constatação de que o preço do café pago ao produtor apresentou, nos últimos anos, variações elevadas, bastante superiores às variações apresentadas pelas quantidades ofertada e demandada, procurou-se testar no presente trabalho se o mercado de café opera próximo de um modelo concorrencial, ou se tem sofrido algum tipo de manipulação imposta por qualquer dos agentes que nele atuam. Buscou-se estimar um modelo estatístico que pudesse representar significativamente o processo de formação de preços neste mercado específico,) ao mesmo tempo em que testou-se a existência de causalidade na transmissão de preços entre a Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, sediada em New York, e o mercado do produtor brasileiro.A teoria econômica afirma que em um mercado de concorrência perfeita o ajuste entre oferta e demanda vai determinar o preço de equilíbrio, ao passo que se prevalecerem condições de mercado imperfeito, monopsônio por exemplo, algum tipo de manipulação pode surgir. Duas características destacam-se no mercado de café: uma diz respeito à estrutura oligopsônica, tendo em vista o grande número de produtores rurais e o número significativamente menor de compradores intermediários, representados pelas indústrias de torrefeção, moagem, solúvel e também exportadores; uma outra refere-se à grande participação da commodity em transações efetuadas nas bolsas de mercadorias e futuros, ressaltando-se que essas negociações são praticadas com maior intensidade e frequência por agentes do mercado financeiro, sem grande interesse na commodity propriamente dita. Utilizou-se o procedimento dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários para estimar uma função que representasse o modelo de formação de preços. No caso da transmissão de preços, adotou-se um teste de causalidade específico para essa finalidade, tendo sido feitos três testes: um para a série histórica completa e outros dois para subperíodos que apresentaram características distintas., O resultado do modelo de formação de preços indica que as variáveis oferta e demanda mundiais são importantes na^ determinação do preço pago ao produtor brasileiros Com relação ao teste de causalidade, os resultados indicam ausência de causalidade entre a bolsa de New York e o mercado brasileiro no período total e no segundo subperíodo, enquanto que no primeiro subperíodo constatou-se causalidade no sentido mercado brasileiro para a bolsa. De acordo com esses resultados, pode-se concluir que não foi identificada nenhuma forma de manipulação de preços.
Based on the evidences of prices variations paid to coffee producers which varied quite high in these past years, the present research was conducted to verify if coffee market operates close to the competitive model or if rt has endured any manipulative action imposed by any agent that plays a role on it. It was searched a statistical model that could represent significantly theprocess of price formation in this distinct market, at the same time that it was tested the existence of a price transmission causality between the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa, New York, and Brazilian market of producer. The economical theory states that in a perfect competitive market the adjustment between supply and demand will determine the equilibrium price, and on the other hand, if it prevails the conditions ofimperfect market, a monopsony for example, any type of manipulation can exist. It can be pointed out two characteristics in the coffee market: the oligopsonistic structure which is related to a great number of rural producers and a small number of intermediary buyers, represented by industries of toasting and grinding coffee, as well as exporters; the other is the great partnership ofthe commodity in transactions ofthe market and future exchange, done by the agents of the financial market. The procedures used were the Ordinary Least Squares objectiving to estimate a function that could represent the price formation. In the case ofprice transmission, itwas used a causality test which is specific for this purpose. Three tests were done: one for a complete historical serie and two others for the subperiods which presented distinctive characteristics. The results for the price formation model indicate that the variables world suppplyanddemand are important to determine the price paidto brazüian producer. Regardingto the causality test, the results indicate absence of causality between the New York market and the Brazüian market in the total period and second subperiod, while in the fírst subperiod it was verified causality towards Brazüian market for the stock exchange. According to these results it was concluded that no confíguration of prices manipulation was identifíed.
Based on the evidences of prices variations paid to coffee producers which varied quite high in these past years, the present research was conducted to verify if coffee market operates close to the competitive model or if rt has endured any manipulative action imposed by any agent that plays a role on it. It was searched a statistical model that could represent significantly theprocess of price formation in this distinct market, at the same time that it was tested the existence of a price transmission causality between the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa, New York, and Brazilian market of producer. The economical theory states that in a perfect competitive market the adjustment between supply and demand will determine the equilibrium price, and on the other hand, if it prevails the conditions ofimperfect market, a monopsony for example, any type of manipulation can exist. It can be pointed out two characteristics in the coffee market: the oligopsonistic structure which is related to a great number of rural producers and a small number of intermediary buyers, represented by industries of toasting and grinding coffee, as well as exporters; the other is the great partnership ofthe commodity in transactions ofthe market and future exchange, done by the agents of the financial market. The procedures used were the Ordinary Least Squares objectiving to estimate a function that could represent the price formation. In the case ofprice transmission, itwas used a causality test which is specific for this purpose. Three tests were done: one for a complete historical serie and two others for the subperiods which presented distinctive characteristics. The results for the price formation model indicate that the variables world suppplyanddemand are important to determine the price paidto brazüian producer. Regardingto the causality test, the results indicate absence of causality between the New York market and the Brazüian market in the total period and second subperiod, while in the fírst subperiod it was verified causality towards Brazüian market for the stock exchange. According to these results it was concluded that no confíguration of prices manipulation was identifíed.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Café Arábica, Preço, Causalidade na transmissão de preço, Café - Comercialização
MESQUITA, J. M. C. Formação de preços no mercado de café. 1998. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 1998.