Desenvolvimento de um revolvedor mecânico de café e seu desempenho operacional e ergonômico
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O processo de secagem é considerado a etapa da pós-colheita do café de maior custo e que demanda maior tempo e maiores cuidados, pois pode interferir diretamente na qualidade final do produto. Este processo em secadores de camada estacionária é uma alternativa de baixo custo que permite agilizar o processo e minimizar a área utilizada. Por outro lado, necessita de revolvimento da massa de café, com intervalos regulares de tempo. O revolvimento evita a formação de altos gradientes de teor de água em diferentes camadas do produto durante a secagem e facilita o fluxo de ar pela massa tornando a secagem mais rápida e homogênea. A escassez de mão de obra associada ao revolvimento constante torna necessário mecanizar de alguma forma essa etapa. Objetivou-se com a realização deste trabalho projetar, construir e avaliar as características operacionais e ergonômicas de um protótipo para revolver a massa de grãos de café no processo de secagem em secador de camada estacionária, tornando o processo menos árduo ergonomicamente e elevando a eficiência da homogeneização do teor de água do café. O protótipo foi construído tendo como elemento de transporte de grãos uma rosca helicoidal, montada no interior de um duto tubular. Foram utilizados grãos de cafés com pergaminho da espécie Coffea arábica L. variedade Catuaí-Vermelho, despolpados e provenientes da fazenda Araúna, no município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Com o objetivo de verificar a capacidade de transporte (CT), a eficiência de transporte volumétrico (EV), a eficiência no revolvimento (ER), a demanda de energia e a porcentagem dos danos mecânicos nos grãos (GD), foram realizados ensaios utilizando-se dos níveis de rotação de 41,8; 52,4 e 62,8 rad s-1, equivalentes a 400, 500 e 600 rpm, respectivamente. A CT apresentou comportamento quadrático. Na rotação de 52,36 rad s-1 o ponto máximo foi de 9,63 m3 h-1 com os grãos no teor de água igual aos 28,50% b.u.. Os valores máximos encontrados para EV foram de 30,37; 28,87 e 23,65% para as rotações de 41,88; 52,36 e 62,83 rad s-1, respectivamente. As operações de revolvimento nas rotações de 52,36 e 62,83 rad s-1 apresentaram os melhores resultados de ER dos grãos no fim do processo de secagem, indicando que o revolvedor decorreu na mistura da massa de café entre as camadas superior, média e inferior. Os resultados estimados de demanda de energia elétrica específica -1 foram 2,6; 2,5 e -1 2,4 Wh kg para as rotações de 41,88; 52,36 e 62,83 rad s , respectivamente. A GD foi verificada somente nas rotações de 52,36 e 62,83 rad s-1 com, respectivamente, 0,59 e 2,47%. Com a finalidade de caracterizar ergonomicamente a utilização do protótipo e comparar com os atuais métodos de revolvimento, foram realizados ensaios referentes à carga física de trabalho, necessidade de adequação do trabalho, vibração e seus possíveis danos às articulações, adequação antropométrica, biomecânica postural e fatores climáticos. A avaliação da carga física foi determinada pela coleta da frequência cardiovascular, que foi considerada “moderadamente pesada” para o revolvimento com o protótipo e “pesadíssima” para o revolvimento manual. As cargas cardiovasculares para o revolvimento mecanizado superaram o limite de 40%. Por outro lado o revolvimento manual apresentou cargas cardiovasculares superiores aos 73%. Ao realizar a adequação do trabalho para uma jornada de 8 h dia-1 foi recomendada a prática de repouso ou descanso. Com a utilização do protótipo o repouso máximo indicado foi de 30 minutos. Já o revolvimento manual necessita de pausas de até 3 h dia-1. Os níveis de vibração e de ruído aos quais os operadores do protótipo estavam sujeitos durante os ensaios se mantiveram abaixo do limite para uma jornada de 8 h dia-1 de trabalho. Foi realizada uma adequação antropométrica para melhorar o equipamento quanto à abertura e altura das rabiças, posicionamento do interruptor e instalação da manete vertical. A avaliação biomecânica foi realizada por simulação da postura de operação do protótipo e do revolvimento manual através dos softwares 3DSSPP da Universidade de Michigan e do Gimp 2.6. Em nenhuma das posturas de trabalho com o revolvedor foram ultrapassados os valores limites de compressão dos discos L4/L5 e L5/S1. Os segmentos joelhos, quadris e tornozelos apresentaram resultados de flexão levemente insatisfatórios durante os ensaios com o protótipo. Ao avaliar biomecanicamente as posturas durante o revolvimento manual, os valores para compressão dos discos L4/L5 e L5/S1 superaram o limite recomendado, indicando elevada probabilidade de lesões graves. As condições de conforto térmico, durante a operação de revolvimento, ficaram abaixo do recomendado pelas normas trabalhistas brasileiras.
