Taxonomia de Coffea arabica L. II - Coffea Arabica L. Var. Caturra e sua forma Xanthocarpa
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
Uma nova variedade de Coffea arabica L., provavelmente originária de Manhumirim, Estado de Minas Gerais, e cultivada em pequena escala no Estado do Espírito Santo, foi recebida, pelo Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, em 1937. Trata-se da variedade caturra. Carateriza-se por apresentar porte menor do que o da variedade bourbon, da qual provàvelmente se originou. Os internódios são bem curtos, tanto no caule como nos ramos, sendo intensa a ramificação secundária e de ordem inferior. As fôlhas são de um verde bem escuro, maiores e proporcionalmente mais largas do que as do Bourbon. As flores são pouco menores e os frutos e sementes um pouco maiores do que as dessa variedade. No presente trabalho apresentam-se os resultados das pesquisas taxonômicas relativas a essa nova variedade de C. arabica e alguns dados preliminares referentes à sua constituição cromosômica e genética. Verificou-se ser de 2n = 44 o número de cromosômios somáticos e, dos cruzamentos com as variedades typica e bourbon, conclui-se que os seus principais caracteres são devidos à ação de um só par de fatôres genéticos dominantes principais (Ct Ct). As observações preliminares relativas à produtividade indicam que se trata de uma variedade de elevada capacidade produtiva, merecendo, por conseguinte, a atenção que se vem dando aos trabalhos ora em realização nas principais zonas cafeeiras. A forma xanthocarpa parece diferir do Caturra Vermelho apenas na coloração amarela dos frutos, que é devida ao mesmo fator (xc xc) que carateriza a forma xanthocarpa da variedade typica (2).
A new variety of Coffea arabica L., which is believed to have originated in the region of Manhumirim, in the State of Minas Gerais and which is cultivated on a small scale in the State of Espirito Santo, was sent to the Instituto Agronômico in Campinas, in 1937. The new variety is called caturra and is characterized as being somewhat smaller than the bourbon variety from which it probably originated. The internodes, both on the main stem and branches, are very short and secondary branches are abundant. It has very dark green leaves that are larger and proportionally longer than those of the bourbon variety. Also in comparison with this variety, its flowers are a little smaller but its fruits and seeds are slightly larger. The results of a taxonomic study together with preliminary information on the genetic constitution of the caturra variety, are presented in this paper. It was found to have2n=44 somatic chromosomes and from crosses made between this variety and the varieties typica and bourbon, it was determined that its principal morphological characters were due largely to the action of a single pair of dominant genetic factors (Ct Ct). Preliminary data indicate that the caturra variety has a high yielding capacity and that it may be particularly well adapted to cultivation under shade. There is a yellow fruited (xanthocarpa) form of caturra that is the same as the red fruited form except for the color difference. The yellow fruit color of caturra is probably determined by the same genetic factor (xc xc) that characterizes the xanthocarpa form of the variety typica.
A new variety of Coffea arabica L., which is believed to have originated in the region of Manhumirim, in the State of Minas Gerais and which is cultivated on a small scale in the State of Espirito Santo, was sent to the Instituto Agronômico in Campinas, in 1937. The new variety is called caturra and is characterized as being somewhat smaller than the bourbon variety from which it probably originated. The internodes, both on the main stem and branches, are very short and secondary branches are abundant. It has very dark green leaves that are larger and proportionally longer than those of the bourbon variety. Also in comparison with this variety, its flowers are a little smaller but its fruits and seeds are slightly larger. The results of a taxonomic study together with preliminary information on the genetic constitution of the caturra variety, are presented in this paper. It was found to have2n=44 somatic chromosomes and from crosses made between this variety and the varieties typica and bourbon, it was determined that its principal morphological characters were due largely to the action of a single pair of dominant genetic factors (Ct Ct). Preliminary data indicate that the caturra variety has a high yielding capacity and that it may be particularly well adapted to cultivation under shade. There is a yellow fruited (xanthocarpa) form of caturra that is the same as the red fruited form except for the color difference. The yellow fruit color of caturra is probably determined by the same genetic factor (xc xc) that characterizes the xanthocarpa form of the variety typica.
KRUG, C. A.; MENDES, J. E. T.; CARVALHO, A. Taxonomia de Coffea arabica L. II - Coffea Arabica L. Var. Caturra e sua forma Xanthocarpa. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 9, n. 9-12, p. 156-163, set./dez. 1949.