Trocas gasosas e características estruturais adaptativas de cafeeiros cultivados em diferentes níveis de radiação
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Diferenças nos níveis de radiação podem causar modificações nas características estruturais e funcionais das folhas, que podem responder diferencialmente por modificações anatômicas, morfológicas e fotossintéticas. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, verificar as possíveis modificações na anatomia foliar e características fotossintéticas de cafeeiros em fase de formação, submetidos a diferentes níveis de radiação. Após o plantio dos cafeeiros no campo, esses foram submetidos a cinco níveis de radiação (pleno sol e sob telas plásticas/sombrites de 35, 50, 65 e 90% de sombra). Os cafeeiros foram avaliados quanto às trocas gasosas e anatomia foliar dez meses após a instalação do ensaio em campo. De acordo com os resultados obtidos nesse experimento, verifica-se que a quantidade de radiação incidente influencia a estrutura interna das folhas dos cafeeiros e suas respectivas funções. O nível com 90% de sombra não é recomendado para o cultivo do cafeeiro, pois reduz a taxa fotossintética, apresentando menor espessamento do mesofilo e do parênquima paliçádico. O nível com 35% de sombra é o mais recomendado para cultivo do cafeeiro em ambiente sombreado pois, nesse nível ocorre melhoria da estrutura interna das folhas do cafeeiro, o que pode favorecer características fisiológicas interessantes para otimizar o desenvolvimento dessa cultura.
Differences in the radiation levels can cause modifications in the structural and functional characteristics of the leaves, which can respond differentially by anatomical, morphological and photosynthetic modifications. The objective of the present work was to verify the possible modifications in the foliar anatomy and photosynthetic characteristic of coffee plants in the formation phase submitted to different radiation levels. After the planting of the coffee plants in the field, they were submitted to five radiation levels (full sun and under plastic screens providing 35, 50, 65 and 90% shade). The treatments were appraised as to the gas exchange and foliar anatomy ten months after the installation of the assay in field. The amount of incident radiation influences the internal structure of the coffee plants leaves and their respective functions. The 90% shade level is not recommended for the cultivation of the coffee plant, because it reduces the photosynthetic rate, presenting lower mesophyll and palisade parenchyma thickness. The 35% shade level is more recommended for coffee plant cultivation in a shaded environment. At that level, improvement of the internal structure of the leaves occurs that can favor interesting physiological characteristics to optimize the development of that culture.
Differences in the radiation levels can cause modifications in the structural and functional characteristics of the leaves, which can respond differentially by anatomical, morphological and photosynthetic modifications. The objective of the present work was to verify the possible modifications in the foliar anatomy and photosynthetic characteristic of coffee plants in the formation phase submitted to different radiation levels. After the planting of the coffee plants in the field, they were submitted to five radiation levels (full sun and under plastic screens providing 35, 50, 65 and 90% shade). The treatments were appraised as to the gas exchange and foliar anatomy ten months after the installation of the assay in field. The amount of incident radiation influences the internal structure of the coffee plants leaves and their respective functions. The 90% shade level is not recommended for the cultivation of the coffee plant, because it reduces the photosynthetic rate, presenting lower mesophyll and palisade parenchyma thickness. The 35% shade level is more recommended for coffee plant cultivation in a shaded environment. At that level, improvement of the internal structure of the leaves occurs that can favor interesting physiological characteristics to optimize the development of that culture.
Coffea arabica L., Anatomia foliar, Fotossíntese, Radiação, Trocas gasosas
BALIZA, D. P. et al. Trocas gasosas e características estruturais adaptativas de cafeeiros cultivados em diferentes níveis de radiação. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 7, n. 3, p. 250-258, set./dez. 2012.