The drying process is considered the stage of the coffee post-harvest that involves more costs and it demands more time and greater care, because it may interfere directly in the final product quality. This process in stationary layer dryers is a low cost alternative that allows it to speed up the process and minimize the used area. On the other hand, it needs the revolving of coffee grain mass, at regular intervals of time. The revolving process prevents the formation of high gradients of water content in different layers of the product during the drying process and facilitates the air flow through the mass, making the drying faster and homogeneous. The shortage of workmanship associated to the constant revolving makes necessary to mechanize somehow this step. This study aimed to design, build and evaluate the operational and ergonomics characteristics of a prototype to perform the revolving of the coffee grain mass in the drying process in stationary layer dryer, making the process ergonomically and less arduous, raising homogenization efficiency of the coffee water content. The mechanical homogenizer was built having a helical screw as the grain transportation element, mounted inside a tubular duct. Parchment coffee grains of Coffea arabica L. Catuaí Red-pulped from Araúna farm in Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Aiming to check the transport capacity (TC), the volumetric efficiency of transport (EV), the revolving efficiency (ER), power demand and increasing of the percentage of mechanical damage to grain (GD), tests were performed using spinning speeds of 41.8, 52.4 and 62.8 rad s-1 equivalent to 400, 500 and 600 rpm, respectively. The CT showed a quadratic behavior. At spinning speed of 52.36 rad s-1 it occurred slightly downfall from the point where the water content of the mass reached 28.50% wb. The maximum values for EV were found 30.37, 28.87 and 23.65% for rotations of 41.88, 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1, respectively. The operations of the revolving speed of 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1 showed the best results of grains of ER at the end of the drying process, indicating that mixing occurred between superior, middle and bottom layers of coffee. The results of maximum power demand were on a rotation of 52.36 rad s-1 reaching 8.7 Wh kg-1, other rotations demanded 2.6 and 2.4 Wh kg-1 to the rotations of 41, 88 and 62.83 rad s-1 respectively. GD was found only in the rotations of 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1 with 0.59 and 2.47% respectively. In order to characterize the ergonomic use of the mechanical homogenizer and to compare it with conventional methods of revolving, trials were conducted regarding the physical charge of work, need to adapt the work, vibration and possible damage to joints, anthropometric adequacy, postural biomechanics and climatic factors. The evaluation of physical load was determined by collecting the cardiovascular frequency. It was considered "moderately hard" to the revolving using the mechanical homogenizer and "very heavy" for the revolving performed manually. The cardiovascular charges for mechanized revolving slightly surpassed the 40% limit. On the other hand, the revolving performed manually showed cardiovascular loads greater than 73%. When performing the appropriateness of work for 8 hours a day, it was recommended the practice of repose or rest. Using the mechanical homogenizer, the maximun repouse indicated was 30 minutes. Still, the manual process requires revolving needs up to 3 hour a day. The vibration and noise levels to which the operators of the mechanical homogenizer were subjected during the tests remained below the limit for an 8 hour workday. It was performed an anthropometric suitability to improve the equipment regarding the opening and height of the handlebars, placement of the switch and installation of vertical lever. Biomechanical analysis was performed by simulating the operation body posture using the mechanical homogenizer and manual revolving through the University of Michigan software 3DSSPP and the Gimp 2.6. For none of the body postures using the protoytpe the limits of compression of the discs L4/L5 and L5/S1 were surpassed. The segments knees, hips and ankles were slightly flexed leading to unsatisfactory results during the tests with the mechanical homogenizer. To evaluate biomechanically the body postures during manual revolving, values for compression of the discs L4/L5 and L5/S1 surpassed the recommended limit, indicating a high probability of serious injury. The thermal comfort conditions during the revolving operation were below than what is recommended by the Brazilian labor standards.
