Primeira aproximação para solo cultivado com cafeeiro conilon na região atlântica da Bahia
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O Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS), apesar de ser comumente utilizado na interpretação de análises foliares, pode ser empregado em análise química de solo, existindo potencial do uso da metodologia em solos cultivados com cafeeiros. Objetivou-se estabelecer faixas de suficiência e normas DRIS para solos cultivados com cafeeiro conilon na região Atlântica do Estado da Bahia. Coletaram-se 24 amostras de solo em 2012 e 2013, na profundidade de 0-20 cm, sendo quantificados os teores de matéria orgânica, Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Zn, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, saturação de bases e capacidade de troca catiônica a pH 7. Estabeleceram-se normas DRIS e faixas de suficiência para os nutrientes do solo, a partir de lavouras com produtividade, igual e superior a 100 sacas beneficiadas ha -1 de café conilon, sendo aplicáveis na recomendação de adubação da cultura na região. A maioria dos parâmetros estabelecidos apresentou discrepância em relação ao referencial teórico que se tem atualmente para o café conilon. Os resultados sugerem o desenvolvimento de normas regionais e específicas para a aplicação do método DRIS e faixas de suficiência no solo, para lavouras de café conilon.
The Integrated Diagnosis and Recommendation (DRIS), although commonly used in the interpretation of leaf analysis has also been employed in chemical analysis of soil, as there is potential for the use of the methodology also in soil and coffee. This study aimed to establish DRIS sufficiency ranges and standards for soils under conilon coffee in the Atlantic region of Bahia State. Forty eight samples of soil were collected in two years at a depth of 0-20 cm. Amounts of organic matter, Ca, Mg , K, P, S , Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, bases and saturation capacity cation exchange at pH 7 were quantified. It managed to establish DRIS and soil sufficiency ranges from crops to productivity, equal and more than 100 ha-1 bags of coffee conilon, which are applicable in the fertilizer recommendation of this culture in the region. Most parameters set presented discrepancy in relation to the theoretical framework that currently has to conilon coffee. The results suggest the development of regional and specific rules for the application of DRIS and band of sufficiency on the ground to conilon coffee plantations.
The Integrated Diagnosis and Recommendation (DRIS), although commonly used in the interpretation of leaf analysis has also been employed in chemical analysis of soil, as there is potential for the use of the methodology also in soil and coffee. This study aimed to establish DRIS sufficiency ranges and standards for soils under conilon coffee in the Atlantic region of Bahia State. Forty eight samples of soil were collected in two years at a depth of 0-20 cm. Amounts of organic matter, Ca, Mg , K, P, S , Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, bases and saturation capacity cation exchange at pH 7 were quantified. It managed to establish DRIS and soil sufficiency ranges from crops to productivity, equal and more than 100 ha-1 bags of coffee conilon, which are applicable in the fertilizer recommendation of this culture in the region. Most parameters set presented discrepancy in relation to the theoretical framework that currently has to conilon coffee. The results suggest the development of regional and specific rules for the application of DRIS and band of sufficiency on the ground to conilon coffee plantations.
Coffea canephora, Normas regionais, Análise de solo, Normas DRIS, Faixa de suficiencia
CAVALCANTI, A. C. et al. Primeira aproximação para solo cultivado com cafeeiro conilon na região atlântica da Bahia. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 12, n. 3, p. 316-325, jul./set. 2017.