Caracterização do lixiviado de cascas de frutos de cafeeiro
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Cascas de frutos de cafeeiro, quando dispostas de forma inadequada, tornam-se potenciais contaminantes para solo e águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Com o objetivo de caracterizar o lixiviado de pilhas constituídas por cascas de frutos de cafeeiro, em diferentes granulometrias, foram montadas colunas com cascas com três distintas faixas granulométricas: 0,84 a 1,19 mm, 1,19 a 2,0 mm e 3,0 a 6,0 mm. As cascas de frutos de cafeeiro, na sua maior granulometria, apresentaram menores concentrações e valor, principalmente para as primeiras lâminas de afluente infiltradas, de ST, DBO, Ntotal, K, P e CE,
respectivamente. Houve diminuição na concentração de ST, DBO, Ntotal, P, K, além de redução na condutividade elétrica no efluente das colunas com todas as granulometrias avaliadas, à medida que a lâmina de infiltração do afluente aumentou. As elevadas CE e concentrações de DBO e Ntotal comprovam ser o lixiviado de pilhas de cascas de frutos de cafeeiro de elevado potencial poluente para o ambiente.
Coffee husks, when dispose in inadequate form, are polluting potential for soil and superficial and underground waters. With the objective of characterizing the extract (leached) of piles constituted for coffee husks, in different size particles, were mounted columns with husks with: 0,84 to 1,19 mm, 1,19 at 2,0 mm and 3,0 to 6,0 mm. The coffee husks columns with the largest size particles presented an effluent with smaller concentrations and value of ST, DBO, Ntotal, K, P and CE, respectively. The ST, DBO, Ntotal, P and K concentrations and the CE value decreased in the efluent of the all particles size columns, as the sheet of infiltration of the affluent increased. High value of CE and concentrations of DBO and Ntotal indicate that the leached of the piles of coffee husks have high polluting potential for the ambient.
Coffee husks, when dispose in inadequate form, are polluting potential for soil and superficial and underground waters. With the objective of characterizing the extract (leached) of piles constituted for coffee husks, in different size particles, were mounted columns with husks with: 0,84 to 1,19 mm, 1,19 at 2,0 mm and 3,0 to 6,0 mm. The coffee husks columns with the largest size particles presented an effluent with smaller concentrations and value of ST, DBO, Ntotal, K, P and CE, respectively. The ST, DBO, Ntotal, P and K concentrations and the CE value decreased in the efluent of the all particles size columns, as the sheet of infiltration of the affluent increased. High value of CE and concentrations of DBO and Ntotal indicate that the leached of the piles of coffee husks have high polluting potential for the ambient.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Casca de café Caracterização do lixiviado Poluição ambiental, Food processing residues Environmental contamination Ccoffee husks.
Cachaldora, Daniel Novais de; Matos, Antônio Teixeira de; Lo Monaco, Paola Alfonsa. Caracterização do lixiviado de cascas de frutos de cafeeiro. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 796-801.