The drying process is considered the stage of the coffee post-harvest that involves more costs and it demands more time and greater care, because it may interfere directly in the final product quality. This process in stationary layer dryers is a low cost alternative that allows it to speed up the process and minimize the used area. On the other hand, it needs the revolving of coffee grain mass, at regular intervals of time. The revolving process prevents the formation of high gradients of water content in different layers of the product during the drying process and facilitates the air flow through the mass, making the drying faster and homogeneous. The shortage of workmanship associated to the constant revolving makes necessary to mechanize somehow this step. This study aimed to design, build and evaluate the operational and ergonomics characteristics of a prototype to perform the revolving of the coffee grain mass in the drying process in stationary layer dryer, making the process ergonomically and less arduous, raising homogenization efficiency of the coffee water content. The mechanical homogenizer was built having a helical screw as the grain transportation element, mounted inside a tubular duct. Parchment coffee grains of Coffea arabica L. Catuaí Red-pulped from Araúna farm in Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Aiming to check the transport capacity (TC), the volumetric efficiency of transport (EV), the revolving efficiency (ER), power demand and increasing of the percentage of mechanical damage to grain (GD), tests were performed using spinning speeds of 41.8, 52.4 and 62.8 rad s-1 equivalent to 400, 500 and 600 rpm, respectively. The CT showed a quadratic behavior. At spinning speed of 52.36 rad s-1 it occurred slightly downfall from the point where the water content of the mass reached 28.50% wb. The maximum values for EV were found 30.37, 28.87 and 23.65% for rotations of 41.88, 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1, respectively. The operations of the revolving speed of 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1 showed the best results of grains of ER at the end of the drying process, indicating that mixing occurred between superior, middle and bottom layers of coffee. The results of maximum power demand were on a rotation of 52.36 rad s-1 reaching 8.7 Wh kg-1, other rotations demanded 2.6 and 2.4 Wh kg-1 to the rotations of 41, 88 and 62.83 rad s-1 respectively. GD was found only in the rotations of 52.36 and 62.83 rad s-1 with 0.59 and 2.47% respectively. In order to characterize the ergonomic use of the mechanical homogenizer and to compare it with conventional methods of revolving, trials were conducted regarding the physical charge of work, need to adapt the work, vibration and possible damage to joints, anthropometric adequacy, postural biomechanics and climatic factors. The evaluation of physical load was determined by collecting the cardiovascular frequency. It was considered "moderately hard" to the revolving using the mechanical homogenizer and "very heavy" for the revolving performed manually. The cardiovascular charges for mechanized revolving slightly surpassed the 40% limit. On the other hand, the revolving performed manually showed cardiovascular loads greater than 73%. When performing the appropriateness of work for 8 hours a day, it was recommended the practice of repose or rest. Using the mechanical homogenizer, the maximun repouse indicated was 30 minutes. Still, the manual process requires revolving needs up to 3 hour a day. The vibration and noise levels to which the operators of the mechanical homogenizer were subjected during the tests remained below the limit for an 8 hour workday. It was performed an anthropometric suitability to improve the equipment regarding the opening and height of the handlebars, placement of the switch and installation of vertical lever. Biomechanical analysis was performed by simulating the operation body posture using the mechanical homogenizer and manual revolving through the University of Michigan software 3DSSPP and the Gimp 2.6. For none of the body postures using the protoytpe the limits of compression of the discs L4/L5 and L5/S1 were surpassed. The segments knees, hips and ankles were slightly flexed leading to unsatisfactory results during the tests with the mechanical homogenizer. To evaluate biomechanically the body postures during manual revolving, values for compression of the discs L4/L5 and L5/S1 surpassed the recommended limit, indicating a high probability of serious injury. The thermal comfort conditions during the revolving operation were below than what is recommended by the Brazilian labor standards.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Mecanização agrícola; Máquinas agrícolas - Projeto e construção; Máquinas agrícolas - Desenvolvimento; Café - Processamento; Máquinas agrícolas - Testes.
Moreira, Raphael Magalhães Gomes. Desenvolvimento de um revolvedor mecânico de café e seu desempenho operacional e ergonômico. Viçosa : UFV, Impr. Univ., 2011, 113p. il.: (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) Orientador: Mauri Martins Teixeira T 632.3 M838d 2011