Perfil sensorial e repetibilidade de provadores de cafés especiais em Minas Gerais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O café é um produto valorizado em função da sua qualidade. Ações para incentivar e premiar a qualidade tem sido implementadas, dentre elas a realização de concursos. Dentre estes, destaca-se o Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafés de Minas Gerais, que é realizado no estado com a maior produção de café do país. Minas Gerais possui quatro principais regiões produtoras de café, que possuem características distintas e consequentemente, potenciais para a produção de cafés com características diversas. A qualidade desses cafés é avaliada por meio de análise sensorial, realizada por provadores profissionais. A confiabilidade nas análises realizadas por esses profissionais, bem como o efeito do número de provadores usados nessas análises, tem sido pouco investigados. Para melhor entendimento das questões levantadas foram utilizados dados de cinco anos do Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafés de Minas Gerais. No Capítulo 1 objetivou-se descrever, sensorialmente, os cafés finalistas do Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafés de Minas Gerais, em suas regiões produtoras, e avaliar a diversidade entre eles. Todas as regiões de Minas Gerais têm potencial para a produção de cafés especiais, demonstrada pelas altas notas obtidas pelos cafés finalistas do concurso. No Cerrado, os cafés CD se destacam pelas altas notas conferidas aos atributos doçura e acidez, observadas nos primeiros três primeiros anos avaliados e perfil equilibrado, nos últimos anos, o que também é observado nos cafés naturais. A região das Matas se destaca pelo aumento no número de cafés finalistas no concurso no período estudado, nesta região as notas para doçura e acidez são destaque nos primeiros anos avaliados, nos últimos, há notas maiores para sabor e corpo, tanto para os cafés CD quanto para os naturais. O Sul de Minas apresenta notas elevadas para o atributo acidez, independente do processamento do café e do período avaliado, além disso, apresenta notas mais elevadas para corpo, nos cafés CD, observadas nos primeiros anos e para o sabor, nos cafés naturais, em todo o período de estudo. A região das Chapadas tem poucas amostras finalistas, o que dificulta a sua caracterização, mas apresenta potencial crescente, demonstrada pela sua participação mais recente entre os cafés finalistas do concurso. Na análise de conteúdo, os cafés que se destacaram nas regiões e, por isso, receberam comentários dos provadores podem ser descritos como: no Cerrado os cafés possuem aromas florais e cítricos, corpo cremoso e encorpado, doçura média e sabores diversos. Os cafés das Matas possuem aromas cítricos e florais, corpo cremoso, doçura média e sabor caramelado para os cafés CD e frutado para os cafés naturais. Os cafés produzidos no Sul de Minas têm aroma cítrico, corpo cremoso, doçura média e sabor caramelado para os cafés CD e caramelado e frutado para os cafés naturais. Na análise de diversidade constatou-se que o ano de produção influencia na diversidade sensorial dos cafés avaliados. Os cafés CD produzidos nas regiões Sul e Matas são similares. Para os naturais houve efeito do ano de produção, apenas quando observados os últimos anos de análise. No Capítulo 2 objetivou-se determinar o coeficiente de repetibilidade dos provadores para as características sensoriais do café no concurso de qualidade, durante cinco anos, de forma a estimar o número de provadores capazes de proporcionar níveis de certeza na avaliação dos cafés, além disso, agrupar os provadores por meio da obtenção da sua similaridade na avaliação sensorial. Foi possível observar a existência de bom grau de confiança na avaliação dos provadores nos cinco anos de concurso. O número de provadores necessários para níveis de certeza na avaliação dos cafés testados varia em função dos atributos da bebida, do método de estimação e do ano avaliado, variando de um a dezessete provadores. Para a avaliação da nota final são necessários entre quatro e catorze provadores. Em todos os anos estudados, a maioria dos provadores avaliados apresenta similaridade, sendo convergentes na avaliação dos cafés. No capítulo 3 objetivou-se propor o uso do mapa de concordância, por meio da técnica de mapeamento de concordância com busca exaustiva, e avaliar a eficácia do seu uso para avaliação de provadores de café, utilizando dados da etapa final do Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafés de Minas Gerais. O mapa de concordância, obtido por meio da análise exaustiva da combinação de provadores quanto à repetibilidade, é uma técnica viável na avaliação dos provadores de café, sendo uma alternativa para indicar a redução do número de provadores usado. Essa técnica considera combinações concordantes entre eles, que permitem que a confiabilidade inicial seja mantida e até aumentada mesmo com a redução do número de provadores. O mapa de concordância permite a obtenção de informações quanto ao comportamento dos provadores na avaliação dos cafés, podendo ser usado na definição de equipes ou na indicação de treinamento das mesmas. Em todos os anos avaliados foi possível reduzir o número de provadores utilizado na avaliação da nota final dos cafés finalistas do concurso. O número mínimo de provadores obtido em cada ano de análise não é uma indicação de um número a ser utilizado, estando limitado às condições deste estudo.
