Controle de plantas espontâneas e aporte de nitrogênio em área cultivada com cafeeiro através do manejo de plantas de cobertura de solo
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Instituto de Agronomia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de café (Coffea arabica L.), sendo responsável por mais de 30% do mercado internacional. Essa atividade é grande geradora de emprego e promotora de desenvolvimento rural. Estima-se que os gastos com fertilizantes e corretivos representem 30% do custo total da produção do cafeeiro, com destaque para os fertilizantes nitrogenados. A produção de café em sistema orgânico seria uma alternativa para os agricultores familiares da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais. Alguns custos na produção poderiam ser reduzidos pela prática de adubação verde, sendo considerada uma boa estratégia para aumentar a disponibilidade de nitrogênio nos sistemas orgânicos, pois os adubos verdes em cafezais podem melhorar as características físicas, químicas e biológicas do solo, elevar o teor de nutrientes nas folhas do cafeeiro, controlar nematóides, incorporar N via FBN, aumentar a micorrização, concentrar nutrientes nas camadas mais superficiais do solo além de controlar ervas espontâneas. O conhecimento prévio da composição florística das plantas espontâneas em sistemas de cultivo de café orgânico, permite antecipar a organização de estratégias preventivas para adoção de medidas de controle mais sustentáveis. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes espécies de adubos verdes, consorciadas e em monocultivo, no controle de ervas espontâneas e no aporte de nitrogênio no cultivo do cafeeiro em conversão agroecológica. O experimento foi conduzido em uma lavoura de café arábica cv. Catuaí Vermelho na cidade de Cajuri, localizada na região da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, utilizando um delineamento experimental com blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos: a) feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformis) solteiro; b) crotalária juncea (Crotalaria juncea L.) solteira; c) crotalária juncea consorciada com feijão de porco; e d) testemunha (vegetação espontânea). Na área experimental foram identificadas 21 espécies de plantas espontâneas, distribuídas em nove famílias, sendo as principais espécies: Acanthospermum hispidium (carrapicho de carneiro), Commelina benghalensis (trapoeraba), Ageratum conyzoides (mentrasto), Digitaia sanguinales (capim colchão), Brachiaria plantaginea (capim marmelada), Ischaemum rugosum (capim carrapicho). Ao final do experimento observou-se que os maiores valores na produção de biomassa seca foram associados aos tratamentos formados pelo consórcio feijão de porco + crotalária juncea. O pousio produziu quantidades bem inferiores de biomassa seca em comparação aos demais tratamentos. Os adubos verdes foram aproximadamente de 4 a 11 vezes mais eficientes na acumulação de N em comparação às plantas espontâneas. As plantas de cobertura alteraram a dinâmica da população de ervas espontâneas, reduzindo significativamente sua infestação na área experimental. O tratamento formado pelo feijão de porco solteiro foi eficiente no controle de mais de 71% das espécies encontradas na área experimental. A espécie de Ageratum conyzoides (mentrasto), pertencente à família Asteraceae, foi a mais frequente, a mais densa, a mais abundante e a predominante na área, onde todos os tratamentos com plantas de cobertura apresentaram dificuldades em controlá-la.
Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer (Coffea arabica L.), accounting for more than 30% of the international market. This activity is a great employment generator and promotes development in rural areas. It is estimated that expenditures with fertilizers and correctives represent 30% of the total cost of coffee production, where nitrogen fertilizers are the most important. The production of organic coffee would be an alternative for the family farmers in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais. Some production costs could be reduced by the practice of green manuring, which is considered a good strategy to enhance the availability of nitrogen in organic systems, since green manures in coffee crops improves the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil, raises the nutrient contents in coffee leaves, controls nematodes, incorporate N via NBF, increases mycorrhization, concentrates nutrients in the more superficial layers of the soil besides controlling weeds. The prior knowledge of the floristic composition of weeds in organic coffee cultivation systems allows one to anticipate the organization of preventive strategies for the adoption of more sustainable control measures. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different species of green manure in intercropping or single cultivation systems on the control of spontaneous weeds and on the nitrogen input in coffee cultivation in agroecological conversion. The experiment was carried out in an arabica coffee crop with cv. Catuaí Vermelho in the city of Cajuri, located in the region of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, using an experimental design with randomized blocks with five replicates. Four treatments were used: a) Canavalia ensiformis in single cultivation; B) Crotalaria juncea L. in single cultivation; C) Crotalaria juncea L. intercropped with Canavalia ensiformis; and d) control (spontaneous vegetation). Twenty-one species of weeds were identified in the experimental area, distributed in nine families, in which the main species were, as follows: Acanthospermum hispidium; Commelina benghalensis; Ageratum conyzoides, Digitaia sanguinales, Brachiaria plantaginea, Ischaemum rugosum. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the highest values in the dry biomass production were associated to the treatments formed by the Crotalaria juncea L. intercropped with Canavalia ensiformis. Fallow produced much less dry biomass than the other treatments. Green manures were approximately 4 to 11 times more efficient in accumulation of N compared to weeds. Cover plants altered the population dynamics of weeds, significantly reducing their infestation in the experimental area. The treatment with Canavalia ensiformis was efficient in controlling more than 71% of the species found in the experimental area. The species Ageratum conyzoides, which belongs to the family Asteraceae, was the most frequent, the densest, the most abundant and the predominant in the area, where all treatments with cover crops presented difficulties in controlling it.
Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer (Coffea arabica L.), accounting for more than 30% of the international market. This activity is a great employment generator and promotes development in rural areas. It is estimated that expenditures with fertilizers and correctives represent 30% of the total cost of coffee production, where nitrogen fertilizers are the most important. The production of organic coffee would be an alternative for the family farmers in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais. Some production costs could be reduced by the practice of green manuring, which is considered a good strategy to enhance the availability of nitrogen in organic systems, since green manures in coffee crops improves the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil, raises the nutrient contents in coffee leaves, controls nematodes, incorporate N via NBF, increases mycorrhization, concentrates nutrients in the more superficial layers of the soil besides controlling weeds. The prior knowledge of the floristic composition of weeds in organic coffee cultivation systems allows one to anticipate the organization of preventive strategies for the adoption of more sustainable control measures. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different species of green manure in intercropping or single cultivation systems on the control of spontaneous weeds and on the nitrogen input in coffee cultivation in agroecological conversion. The experiment was carried out in an arabica coffee crop with cv. Catuaí Vermelho in the city of Cajuri, located in the region of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, using an experimental design with randomized blocks with five replicates. Four treatments were used: a) Canavalia ensiformis in single cultivation; B) Crotalaria juncea L. in single cultivation; C) Crotalaria juncea L. intercropped with Canavalia ensiformis; and d) control (spontaneous vegetation). Twenty-one species of weeds were identified in the experimental area, distributed in nine families, in which the main species were, as follows: Acanthospermum hispidium; Commelina benghalensis; Ageratum conyzoides, Digitaia sanguinales, Brachiaria plantaginea, Ischaemum rugosum. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the highest values in the dry biomass production were associated to the treatments formed by the Crotalaria juncea L. intercropped with Canavalia ensiformis. Fallow produced much less dry biomass than the other treatments. Green manures were approximately 4 to 11 times more efficient in accumulation of N compared to weeds. Cover plants altered the population dynamics of weeds, significantly reducing their infestation in the experimental area. The treatment with Canavalia ensiformis was efficient in controlling more than 71% of the species found in the experimental area. The species Ageratum conyzoides, which belongs to the family Asteraceae, was the most frequent, the densest, the most abundant and the predominant in the area, where all treatments with cover crops presented difficulties in controlling it.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida no Instituto de Agronomia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.
FREITAS, R. A. Controle de plantas espontâneas e aporte de nitrogênio em área cultivada com cafeeiro através do manejo de plantas de cobertura de solo. 2017. 39 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências ) - Instituto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica. 2017.