Does sulphur expel the coffee berry borer from Coffea arabica L. fruits?


Technicians and insecticide retailers recommend adding sulfur to the insecticide mixture to expel coffee borer females (Hypothenemus hampei ) from the fruit. The objective in this study was to verify if sulfur expels the coffee borer from the fruit and what the cost associated with the use of sulfur in the insecticide mixture is. Perforated fruits were collected from coffee crops (Red Catuaí, IAC 144) during the granulation phase for the experiments and divided into two lots. The first lot was used to verify the effectiveness of sulfur to expel the borer, and the second to evaluate the effect of temperature x sulfur source x expelling effect on the borer. Sources of sulfur tested were: SK30 and Kumulus DF. The first experiment was the treatments: sulfur sources (two + control without sulfur), two plastic containers (open and closed), five repetitions (factorial: 3 x 2). The second were the treatments: sulfur sources, plastic containers and under two temperatures, factorial 3x2x2. The number of adult females that left the fruits within 24 and 48 h was evaluated. There was no difference in the number of females that abandoned the fruits between treatments with sulfur and control (P> 0.05). It was concluded that sulfur does not expel H. hampei from C. arabica fruits.
Técnicos e vendedores de inseticidas, recomendam adição de enxofre à calda para desalojar as fêmeas da broca do café (Hypothenemus hampei) do fruto. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho verificar se o enxofre desaloja a broca do café dos frutos e o custo associado ao uso do enxofre à calda. Frutos broqueados foram coletados em cafeeiro (Catuaí Vermelho, IAC 144) na fase de granação para dois experimentos. O primeiro objetivou verificar o efeito do enxofre como desalojante da broca, e o segundo para avaliar o efeito da temperatura x fonte de enxofre x efeito desalojante da broca. As fontes de enxofre testadas foram: SK30 e , Kumulus DF. Os experimentos foram em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, esquema fatorial duplo. O 1o experimento foram os tratamentos: fontes de enxofre (duas+ controle sem enxofre),dois recipiente plástico (aberto e fechado), 5 repetições (fatorial: 3 x 2). O 2o foram os tratamentos: fontes de enxofre, recipiente plástico e sob duas temperaturas, fatorial 3x2x2. Avaliou-se o número de fêmeas adultas que abandonaram os frutos com 24 e 48 h. Não houve diferença entre o número de fêmeas que abandonaram os frutos nos tratamentos com enxofre e a testemunha (P>0,05). Conclui-se que o enxofre não atua como desalojante de H. hampei dos frutos de C. arabica .



Frutos broqueados, Hypothenemus hampei, Temperatura


ENDO, R.T. et al. Does sulphur expel the coffee berry borer from Coffea arabica L. fruits? Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 13, n. 2, p. 267-271, abr./jun. 2018.



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