Efeito alelopático da palha de café (Coffea canephora L. e Coffea arabica L.) sobre plantas cultivadas e espontâneas
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Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar atividade alelopática da palha de café Conilon (Coffea canephora L.) e Arábica (Coffea arabica L.), por meio de extratos aquosos e de cobertura morta sobre sementes de espécies cultivadas: alface (Lactuca sativa L.), pepino (Cucumis sativus L.), tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) e das plantas espontâneas: mata-pasto (Chromoleama maximilianii (Schrad) R. M. King & H. Robson) caruru-roxo (Amaranthus hybridus var. paniculatus (L.) Thell.) e picão-preto (Bidens pilosa L.). Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: germinação total (%), emergência total (%), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e emergência (IVE), comprimento da radícula (CR), massa fresca (MF) e seca (MS). Três experimentos foram realizados. No experimento I avaliou-se o potencial alelopático por meio dos extratos aquosos liofilizados obtidos por imersão da palha seca das duas espécies de café sobre sementes das espécies cultivadas e espontâneas. Empregou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 6x2x4. A parcela foi constituída por caixa gerbox® contendo 30 sementes distribuídas aleatoriamente na câmara de germinação totalizando 192 unidades experimentais. Observou-se que o extrato da palha de Conilon na concentração de 100% reduziu a germinação da espécie espontânea mata-pasto, como também o IVG das cultivares alface e pepino. O experimento II foi conduzido em casa de vegetação e objetivou avaliar a bioatividade dos extratos aquosos de palha de café Conilon e Arábica sobre sementes de espécies cultivadas e espontâneas citadas anteriormente, onde a metodologia empregada para obtenção dos extratos não liofilizados foi a mesma do experimento I. Foram avaliadas as características: emergência total, IVE, MF e MS. Considerando-se a uniformidade do ambiente experimental e que se utilizou a casualização semanal, empregou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 6x2x4. As parcelas foram constituídas por bandejas de germinação em areia, contendo 20 sementes de cada espécie totalizando 192 unidades experimentais distribuídas aleatoriamente sobre a bancada. Conclui-se que os extratos brutos obtidos da casca de café Conilon e Arábica, dependendo da concentração, propiciam tanto o estímulo quanto a inibição no desenvolvimento das espécies testadas. O experimento III objetivou avaliar o efeito alelopático de duas coberturas mortas proporcionadas pela palha de café Conilon e Arábica em casa de vegetação. As variáveis observadas e as sementes das espécies cultivadas e espontâneas empregadas neste experimento foram as mesmas do experimento II. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por bandejas com areia, totalizando 108 parcelas. Concluiu-se que, a palha de Conilon foi inibidora da emergência da alface, do pepino e do mata- pasto. Também reduziu o IVE do picão-preto, do mata-pasto e da alface. Os dados obtidos nos experimentos I, II e III foram submetidos aos testes de normalidade da variância de Lilliefors e de homogeneidade de Crochran e Barttlet. Realizou-se a análise de variância e as comparações entre médias foram realizadas pelo teste de Tukey em nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro tipo I. Sugere-se como apropriado o emprego da palha do café Conilon, como cobertura morta ou biodefensivo, para o manejo das espécies espontâneas mata-pasto e picão-preto.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the allelopathic activity of straw of coffee Conilon (Coffea canephora L.) and Arabica (Coffea arabica L.), by means of aqueous extracts and dead covers,on the seeds of cultivated species: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicumL.) and spontaneous plants: mata-pasto (Chromoleama maximilianii (Schrad) R. M. King & H. Robson) caruru-roxo (Amaranthus hybridus var. paniculatus (L.) Thell.) and picão-preto(Bidens pilosa L.). The following characteristics were assessed: total germination (%), total emergence (%), germination speed index (GSI) and emergence speed index (ESI), radicle length, and weight of fresh mass (FMW) and dry mass (DMW). Three experiments were carried out. In experiment I the allelopathic potential was assessed through aqueous lyophilized extracts obtained by immersion of the two coffee species on seeds of crops and spontaneous species. Completely randomized design was used with four replications in factorial scheme 6x2x4. The plots were constituted by gerbox® containing 30 seeds randomly distributed in the germination chamber, totaling 192 experimental units.It was observed that extract of Conilon straws at the concentration of 100% inhibited germination of spontaneous species mata- pasto and also inhibited the GSI of lettuce and cucumber crops. The experiment II was conducted in a greenhouse and aimed to evaluate the bioactivity of aqueous of Conilon and Arabica coffee extracts on the seeds of crops and spontaneous species mentioned above, in which the methodology employed for the production of non-lyophilized extracts was the same for experiment