Estudo de hospedeiros alternativos de Xylella fastidiosa associada a Coffea spp.
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O café (Coffea arabica) é largamente cultivado no Brasil. A escaldadura da folha do café causada por Xylella fastidiosa tem sido associada a grandes prejuízos à cafeicultura. X. fastidiosa é uma bactéria Gram-negativa limitada ao xilema de plantas, transmitida por insetos vetores. Cafeeiros infectados podem apresentar sintomas como redução de porte e folhas de tamanho reduzido e cloróticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar espécies de plantas invasoras de lavouras cafeeiras e plantas
cultivadas que possam ser hospedeiras alternativas da bactéria. Foram semeadas e inoculadas 32 espécies diferentes em casa de vegetação, no IAPAR, Londrina-PR. Para inoculação, foram utilizadas suspensões dos isolados 12762, 12726, 12781, 12968 e 12373 de X. fastidiosa. As plantas foram inoculadas pelo método de perfuração com alfinete e enxertia e acompanhadas periodicamente, para verificar a manifestação de sintomas. Também foram coletadas plantas de Arachis pintoi, na Estação Experimental do IAPAR, Paranavaí-PR. As espécies inoculadas foram submetidas aos testes de PCR ("polymerase
chain reaction") e DAS-ELISA ("double antibody sandwich" - "enzyme-linked assay"), para detecção da bactéria. Na espécie A. pintoi foi realizado somente o teste de DAS-ELISA. Pelo teste de PCR não foi identificada nenhuma espécie de planta hospedeira da bactéria. Pelo teste de DAS-ELISA foram identificadas como potenciais hospedeiras alternativas de X. fastidiosa as espécies A. pintoi, N. tabacum - TNN, N. clevelandii, N. turkishin, Brachiaria decumbens e Catharanthus roseus. Nenhuma das espécies inoculadas apresentou sintomas característicos de infecção por X. fastidiosa.
Coffee (Coffea arabica) is a major cash crop in Brazil. The coffee leaf scald caused by Xylella fastidiosa has been associated to large losses in coffee production. X. fastidiosa is a Gram-negative bacterium, xylem-limited and transmitted by xylem feeding insect vectors. Infected plants may show symptoms as reduced size of the tree and leaf chlorosis. The aim of this study was the identification of alternative host for the bacterium among weed plants commonly present in coffee plantations and also among cultivated plants. Thirty-two different species were included in this study. The plants were inoculated with suspensions of the strains 12762, 12726, 12781, 12968 and 12373 of X. fastidiosa. The inoculation was by the perforation of leaf veins with pin pick and plant grafting. The inoculated plants were periodically examined to determine the presence of symptoms. Plants of Arachis pintoi were collected in the Experimental Station of IAPAR, at Paranavaí, PR. The inoculated species were checked for the presence of X. fastidiosa by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and DAS-ELISA (double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked assay). The species A. Pintoi was tested only by DAS-ELISA. All the plant species included in the study were negative for the presence of the bacterium by PCR. In contrast, the species A. pintoi, Nicotiana tabacum - TNN, N. clevelandii, N. turkishin, Brachiaria decumbens and Catharanthus roseus were positive for the presence of X. fastidiosa by DAS-ELISA. None of the inoculated species showed symptoms of infection by X. fastidiosa.
Coffee (Coffea arabica) is a major cash crop in Brazil. The coffee leaf scald caused by Xylella fastidiosa has been associated to large losses in coffee production. X. fastidiosa is a Gram-negative bacterium, xylem-limited and transmitted by xylem feeding insect vectors. Infected plants may show symptoms as reduced size of the tree and leaf chlorosis. The aim of this study was the identification of alternative host for the bacterium among weed plants commonly present in coffee plantations and also among cultivated plants. Thirty-two different species were included in this study. The plants were inoculated with suspensions of the strains 12762, 12726, 12781, 12968 and 12373 of X. fastidiosa. The inoculation was by the perforation of leaf veins with pin pick and plant grafting. The inoculated plants were periodically examined to determine the presence of symptoms. Plants of Arachis pintoi were collected in the Experimental Station of IAPAR, at Paranavaí, PR. The inoculated species were checked for the presence of X. fastidiosa by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and DAS-ELISA (double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked assay). The species A. Pintoi was tested only by DAS-ELISA. All the plant species included in the study were negative for the presence of the bacterium by PCR. In contrast, the species A. pintoi, Nicotiana tabacum - TNN, N. clevelandii, N. turkishin, Brachiaria decumbens and Catharanthus roseus were positive for the presence of X. fastidiosa by DAS-ELISA. None of the inoculated species showed symptoms of infection by X. fastidiosa.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Xylella fastidiosa Hospedeiros Escaldadura da folha de café, Xylella fastidiosa Host range PCR DAS-ELISA.
Nunes, D. H.; Carvalho, F. M. S.; Paião, F. G.; Meneguim, L.; Leite Jr., R. P. Estudo de hospedeiros alternativos de Xylella fastidiosa associada a Coffea spp. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1158-1164