Coffee is a product valued by its quality. Actions to encourage and reward quality have been implemented, among them the holding of contests. Among these, the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais, which is held in the state with the largest coffee production in the country. Minas Gerais has four main coffee producing regions, which have different characteristics and consequently, potential for the production of coffees with different characteristics. The quality of these coffees is evaluated through sensory analysis, performed by professional tasters. The reliability of the analyzes performed by these professionals, as well as the effect of the number of tasters used in these analyzes, has been little investigated. To better understand the issues raised, data from the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais for the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 were used. In Chapter 1, the objective was to describe, sensorially, the finalist coffees of the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais, in their producing regions, and to evaluate the diversity among them. Through the descriptive analyzes it was verified that all the regions of Minas Gerais presented potential for the production of specialty coffees, demonstrated by the high grades obtained by the finalists in the contest. Sensory profiles were different between natural and CD coffees, between regions and over the years. The analysis of the comments, as a complementary methodology, made it possible to describe specific characteristics of the regions. In the Cerrado region most of the comments were for floral and citrus aromas, creamy and full body, medium sweetness and various flavors; in Matas de Minas the aromas were described as citrus and floral, creamy body, medium sweetness and caramel flavor for the CD and fruity coffees for the natural coffees; in the Sul de Minas region the citrus aromas, creamy body, medium sweetness and caramelized flavor for the CD and caramelated and fruity coffees for the natural coffees stood out. The year of production influenced the sensorial diversity of the evaluated coffees. The CD coffees produced in the Sul and Matas regions were similar, for the natural ones there was effect of the year of production, when observed the last years of the analysis. In Chapter 2 the objective was to determine the coefficients of repeatability of the tasters for the sensory characteristics of coffee in quality contest, for five years, in order to estimate the number of tasters capable of providing levels of certainty in the evaluation of coffees, in addition, to group the most similar tasters. It was possible to observe a good degree of confidence in the evaluation of the tasters during the five years of contest. The number of tasters required for levels of certainty in evaluating the tested coffees varies according to the attributes of the beverage, the estimation method and the year evaluated, ranging from one to seventeen tasters. In the evaluation of the final score between four and fourteen tasters are required. In all the studied years, most of the evaluated tasters present similarity, being convergent in the evaluation of the coffees. The chapter 3 aimed to propose the use of the concordance map through the concordance mapping with exhaustive search, and to evaluate the effectiveness of its use to evaluate coffee tasters, using data from the final stage of the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais. The concordance map, obtained by exhaustive analysis of the combination of tasters for repeatability, is a viable technique in the evaluation of coffee tasters and is an alternative to indicate the reduction in the number of tasters used. This technique considers concordant combinations between them, which allow the initial confidence to be maintained and even increased even with the reduction of the number of tasters. The concordance map allows obtaining information on the behavior of tasters in the evaluation of coffees and can be used in the definition of teams or in the indication of their training. In all the evaluated years it was possible to reduce the number of tasters used in the evaluation of the final score of the contest. The minimum number of tasters obtained in each year of analysis is not an indication of a number to be used and is limited to the conditions of this study.
Coffee is a product valued by its quality. Actions to encourage and reward quality have been implemented, among them the holding of contests. Among these, the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais, which is held in the state with the largest coffee production in the country. Minas Gerais has four main coffee producing regions, which have different characteristics and consequently, potential for the production of coffees with different characteristics. The quality of these coffees is evaluated through sensory analysis, performed by professional tasters. The reliability of the analyzes performed by these professionals, as well as the effect of the number of tasters used in these analyzes, has been little investigated. To better understand the issues raised, data from the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais for the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 were used. In Chapter 1, the objective was to describe, sensorially, the finalist coffees of the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais, in their producing regions, and to evaluate the diversity among them. Through the descriptive analyzes it was verified that all the regions of Minas Gerais presented potential for the production of specialty coffees, demonstrated by the high grades obtained by the finalists in the contest. Sensory profiles were different between natural and CD coffees, between regions and over the years. The analysis of the comments, as a complementary methodology, made it possible to describe specific characteristics of the regions. In the Cerrado region most of the comments were for floral and citrus aromas, creamy and full body, medium sweetness and various flavors; in Matas de Minas the aromas were described as citrus and floral, creamy body, medium sweetness and caramel flavor for the CD and fruity coffees for the natural coffees; in the Sul de Minas region the citrus aromas, creamy body, medium sweetness and caramelized flavor for the CD and caramelated and fruity coffees for the natural coffees stood out. The year of production influenced the sensorial diversity of the evaluated coffees. The CD coffees produced in the Sul and Matas regions were similar, for the natural ones there was effect of the year of production, when observed the last years of the analysis. In Chapter 2 the objective was to determine the coefficients of repeatability of the tasters for the sensory characteristics of coffee in quality contest, for five years, in order to estimate the number of tasters capable of providing levels of certainty in the evaluation of coffees, in addition, to group the most similar tasters. It was possible to observe a good degree of confidence in the evaluation of the tasters during the five years of contest. The number of tasters required for levels of certainty in evaluating the tested coffees varies according to the attributes of the beverage, the estimation method and the year evaluated, ranging from one to seventeen tasters. In the evaluation of the final score between four and fourteen tasters are required. In all the studied years, most of the evaluated tasters present similarity, being convergent in the evaluation of the coffees. The chapter 3 aimed to propose the use of the concordance map through the concordance mapping with exhaustive search, and to evaluate the effectiveness of its use to evaluate coffee tasters, using data from the final stage of the Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais. The concordance map, obtained by exhaustive analysis of the combination of tasters for repeatability, is a viable technique in the evaluation of coffee tasters and is an alternative to indicate the reduction in the number of tasters used. This technique considers concordant combinations between them, which allow the initial confidence to be maintained and even increased even with the reduction of the number of tasters. The concordance map allows obtaining information on the behavior of tasters in the evaluation of coffees and can be used in the definition of teams or in the indication of their training. In all the evaluated years it was possible to reduce the number of tasters used in the evaluation of the final score of the contest. The minimum number of tasters obtained in each year of analysis is not an indication of a number to be used and is limited to the conditions of this study.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Bebidas não alcoólicas, Qualidade, Avaliação sensorial, Baristas
PINHEIRO, A. C. T. Perfil sensorial e repetibilidade de provadores de cafés especiais em Minas Gerais. 2019. 80 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2019.