I. The following characteristics were assessed: ESI, FM and DM.Considering the uniformity of the experimental environment and also considering the utilization of a weekly casualization, a completely randomized design with four replications in factorial scheme 6x2x4 was used. The plots were constituted by germination trays with sand containing 20 seeds of each species totaling 192 experimental units randomly distributed on the countertop.It is concluded that crude extracts obtained from coffee straws Conilon and Arabica, depending on the concentration, may provide both development stimulus and inhibition of the tested species.The experiment III aimed to evaluate the allelopathic effect of two dead covers offered by coffee straw Conilon and Arabica in the greenhouse. The observed variables and the seeds of crops and spontaneous species employed in this experiment were the same as for experiment II. The experimental units were composed of trays with sand, totaling 108 parcels.It was concluded that Conilon straw caused inhibition in emergence of lettuce, cucumber and mata-pasto. It also inhibited ESI of picão-preto, mata-pasto and lettuce. The data obtained in the experiments I, II and III were subjected to Lilliefors’ tests for normality of variance and Crochran’s and Barttlet’s test for homogeneity of variance. Variance analysis and comparisons between averages were performed by Tukey test at 5% probability of type I error. It is suggested as appropriate the use of Conilon coffee straw as dead covers or biodefense, for the management of the spontaneous species mata-pasto and picão-preto.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the allelopathic activity of straw of coffee Conilon (Coffea canephora L.) and Arabica (Coffea arabica L.), by means of aqueous extracts and dead covers,on the seeds of cultivated species: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicumL.) and spontaneous plants: mata-pasto (Chromoleama maximilianii (Schrad) R. M. King & H. Robson) caruru-roxo (Amaranthus hybridus var. paniculatus (L.) Thell.) and picão-preto(Bidens pilosa L.). The following characteristics were assessed: total germination (%), total emergence (%), germination speed index (GSI) and emergence speed index (ESI), radicle length, and weight of fresh mass (FMW) and dry mass (DMW). Three experiments were carried out. In experiment I the allelopathic potential was assessed through aqueous lyophilized extracts obtained by immersion of the two coffee species on seeds of crops and spontaneous species. Completely randomized design was used with four replications in factorial scheme 6x2x4. The plots were constituted by gerbox® containing 30 seeds randomly distributed in the germination chamber, totaling 192 experimental units.It was observed that extract of Conilon straws at the concentration of 100% inhibited germination of spontaneous species mata- pasto and also inhibited the GSI of lettuce and cucumber crops. The experiment II was conducted in a greenhouse and aimed to evaluate the bioactivity of aqueous of Conilon and Arabica coffee extracts on the seeds of crops and spontaneous species mentioned above, in which the methodology employed for the production of non-lyophilized extracts was the same for experiment I. The following characteristics were assessed: ESI, FM and DM.Considering the uniformity of the experimental environment and also considering the utilization of a weekly casualization, a completely randomized design with four replications in factorial scheme 6x2x4 was used. The plots were constituted by germination trays with sand containing 20 seeds of each species totaling 192 experimental units randomly distributed on the countertop.It is concluded that crude extracts obtained from coffee straws Conilon and Arabica, depending on the concentration, may provide both development stimulus and inhibition of the tested species.The experiment III aimed to evaluate the allelopathic effect of two dead covers offered by coffee straw Conilon and Arabica in the greenhouse. The observed variables and the seeds of crops and spontaneous species employed in this experiment were the same as for experiment II. The experimental units were composed of trays with sand, totaling 108 parcels.It was concluded that Conilon straw caused inhibition in emergence of lettuce, cucumber and mata-pasto. It also inhibited ESI of picão-preto, mata-pasto and lettuce. The data obtained in the experiments I, II and III were subjected to Lilliefors’ tests for normality of variance and Crochran’s and Barttlet’s test for homogeneity of variance. Variance analysis and comparisons between averages were performed by Tukey test at 5% probability of type I error. It is suggested as appropriate the use of Conilon coffee straw as dead covers or biodefense, for the management of the spontaneous species mata-pasto and picão-preto.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.
Alelopatia, Extrato aquoso, Cobertura morta, Sementes, Coffea canephora L, Coffea arabica L.
MINASSA, E. M. C. Efeito alelopático da palha de café (Coffea canephora L. e Coffea arabica L.) sobre plantas cultivadas e espontâneas. 2014. 93 f. Tese (Doutorado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes. 2014.