Efeito da aplicação de água residuária de café sobre as propriedades químicas do solo e do efluente
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Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
A competitividade e a exigência do mercado internacional por produtos de melhor qualidade despertou os produtores brasileiros a busca de alternativas para obtenção de cafés de melhor qualidade. No entanto, a alternativa encontrada gera grandes volumes de água residuária com elevado potencial poluidor devido a carga orgânica e a concentração de nutrientes. A elevada concentração de nutrientes e principalmente potássio na água residuária de café tornou uma alternativa para aproveitamento na agricultura. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre as alterações que podem ocorrer no ambiente com o uso dessas águas residuárias. Dessa forma, objetivou avaliar as características químicas de solos tratados com água residuária da lavagem e despolpa de frutos de cafeeiros e a qualidade do efluente. O experimento foi constituído de quatro doses de ARC, duas amostras de solo e dois períodos de incubação, arranjados em esquema fatorial, com três repetições, totalizando 48 colunas de PVC com 20 cm de diâmetro e 1 m de altura. As doses de ARC aplicadas foram: Dose 1= testemunha (2,70 L de água deionizada), Dose 2 = 0,54 L, Dose 3 =1,62 L e Dose 4 = 2,70 L de ARC por coluna de solo, baseadas na recomendação de Potássio para o cafeeiro (80 g K 2 O por planta) e na concentração de K na ARC. Após a aplicação da ARC e decorridos os períodos de incubação, aplicou-se uma lâmina de 120 mm e logo coletou-se todo o lixiviado para as análises de pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, condutividade elétrica (CE), sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO). Para avaliar as alterações químicas nos solos após aplicação da água residuária de café foram coletadas amostras em cada coluna para análise de: cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), potássio (K) e sódio (Na) trocáveis, pH; condutividade elétrica. De modo geral foi verificado que as doses de ARC aumentaram as concentrações de Ca e K nos dois tempos para os dois solos, concentrando mais K na profundidade de 0 a 20 cm. No lixiviado, as doses crescentes de ARC promoveram aumento de concentração de Ca, Mg, Na e K, mas com valores inferiores ao da ARC aplicada.
The competitiveness and the requirement of the international market, for products have motivated the Brazilian producers the search of alternatives for better quality attainment of better quality coffee. However, the selected alternative generates wish volumes of waste water with high pollutant potential due to organic load and the nutrient concentrations. The high nutrient concentrations, mainly potassium, in the wastewater from coffee processing become an alternative for exploration in agriculture. However, little is known about the alterations that can happen in atmosphere with the use of sich wastwaer. Hence it has been aimed to evaluate the chemical characteristics of soils treated with wastewater of washing and husking of the coffee cherries (WCC) and the effluent quality. The experiment was constituted of four doses of ARC, two samples of soil and two incubation periods, arrangement in factorial design, with three repetitions, comprising 48 PVC columns with 20 cm of diameter and 1 m of height. The applied WCC were doses of ARC had been: Dose 1 = control (2.70 water L), Dose 2 = 0.54 L, Dose 3 = 1.62 L and 2.70 Dose 4 = L of ARC for column based on the recommendation of soil potassium for the coffee plant (80 g K 2 O for plant) and on the concentration of K in the WCC. After the WCC application and elapsed the incubation periods, an irrigation of 120 mm WAS applied, and it WAS collected. The leached was analysed pH, Ca, Mg, K, Na, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved solids total (TDS), chemical demand of oxygen (COD). In order to evaluate the chemical alterations after wastewater application , coffee samples have been collected in each column for analysing calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) exchangeable, pH, electrical conductivity. In general, In general, it has been verified that the doses of WCC increased the concentrations of Ca and K in the two time treatment, for the two soils, concentrating more K in the deh from 0 to20 cm. In the leached, the growing doses of WCC promoted increases of concentration of Ca Mg , Na and K, but with values sower than the applied WCC.
The competitiveness and the requirement of the international market, for products have motivated the Brazilian producers the search of alternatives for better quality attainment of better quality coffee. However, the selected alternative generates wish volumes of waste water with high pollutant potential due to organic load and the nutrient concentrations. The high nutrient concentrations, mainly potassium, in the wastewater from coffee processing become an alternative for exploration in agriculture. However, little is known about the alterations that can happen in atmosphere with the use of sich wastwaer. Hence it has been aimed to evaluate the chemical characteristics of soils treated with wastewater of washing and husking of the coffee cherries (WCC) and the effluent quality. The experiment was constituted of four doses of ARC, two samples of soil and two incubation periods, arrangement in factorial design, with three repetitions, comprising 48 PVC columns with 20 cm of diameter and 1 m of height. The applied WCC were doses of ARC had been: Dose 1 = control (2.70 water L), Dose 2 = 0.54 L, Dose 3 = 1.62 L and 2.70 Dose 4 = L of ARC for column based on the recommendation of soil potassium for the coffee plant (80 g K 2 O for plant) and on the concentration of K in the WCC. After the WCC application and elapsed the incubation periods, an irrigation of 120 mm WAS applied, and it WAS collected. The leached was analysed pH, Ca, Mg, K, Na, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved solids total (TDS), chemical demand of oxygen (COD). In order to evaluate the chemical alterations after wastewater application , coffee samples have been collected in each column for analysing calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) exchangeable, pH, electrical conductivity. In general, In general, it has been verified that the doses of WCC increased the concentrations of Ca and K in the two time treatment, for the two soils, concentrating more K in the deh from 0 to20 cm. In the leached, the growing doses of WCC promoted increases of concentration of Ca Mg , Na and K, but with values sower than the applied WCC.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.
Lixiviação de íons, Poluição ambiental
SILVA, G. B. Efeito da aplicação de água residuária de café sobre as propriedades químicas do solo e do efluente. 2008. 49 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife. 2008.